Kim Jong-un runs N. Korea better than Democrats run Detroit

Uh-huh, well except for the murder, rape, kidnapping, torture, theft and general abuse of every conceivable human right committed by the North Korean Government.. but I guess dictators making the laws means never having to break the laws. :rolleyes:

again, sounds like detroit

Please tell me you are not this stupid and are just joking.

i take it you haven't been to detroit lately
Public park in N. Korea


Detroit public park

yaknow, I'd wanted to sock it Two Sunni in this one.

The overt message damn near went over my head.

but that thongcork is right

NK is better run.

It fucking sucks balls to live there, but you are safe from everything, except the government.

What ruined detroit? The government

what are they doing there now? Forcing people to leave their homes so they can be clustered together. Don't know how that worked out for them. But there, more government is the answer, the only thing holding detroit down is the Constitution, if they could just force people to comply, dtown would be like NK in no time flat.

And we would hear how great it is.

for any liberal that wants Sunni to move to NK, pack your shit and move to detroit.

Who started the exodus of our once great industrial-based economy?

Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910

The reasons for Detroit’s losses over the last decade include the travails of the auto industry and the collapse of the industrial-based economy.

“There’s been an erosion of the nation’s industrial base, and this is the most dramatic evidence of it,” Mr. Beveridge said.
So, pack up and head to North Korea as fast as you can, so that you may enjoy their well run nation. Oh're "SUNNI"man. Sorry, religion is frowned upon in North Korea. Also, there is that pesky situtation where its citizens are not allowed to just go traveling around the globe. Try leaving and they have a tendency to shoot you.
yaknow, I'd wanted to sock it Two Sunni in this one.

The overt message damn near went over my head.

but that thongcork is right

NK is better run.

It fucking sucks balls to live there, but you are safe from everything, except the government.

What ruined detroit? The government

what are they doing there now? Forcing people to leave their homes so they can be clustered together. Don't know how that worked out for them. But there, more government is the answer, the only thing holding detroit down is the Constitution, if they could just force people to comply, dtown would be like NK in no time flat.

And we would hear how great it is.

for any liberal that wants Sunni to move to NK, pack your shit and move to detroit.

Who started the exodus of our once great industrial-based economy?

Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910

The reasons for Detroit’s losses over the last decade include the travails of the auto industry and the collapse of the industrial-based economy.

“There’s been an erosion of the nation’s industrial base, and this is the most dramatic evidence of it,” Mr. Beveridge said.

i agree, obama's bailout of the auto industry was a total failure
yaknow, I'd wanted to sock it Two Sunni in this one.

The overt message damn near went over my head.

but that thongcork is right

NK is better run.

It fucking sucks balls to live there, but you are safe from everything, except the government.

What ruined detroit? The government

what are they doing there now? Forcing people to leave their homes so they can be clustered together. Don't know how that worked out for them. But there, more government is the answer, the only thing holding detroit down is the Constitution, if they could just force people to comply, dtown would be like NK in no time flat.

And we would hear how great it is.

for any liberal that wants Sunni to move to NK, pack your shit and move to detroit.

Who started the exodus of our once great industrial-based economy?

Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910

The reasons for Detroit’s losses over the last decade include the travails of the auto industry and the collapse of the industrial-based economy.

“There’s been an erosion of the nation’s industrial base, and this is the most dramatic evidence of it,” Mr. Beveridge said.

i agree, obama's bailout of the auto industry was a total failure

On the contrary, the damage to our industrial base was done long before President Obama took office. Both parties are to blame for that.
Regardless of what you think about N. Korea's politics.

After 60 years everyone has a job, the people are educated, the cities are well kept and clean, and crime is almost non existent.


On the other hand, Detroit after 50 years of exclusive Democrat run government.

Is a drug infested rat hole full of abandoned homes on garbage filled streets; where gangs rule, and every day multiple rapes and murders are common.



you may be right!!!
yaknow, I'd wanted to sock it Two Sunni in this one.

The overt message damn near went over my head.

but that thongcork is right

NK is better run.

