**King's Dream And Today's Racial Nightmare

A reminder or a new lesson for some on King Shabazz...

According to National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz:

“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”

“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”

“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”

He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”

“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army

Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”

Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them

“We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”

New Black Panther Leader Shabazz: Be Thankful We?re ?Not Hanging Crackers By Nooses?Yet? | The Gateway Pundit

And so we have the mirror image of the KKK. Just as ignorant if those words are true. I have to find out what these cats are about.
The real effect of King's speech is that black people today, 50 years later, want people, especially their people, judged by the color of their skin and forget about the content of their character.
Really? another thread about Affirmative action that ignores white bitches use it more than anyone else. Asians use it 2nd most but but but...lets talk about how its racist (see first group then hold laughter) and is specially made for black people. The THIRD on the list.

Sure sure sure....it's not racism. These people just keep forgetting over and over and over that white women benefit from AA. Short memory...uh...yeah

White bitches?


I knew it!!! :lol::lol:

I've said the same thing in at least 4 other threads. I knew if I changed out women for bitches someone would notice. Not the facts, don't be silly someone would notice the name and ignore the rest entirely. Now I know that you know AA favors white women more than anyone else.


What's to get? What's the "gotcha"?

BTW I never had a problem with Affirmative Action as it was originally designed. To be a hand up not a hand out.

Don't get me going on quotas though :eusa_angel:

Because that is absolutely wrong to deny anyone a job or a place in education because one quota is "met".
Really? another thread about Affirmative action that ignores white bitches use it more than anyone else. Asians use it 2nd most but but but...lets talk about how its racist (see first group then hold laughter) and is specially made for black people. The THIRD on the list.

Sure sure sure....it's not racism. These people just keep forgetting over and over and over that white women benefit from AA. Short memory...uh...yeah

White bitches?


It does not take long for a libtard hater dupes to show their REAL face, does it? :lol:
August 27, 2013 -- by Edward Hudgins

Fifty years ago this week Martin Luther King ...... them to build strong moral characters so they can both prosper as well as take pride in their achievements.

With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' has come to fruition. God Bless America!

Until we rid this nation of racists of all persuasions, drive them underground like a disease, punish their unAmerican actions as traitors and subversives to the American way of life, we will not cure the need for minority support from our gov-lite.

Generations of these inbred scum bags continue to survive and flourish in freedom. They don't offer freedom to all Americans, they offer disease. They destroy the fabric of Americanism, soil our flag and spit on the Constitution as they seek division and outright hate of people based on their skin color. So there will be continue to be generations of social programs aimed at hateful discriminatory practices in this country.

I am white, and I am appalled and dismayed by these racist bastards who are allowed to bred and walk among us.

So basically ignore several of our most cherished rights, guaranteed by the constitution, for the greater good?

How facist of you.
A reminder or a new lesson for some on King Shabazz...

According to National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz:

“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”

“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”

“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”

He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”

“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army

Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”

Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them

“We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”

New Black Panther Leader Shabazz: Be Thankful We?re ?Not Hanging Crackers By Nooses?Yet? | The Gateway Pundit

And so we have the mirror image of the KKK. Just as ignorant if those words are true. I have to find out what these cats are about.

I admired the original Black Panthers. I was a huge fan of Angela Davis. I heard her speak at UCLA.

She inspired me when I was young far more than a Gloria Steinem. Davis moved my soul and spurred me on to be an activist for the rest of my life.

These Black Panthers shouldn't even be allowed to carry the name. They are out of Karenga school of racist thought and hatred.

Not like the original Panthers at all.
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White bitches?


I knew it!!! :lol::lol:

I've said the same thing in at least 4 other threads. I knew if I changed out women for bitches someone would notice. Not the facts, don't be silly someone would notice the name and ignore the rest entirely. Now I know that you know AA favors white women more than anyone else.


What's to get? What's the "gotcha"?

BTW I never had a problem with Affirmative Action as it was originally designed. To be a hand up not a hand out.

Don't get me going on quotas though :eusa_angel:

Because that is absolutely wrong to deny anyone a job or a place in education because one quota is "met".

Because its easy to tell that you will ignore everything else to focus on the smallest thing. Only when it applies to whites tho. You don't seem to care that blacks are blamed for no reason, or that white women getting AA and white guys complaining about AA being racist don't seem to mesh in "reality"

You ignored all that like I thought you would to make this about the word bitch.

Now that VOX is trying too, he cant pass along that AA is racist meme either. Not without this quote going back up

:rofl: Lets see how soon everyone "forgets" again about who gets AA
I knew it!!! :lol::lol:

I've said the same thing in at least 4 other threads. I knew if I changed out women for bitches someone would notice. Not the facts, don't be silly someone would notice the name and ignore the rest entirely. Now I know that you know AA favors white women more than anyone else.


