Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children



More like, Children of Ritalin
Bad guy has firearm ... How amazing is that?
The next thing you know ... Outlaws will be shooting people and each other in the streets.

At least it gives us a good opportunity to open a honest discussion on race ... Black lives matter when they are shot by white people.
If it is just a bunch of outlaws in Chicago ... Nobody gives a shit.


Will your "good opportunity to open a honest discussion on race" include the NRA aiding and abetting the arming of white supremacist militias whose openly stated intention is to kill everyone who doesn't have a white skin?

You do realize that the NRA is a Constitutional watchdog organization just like the ACLU don't you? One keeps an eye on the first amendment and the other on the 2nd amendment.

Your delusions about both the NRA and the ACLU are risible!


And yet they are accurate.

The one on the left wishes to defend herself while the one on the right wishes to kill all who oppose her would be my guess. At least the one on the left doesn't sport banners that proclaim "DEATH TO INFIDELS!"
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

Why do I need gun license anyways?
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

Not true. Felons can get Driver's licenses. The mentally adjudicated can get a driver's licence. Neither can get a gun permit or buy a gun, depending on the local requirements.

the NRA doesn't believe in registering guns or in having to be screened or any safety requirements.

Can you give a reason why it should?
The NRA goes out of it's way to stoke the bloodlust of the Gun Fetishists.
This is entirely nonsense.

In essence they want there to be hundreds of millions of guns out there on the streets readily accessible to whackjobs and gangsters because that gives them an excuse to indulge in their gun fetish.
This is blatant disinformation.

If those guns weren't out there then the gun fetishists would be the oddballs and weirdos.
Gun fetishists are already the the oddballs and weirdos. This is a meaningless tautology.

But by turning America into a "Free Gun Zone" they have turned everyone they can into gun fetishists like themselves.
There is not one bit of verifiable reality in any of this.

And yes, the NRA and Wayne LaPierre are laughing at them all the way to the bank.
This is entirely nonsense.

You know what, Derideo_Te? If you didn't have an obviously bullshit point, you'd have no point at all!
While I know that a DL is not a right but a privilege it is interesting that we require anyone wanting a DL to prove competency before allowing them to drive a 2 ton vehicle on public roads.

But no competency is required to carry around a lethal weapon capable of killing someone from a distance.

That alone says that there is something wrong with not enforcing reasonable competency testing for everyone who wants to carry a gun.

But the NRA screeches that this amounts to "grabbing our guns" which is total BS. It just means you can't walk around in public without proving that you know when NOT to pull the trigger.

Let me explain this to you in basic terms.
A permit is used to obtain permission from the government to do something.
These are things that are not rights:you need permission to drive, teach, be law enforcement, drive a forklift, etc.
You don't have to beg for government permission to breath, watch TV, fuck, post on USMB, whatever.

Since the 2nd states that gun ownership is a right, we do not have to ask permission to do it.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.
that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.
it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.
but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.
Why do I need gun license anyways?
You question why you should have to let the state know when, where and how you will exercise your rights before said state will allow you to do so?
What are you - some kind of thinking, reasoned, freedom-loving non-statist?
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

While I know that a DL is not a right but a privilege it is interesting that we require anyone wanting a DL to prove competency before allowing them to drive a 2 ton vehicle on public roads.

But no competency is required to carry around a lethal weapon capable of killing someone from a distance.

That alone says that there is something wrong with not enforcing reasonable competency testing for everyone who wants to carry a gun.

But the NRA screeches that this amounts to "grabbing our guns" which is total BS. It just means you can't walk around in public without proving that you know when NOT to pull the trigger.

How about we apply competency testing to voting, marriage licenses, or running for office?
I think it's a shame that no one in the prayer group was carrying or better yet that multiple people in the prayer group weren't carrying a firearm.

Things might have ended up much differently.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

While I know that a DL is not a right but a privilege it is interesting that we require anyone wanting a DL to prove competency before allowing them to drive a 2 ton vehicle on public roads.

But no competency is required to carry around a lethal weapon capable of killing someone from a distance.

That alone says that there is something wrong with not enforcing reasonable competency testing for everyone who wants to carry a gun.

But the NRA screeches that this amounts to "grabbing our guns" which is total BS. It just means you can't walk around in public without proving that you know when NOT to pull the trigger.

How about we apply competency testing to voting, marriage licenses, or running for office?

As soon as you can prove the danger to others that comes from voting , marriage licenses or running for office you will have a justification for requiring competency testing.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

While I know that a DL is not a right but a privilege it is interesting that we require anyone wanting a DL to prove competency before allowing them to drive a 2 ton vehicle on public roads.

But no competency is required to carry around a lethal weapon capable of killing someone from a distance.

That alone says that there is something wrong with not enforcing reasonable competency testing for everyone who wants to carry a gun.

But the NRA screeches that this amounts to "grabbing our guns" which is total BS. It just means you can't walk around in public without proving that you know when NOT to pull the trigger.

How about we apply competency testing to voting, marriage licenses, or running for office?

As soon as you can prove the danger to others that comes from voting , marriage licenses or running for office you will have a justification for requiring competency testing.

It can be shown very easily that the wars that England found herself embroiled in throughout the 1800's and 1900's were directly attributable to the Voter Reform Acts, which took the power away from the gentry and handed it over to the general population.

I agree with the Acts, and their intent, but there is no denying that hundreds of thousands died because the General Population is for the most part incompetent.

The same holds true here in this country. The vast majority of the voting public doesn't even know where they live when shown a globe without country lines on it. It is tragic that uninformed morons such as those, have the ability to deny others their rights, or make others pay for their children.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

While I know that a DL is not a right but a privilege it is interesting that we require anyone wanting a DL to prove competency before allowing them to drive a 2 ton vehicle on public roads.

But no competency is required to carry around a lethal weapon capable of killing someone from a distance.

That alone says that there is something wrong with not enforcing reasonable competency testing for everyone who wants to carry a gun.

But the NRA screeches that this amounts to "grabbing our guns" which is total BS. It just means you can't walk around in public without proving that you know when NOT to pull the trigger.

How about we apply competency testing to voting, marriage licenses, or running for office?

As soon as you can prove the danger to others that comes from voting , marriage licenses or running for office you will have a justification for requiring competency testing.

You only need look at commiecrat shit holes like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, South St. Louis and many others to see voting can be very hazardous to people, 50% of marriages fail, many end in a death, nuff said there. And according to all sides of politics, politicians are corrupt thieves who ignore the people who put them in office and are destroying the country. Is that enough damage and danger for ya?

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