It fucking sucks balls to live there, but you are safe from everything, except the government.

What ruined detroit? The government

what are they doing there now? Forcing people to leave their homes so they can be clustered together. Don't know how that worked out for them. But there, more government is the answer, the only thing holding detroit down is the Constitution, if they could just force people to comply, dtown would be like NK in no time flat.

And we would hear how great it is.

for any liberal that wants Sunni to move to NK, pack your shit and move to detroit.

Who started the exodus of our once great industrial-based economy?

Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910

The reasons for Detroit’s losses over the last decade include the travails of the auto industry and the collapse of the industrial-based economy.

“There’s been an erosion of the nation’s industrial base, and this is the most dramatic evidence of it,” Mr. Beveridge said.

any other questions?
So, pack up and head to North Korea as fast as you can, so that you may enjoy their well run nation. Oh're "SUNNI"man. Sorry, religion is frowned upon in North Korea. Also, there is that pesky situtation where its citizens are not allowed to just go traveling around the globe. Try leaving and they have a tendency to shoot you.

Pack up and move to detroit.

com'on, man the fuck up or shut the fuck up.
yaknow, I'd wanted to sock it Two Sunni in this one.

The overt message damn near went over my head.

but that thongcork is right

NK is better run.

It fucking sucks balls to live there, but you are safe from everything, except the government.

What ruined detroit? The government

what are they doing there now? Forcing people to leave their homes so they can be clustered together. Don't know how that worked out for them. But there, more government is the answer, the only thing holding detroit down is the Constitution, if they could just force people to comply, dtown would be like NK in no time flat.

And we would hear how great it is.

for any liberal that wants Sunni to move to NK, pack your shit and move to detroit.

Who started the exodus of our once great industrial-based economy?

Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910

The reasons for Detroit’s losses over the last decade include the travails of the auto industry and the collapse of the industrial-based economy.

“There’s been an erosion of the nation’s industrial base, and this is the most dramatic evidence of it,” Mr. Beveridge said.

any other questions?

You mean workers making good money?
Who started the exodus of our once great industrial-based economy?

Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910

The reasons for Detroit’s losses over the last decade include the travails of the auto industry and the collapse of the industrial-based economy.

“There’s been an erosion of the nation’s industrial base, and this is the most dramatic evidence of it,” Mr. Beveridge said.

any other questions?

You mean workers making good money?
Not anymore huh?

maybe they could have made a little less and still be working.

no, of course not, far better to stimulate the economy on unemployment
yaknow, I'd wanted to sock it Two Sunni in this one.

The overt message damn near went over my head.

but that thongcork is right

NK is better run.

It fucking sucks balls to live there, but you are safe from everything, except the government.

What ruined detroit? The government

what are they doing there now? Forcing people to leave their homes so they can be clustered together. Don't know how that worked out for them. But there, more government is the answer, the only thing holding detroit down is the Constitution, if they could just force people to comply, dtown would be like NK in no time flat.

And we would hear how great it is.

for any liberal that wants Sunni to move to NK, pack your shit and move to detroit.

Who started the exodus of our once great industrial-based economy?

Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910

The reasons for Detroit’s losses over the last decade include the travails of the auto industry and the collapse of the industrial-based economy.

“There’s been an erosion of the nation’s industrial base, and this is the most dramatic evidence of it,” Mr. Beveridge said.

any other questions?

It was a push back to the gains made by the American Workers (Unions and collective bargaining).

http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.e...8099,d.aWM#search="unions were against nafta"
Who started the exodus of our once great industrial-based economy?

Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910

The reasons for Detroit’s losses over the last decade include the travails of the auto industry and the collapse of the industrial-based economy.

“There’s been an erosion of the nation’s industrial base, and this is the most dramatic evidence of it,” Mr. Beveridge said.

any other questions?

It was a push back to the gains made by the American Workers (Unions and collective bargaining).

http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.e...8099,d.aWM#search="unions were against nafta"

The type is hard to read, but I limped through the first paragrah, {cant c/p}

it concluded that people couldn't buy company products and that it would loose out in the end.

