kiss a 100 bucks good bye


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
the hubby is gone for most of is a holiday so of course his family wants him with them...but we are outside and hear bees:


swarm growing:


the reason i am not trying to capture swam:


nearly to the top on the left....they can fly away befoe i climb 35 ft to capture pissed off russians

are those manmade honey bee homes on the ground to the left on the ground and they escaped and made a new home in the tree?
yea those are man made hives...they are russians back to swarm....we were afraid of it and did as much as we could to stop it....but they are in the they can live free and die in several months..that is the worse part..they wont live in the wild... i took the pics to convince the man i really couldnt recover the swarm
man has a couple sets of shaffolding said what about the other 15 ft...this is not gonna be good...he is just being all pissy cause i told him to get phenephomes or bait an empy hive in the woods or upper pasture but nooooooooooooooooooo ....he fucking is a walking fountain of damned information....

now my options..go out and encourage his stupid i can pics of him falling...or be a good wife...

i don think the fall will kill him
o if they are reachable..which they are take a large box or a it under the swarm and hit the swarm branch to make them fall into said box or bucket.... as long as you catch the queen the others will follow...

right now i am in the wait for him to make up his mind told him he should be able to climb the tree in his full suit...rope the limb ....cut it off and lower it to my 1/2 suit....he is considering it....i will end up stung....i always do...
o if they are reachable..which they are take a large box or a it under the swarm and hit the swarm branch to make them fall into said box or bucket.... as long as you catch the queen the others will follow...

right now i am in the wait for him to make up his mind told him he should be able to climb the tree in his full suit...rope the limb ....cut it off and lower it to my 1/2 suit....he is considering it....i will end up stung....i always do...

I've been stung a couple of times, everytime it seems like the little bastards are aiming just for me. It's definately painful.
you have to be careful....some people take stings as a medical thing....not me....the worst one to me is in the wrist will swell and hurt for days....i always love the nose or lips stings...
you have to be careful....some people take stings as a medical thing....not me....the worst one to me is in the wrist will swell and hurt for days....i always love the nose or lips stings...

My daughter went to drink out of a coke can outside and got stung on the lip by a bee that was there. It was the day before she had her school pictures taken, first grade.

I relive it everytime I look at that pic. Big ole fat lip. I saw it happening, it was like in slow motion. By the time I could reach out, she was already stung and screaming.
o if they are reachable..which they are take a large box or a it under the swarm and hit the swarm branch to make them fall into said box or bucket.... as long as you catch the queen the others will follow...

right now i am in the wait for him to make up his mind told him he should be able to climb the tree in his full suit...rope the limb ....cut it off and lower it to my 1/2 suit....he is considering it....i will end up stung....i always do...

vacuum cleaners won't work ? :lol:

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