Kim Jong-un runs N. Korea better than Democrats run Detroit

He's the Governor of Detroit? I think you're a little unclear on how city and state government is structured.........

Then why are people trying to blame it on Obama, who is even further removed from city government than the governor of Michigan.

btw, if Governor Snyder is intervening with his own unelected handpicked stooges to run cities in Michigan,

he is part of the problem up to his ears.

Who blamed 0bama?

we said it was the dems that ruined detroit and it was.

Snyder has gone overboard is desperation to keep it from becoming a tourist site know as the;

Ruins of Detroit.
Strike two, it wasn't blamed on Obama, it was blamed on Democrats who've been taking the city down the toilet for years. However, since you brought Obama's name into it, Obama did brag about saving Detroit in his previous term. Do you think Obama will take the blame as quickly as he took credit?

That's rhetorical btw....... :thup:

lol, So you blame Obama but you don't blame Snyder.

You're an asshole.
Pres. Obama only has a 30% approval rating by US. citizens.

Whereas, Kim Jong-un has a 100% adoration rating by the N. Korean people.

So clearly he is doing something right. .. :thup:

So, when are you packing your bags, SunniPussy?

copy and paste your plane ticket to detroit


shut the fuck up

just sayin

I'm not the one bragging about NK. And I'm not bragging about Detroit either. I wouldn't want to live in either place.

So, go fuck yourself. Just sayin'.
He's the Governor of Detroit? I think you're a little unclear on how city and state government is structured.........

Then why are people trying to blame it on Obama, who is even further removed from city government than the governor of Michigan.

btw, if Governor Snyder is intervening with his own unelected handpicked stooges to run cities in Michigan,

he is part of the problem up to his ears.

Who blamed 0bama?

we said it was the dems that ruined detroit and it was.

Snyder has gone overboard is desperation to keep it from becoming a tourist site know as the;

Ruins of Detroit.

Read the fucking board.
Strike two, it wasn't blamed on Obama, it was blamed on Democrats who've been taking the city down the toilet for years. However, since you brought Obama's name into it, Obama did brag about saving Detroit in his previous term. Do you think Obama will take the blame as quickly as he took credit?

That's rhetorical btw....... :thup:

lol, So you blame Obama but you don't blame Snyder.

You're an asshole.

You blame Bush but you don't blame obama

guess what you just called yourself?
Then why are people trying to blame it on Obama, who is even further removed from city government than the governor of Michigan.

btw, if Governor Snyder is intervening with his own unelected handpicked stooges to run cities in Michigan,

he is part of the problem up to his ears.

Who blamed 0bama?

we said it was the dems that ruined detroit and it was.

Snyder has gone overboard is desperation to keep it from becoming a tourist site know as the;

Ruins of Detroit.

Read the fucking board.

ohhh fuck you

what a cock hole pussy thing to do

You fucking lied about people claiming it was obama, BUT since you couldn't find anyone on the thread, you pushed it out to the whole usmb

fucking pussy
So, when are you packing your bags, SunniPussy?

copy and paste your plane ticket to detroit


shut the fuck up

just sayin

I'm not the one bragging about NK. And I'm not bragging about Detroit either. I wouldn't want to live in either place.

So, go fuck yourself. Just sayin'.

another liberal that's not getting the point.

damn, are all of you that fucking dumb?

Seriously, I explained it on the first page
Strike two, it wasn't blamed on Obama, it was blamed on Democrats who've been taking the city down the toilet for years. However, since you brought Obama's name into it, Obama did brag about saving Detroit in his previous term. Do you think Obama will take the blame as quickly as he took credit?

That's rhetorical btw....... :thup:

lol, So you blame Obama but you don't blame Snyder.

You're an asshole.

Your reading comprehension is about as sharp as a bowling ball.... :thup:

Detroit is a shithole, Democrats made it a shithole, deal with it.........

That's the funnies picture I have ever seen.

3-4 bikes, one pedestrian walking in the street and a traffic cop in the middle of his huge dot.

but no traffic, not even 1 car.
Being a traffic cop in N. Korea has got to be the be the most boring job in the world. .. :lol:
Kim Jong-un runs N. Korea better than Democrats run Detroit

I have no knowledge about NK. Nor do I care.