Clearly this is a lie, since companies thrive doing it and always have.

but now we are off topic
Anyone remember the phrase

'Detroit Junk'

It takes time to come to fruition. Just like it will take some time for America to become 'Detroit' based on Barack Obama's agenda and economic practices


any other questions?

You mean workers making good money?
Not anymore huh?

maybe they could have made a little less and still be working.

no, of course not, far better to stimulate the economy on unemployment

Yeah, because it's every workers goal to make less money.

"Sorry boss, you're already paying me too much so keep the raise and spend it on something nice for yourself instead."
Pres. Obama only has a 30% approval rating by US. citizens.

Whereas, Kim Jong-un has a 100% adoration rating by the N. Korean people.

So clearly he is doing something right. .. :thup:

Of course he has 100% approval rating.
That's because if you don't say you are for him, you get sent to a prison camp to do hard labor.
They don't have freedom of speech.

Something similar in ideology with the liberals here in America with their Political Correctness.
Say something that they don't like and you can lose your job or get jail time.
Political Correctness decides what people can say, how they can act, and what is acceptable for society. This is done at first through peer pressure and ultimately takes shape in the form of new laws. Violating these laws will mean jail or prison time.

The goals of both are the same, loss of freedom of speech and control by the government.

any other questions?

It was a push back to the gains made by the American Workers (Unions and collective bargaining).

http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.e...8099,d.aWM#search="unions were against nafta"

The type is hard to read, but I limped through the first paragrah, {cant c/p}

it concluded that people couldn't buy company products and that it would loose out in the end.

Clearly this is a lie, since companies thrive doing it and always have.

but now we are off topic

Globalization killed Detroit.


[Excerpt] The move to cheap labor and unregulated enterprise abroad puts an individual firm in an advantageous competitive position. But in the aggregate, this movement creates conditions for global economic stagnation. An enterprise cannot have constantly cheaper foreign sources of supply and constantly lower wages and benefits at home, on one hand, and constantly expanding domestic and foreign markets to sell its goods, on the other hand. As each firm sheds workers, cuts the wages of those who remain, and invests in cheap labor sources for manufactured goods, it will find that mass purchasing power to buy its products has dissipated.

Proponents of NAFTA sought to mask this contradiction with rhetoric about "dynamizing" the North American economy. New U.S. investment in Mexico made secure by the terms of NAFTA would expand the Mexican middle class and create demand for products and services from the United States. U.S. workers in low wage, labor intensive sectors, who would have lost their jobs anyway to Thailand or to Poland, would now find productive work in sectors serving a growing North American market.

There is no evidence that this is anything more than rhetoric. Where large investments in Mexico have been made by Ford, Volkswagen and other auto manufacturers, workers’ wages have been cut and their unions enfeebled, even where productivity rivals that of the home factories. Where substantial investments have been made in the maquiladora, wages are held to a pittance. Massive layoffs and plant closings have been announced by U.S. companies with investments in Mexico—GE, GTE, AT&T, IBM, Xerox and others. Meanwhile, the Chiapas uprising exposed Mexico as desperately in need of far-reaching social and political reforms, not elite deal-making with the United States.
If the glorious leader Kim Jong-un was elected mayor of Detroit with unlimited powers.

And Dennis Rodman was appointed city manager.

Detroit would be transformed over night into the best city to live in America. .. :cool:

They would have starving people, terrible hospitals, no electricity and labor camps, but real nice ugly looking buildings and streets that are clean with no cars.
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If the glorious leader Kim Jong-un was elected mayor of Detroit with unlimited powers.

And Dennis Rodman was appointed city manager.

Detroit would be transformed over night into the best city to live in America. .. :cool:

They would have starving people, terrible hospitals, no electricity and labor camps, but real nice ugly looking buildings and streets that are clean with no cars.
Isn't that the utopian dream of every liberal/progressive Democrat in America?? .. :cool:

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