I thought you were having a meltdown! That was wrong! :lol:

Never that, I set the trap and these fools are as predictable as the sun rise. Tiny just saw the cheese and not the trap :lol:

It is YOU who is as predictable as ANY libtard racist :lol:

Your war on women is well known. And racism as well.

AA was not created for blacks only, racist hater dupe :lol:
A reminder or a new lesson for some on King Shabazz...

According to National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz:

“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”

“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”

“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”

He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”

“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army

Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”

Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them

“We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”

New Black Panther Leader Shabazz: Be Thankful We?re ?Not Hanging Crackers By Nooses?Yet? | The Gateway Pundit

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

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What's your point?

Hi TD! I checked out that bull pin & your arguments. You are a lot smarter than you display here. So, no, I don't want to play with your there. Take that as a compliment. You expanded my knowledge on the 2nd. thks!
I thought you were having a meltdown! That was wrong! :lol:

Never that, I set the trap and these fools are as predictable as the sun rise. Tiny just saw the cheese and not the trap :lol:

It is YOU who is as predictable as ANY libtard racist :lol:

Your war on women is well known. And racism as well.

AA was not created for blacks only, racist hater dupe :lol:

That's my whole point. Heres a tip for great service :lol:
With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' has come to fruition. God Bless America!

Until we rid this nation of racists of all persuasions, drive them underground like a disease, punish their unAmerican actions as traitors and subversives to the American way of life, we will not cure the need for minority support from our gov-lite.

Generations of these inbred scum bags continue to survive and flourish in freedom. They don't offer freedom to all Americans, they offer disease. They destroy the fabric of Americanism, soil our flag and spit on the Constitution as they seek division and outright hate of people based on their skin color. So there will be continue to be generations of social programs aimed at hateful discriminatory practices in this country.

I am white, and I am appalled and dismayed by these racist bastards who are allowed to bred and walk among us.

So basically ignore several of our most cherished rights, guaranteed by the constitution, for the greater good?

How facist of you.
Yes, you will have to live with that. There are other ways to handle the white man, but I am not allowed to tell you at (violence free) USMB. But the white man is headed for extinction soon enough in America and you will have more draconian fascist laws to deal with, and watch more white men flee the country to avoid those laws. When we are all brown the problem of racism will be over in America. I wonder if they will write an anti-American immigrant bill that keeps whites from migrating here? Could happen you know.:eusa_whistle: Lets see, minorities will be the dominate race in 2030-2042 depending on who you listen to. Tsk! The era of white people is dwindling, and the republicans are doing all they can to assist, such as stopping Minot's from abortions, allowing women in the work place instead of living wages to allow a husband to work and women to raise children, preventing health care to women driving up the death rate of new Born's, open borders to increase minorities for lower wages and benefits,....well I am sure there are more ways the white man is fking himself into oblivion.:lol:
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In just a few moments the President of the United States will honor MLK with a speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial itself. Let freedom ring!
Just for a little while, can't we stop the hating and the racism and the name calling?

Until we rid this nation of racists of all persuasions, drive them underground like a disease, punish their unAmerican actions as traitors and subversives to the American way of life, we will not cure the need for minority support from our gov-lite.

Generations of these inbred scum bags continue to survive and flourish in freedom. They don't offer freedom to all Americans, they offer disease. They destroy the fabric of Americanism, soil our flag and spit on the Constitution as they seek division and outright hate of people based on their skin color. So there will be continue to be generations of social programs aimed at hateful discriminatory practices in this country.

I am white, and I am appalled and dismayed by these racist bastards who are allowed to bred and walk among us.

So basically ignore several of our most cherished rights, guaranteed by the constitution, for the greater good?

How facist of you.
Yes, you will have to live with that. There are other ways to handle the white man, but I am not allowed to tell you at (violence free) USMB. But the white man is headed for extinction soon enough in America and you will have more draconian fascist laws to deal with, and watch more white men flee the country to avoid those laws. When we are all brown the problem of racism will be over in America. I wonder if they will write an anti-American immigrant bill that keeps whites from migrating here? Could happen you know.:eusa_whistle: Lets see, minorities will be the dominate race in 2030-2042 depending on who you listen to. Tsk! The era of white people is dwindling, and the republicans are doing all they can to assist, such as stopping Minot's from abortions, allowing women in the work place instead of living wages to allow a husband to work and women to raise children, preventing health care to women driving up the death rate of new Born's, open borders to increase minorities for lower wages and benefits,....well I am sure there are more ways the white man is fking himself into oblivion.:lol:

Your screed shows you to be a racist fascist asshole. Kindly die in a fire.

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