Kim Jong-un runs N. Korea better than Democrats run Detroit


You can't be serious.

North Korea is a pariah. Without aid, people drop dead in the streets from hunger.

North Korea runs on prison work camps, roughly 200,000 people living in them and not walking the streets. The OP obviously doesn't understand propaganda when IT sees it.



not one damn liberal got it, and this tool read after I posted.

damn you ******* are dumb
Regardless of what you think about N. Korea's politics.

After 60 years everyone has a job, the people are educated, the cities are well kept and clean, and crime is almost non existent.


On the other hand, Detroit after 50 years of exclusive Democrat run government.

Is a drug infested rat hole full of abandoned homes on garbage filled streets; where gangs rule, and every day multiple rapes and murders are common.


Detroit has destroyed the work ethic in favor of parasitism.

While I oppose socialism for numerous reasons, in a socialistic regimen people are compelled to work.

This is a typical home in Detroit thanks to the socialist government entrenched in that city.


The benevolent N. Korean government would Never let it's citizens live in a shack like this.
Regardless of what you think about N. Korea's politics.

After 60 years everyone has a job, the people are educated, the cities are well kept and clean, and crime is almost non existent.


On the other hand, Detroit after 50 years of exclusive Democrat run government.

Is a drug infested rat hole full of abandoned homes on garbage filled streets; where gangs rule, and every day multiple rapes and murders are common.


good point
Al Gore sacrificed a couple of reporters when he tried to revive his dismal media venture. What happens to illegal immigrants in North Korea? They get 15 years in a gulag.
Regardless of what you think about N. Korea's politics.

After 60 years everyone has a job, the people are educated, the cities are well kept and clean, and crime is almost non existent.


On the other hand, Detroit after 50 years of exclusive Democrat run government.

Is a drug infested rat hole full of abandoned homes on garbage filled streets; where gangs rule, and every day multiple rapes and murders are common.


I assume you are talking about the famines and forced abortions :cuckoo:
Detroit is going bankrupt on REPUBLICAN Governor Snyder's watch, under the direction of Snyder's handpicked unelected emergency manager.

Looks like a Republican mess to me.
He's the Governor of Detroit? I think you're a little unclear on how city and state government is structured.........
He's the Governor of Detroit? I think you're a little unclear on how city and state government is structured.........

Then why are people trying to blame it on Obama, who is even further removed from city government than the governor of Michigan.

btw, if Governor Snyder is intervening with his own unelected handpicked stooges to run cities in Michigan,

he is part of the problem up to his ears.
Strike two, it wasn't blamed on Obama, it was blamed on Democrats who've been taking the city down the toilet for years. However, since you brought Obama's name into it, Obama did brag about saving Detroit in his previous term. Do you think Obama will take the blame as quickly as he took credit?

That's rhetorical btw....... :thup:

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