I do know that if GW didn't let Wall St. run wild with bogus claims Detroit would not have likely been subjected to such economic oppression.
copy and paste your plane ticket to detroit


shut the fuck up

just sayin

I'm not the one bragging about NK. And I'm not bragging about Detroit either. I wouldn't want to live in either place.

So, go fuck yourself. Just sayin'.

another liberal that's not getting the point.

damn, are all of you that fucking dumb?

Seriously, I explained it on the first page

Drinking a little tonight? :booze:

You can't be serious.

North Korea is a pariah. Without aid, people drop dead in the streets from hunger.

That's the end result of liberalism, hordes of starving people and a well fed praetorian class.

Turns out democrooks are worse at management than Asian commie despots. North Korea isn't bankrupt, and Detriot can barely fund it's police force.
Kim Jong-un runs N. Korea better than Democrats run Detroit

I have no knowledge about NK. Nor do I care.

I do know that if GW didn't let Wall St. run wild with bogus claims Detroit would not have likely been subjected to such economic oppression.

That's a great illustration of the liberal "mind".

a bed wetter said:
I don't know shit about shit, but all my friends say everything is Bush's fault so I'm going to parrot that mindless drivel without actually looking into the facts and drawing an independent conclusion using my (non-existent) own critical thinking skills.

Get a grip bed wetter.
I am sure the sheeple reading this are wondering why we have not attacked N. Korea yet ................ it's because N. Korea is the proper way a society should be run ............... the perfect model, we can not harm them because we can learn from them.
So just give up the guns ......... conform ............ board the rail cars ....... and the authorities will take care of the rest.
Regardless of what you think about N. Korea's politics.

After 60 years everyone has a job, the people are educated, the cities are well kept and clean, and crime is almost non existent.


On the other hand, Detroit after 50 years of exclusive Democrat run government.

Is a drug infested rat hole full of abandoned homes on garbage filled streets; where gangs rule, and every day multiple rapes and murders are common.


It's a communism vs. capitalism debate.
Not a democratic vs. republican debate.
No it isn't. Communism doesn't exist in any country. A true communist state is a state of the working class. Doesn't exist anywhere. We and everyone else live in a mixed economy, there are communist, socialist, capitalist, aspects of every country in existence today. It's OligarchyAuthoritarianism/Totalitarianism/Government Anarchism that you're confusing with a "communist country". WTF is the difference between a dictatorship and our Government that no longer has any checks and balances where all three branches are effectively one? Answer: None. If it walks like a duck, it's fkn a duck. No matter how much they tell you it's a flying free eagle in this so called Democratic Constitutional Republic. They can call it anything they want. Actions will always speak louder than words.
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and crime is almost non existent.

Uh-huh, well except for the murder, rape, kidnapping, torture, theft and general abuse of every conceivable human right committed by the North Korean Government.. but I guess dictators making the laws means never having to break the laws. :rolleyes:
I do know that if GW didn't let Wall St. run wild with bogus claims Detroit would not have likely been subjected to such economic oppression.
News Flash: Bush has been out of office for 5 years.

True story.......... :cool:
First World construction by the N. Korean government for it's citizens.


That's the funnies picture I have ever seen.

3-4 bikes, one pedestrian walking in the street and a traffic cop in the middle of his huge dot.

but no traffic, not even 1 car.


It's because private citizens in NK aren't allowed to own cars unless they have ties to Kim Jong Un. This is truly the most lame thread I've ever seen on this board.

The O/P's posts are pixelated methane.

All these photos were released by approval of the NK government, they weren't taken by tourists, for chrissake.
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I am sure the sheeple reading this are wondering why we have not attacked N. Korea yet ................ it's because N. Korea is the proper way a society should be run ............... the perfect model, we can not harm them because we can learn from them.
So just give up the guns ......... conform ............ board the rail cars ....... and the authorities will take care of the rest.

What was it a funny smart pundit said years ago, "Democracy is messy. If you want clean and neat, get a dictatorship".

O/P thinks he's being clever posting photos officially approved for release by Kim Jong Un.
If the glorious leader Kim Jong-un was elected mayor of Detroit with unlimited powers.

And Dennis Rodman was appointed city manager.

Detroit would be transformed over night into the best city to live in America. .. :cool:

Dennis Rodman. :lol:

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