Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

The OP is complete and utter nonsense.

The Sandy Hook and Charleston shooters are examples of mentally ill people run amok.
The OP is complete and utter nonsense.

The Sandy Hook and Charleston shooters are examples of mentally ill people run amok.

No, the Charleston terrorist is a textbook example of domestic rightwing racist terrorism.
Isn't it wonderful, how exquisitely the Left runs from the only actual, relevant issue?

Now... those people in that church, they were doing what?

They were studyin' the scriptures; which is to say God's word.

And a person with a deep seated hatred burnin' inside him, he came into that church, witnessed those people who were in in fellowship with the Father and he was driven to MURDER THOSE PEOPLE.

Now again...

Of the two competing sets of Ideas:

1- The Ideological Left which rejects the objective truth central to God... with their highly limited subjective natures, obsessing over; resenting the accountability which God holds over them.


2- The Philosophical Right, which embraces God, his word and the principles in nature he created that govern human behavior... which is central to the aforementioned 'accountability'.









Anyone at all?

The church is an iconic symbol of the black American civil rights struggle. The conservative racial terrorist Dylann Roof chose it for that reason.
How about we apply competency testing to voting, marriage licenses, or running for office?

As soon as you can prove the danger to others that comes from voting , marriage licenses or running for office you will have a justification for requiring competency testing.

You only need look at commiecrat shit holes like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, South St. Louis and many others to see voting can be very hazardous to people, 50% of marriages fail, many end in a death, nuff said there. And according to all sides of politics, politicians are corrupt thieves who ignore the people who put them in office and are destroying the country. Is that enough damage and danger for ya?

Did you injure your sole remaining working synapse stretching that hard for your beloved Wayne LaPoodle and the blood sucking NRA?

Never been a member of the NRA, don't plan to be. Just pointing out other rights can be dangerous for others but the ignorant left can't see facts that are slapping them in the face.
I have a right to vote, to get married, run for office and own a gun, when you attack one right, you attack all of them.

Expecting you to pass a competency test in order to be in possession of a gun is not an "attack" on your rights.

The state has a right to regulate where and when you can vote, how old you must be before you can get married and how old you must be in order to hold office. None of those regulations are an "attack" on your rights.

So neither is a competency test for lethal weapons ownership.

Unfortunately your beloved blood soaked NRA supports domestic terrorism over and above sane and sensible regulations.

Why do you keep bringing up the NRA, I've told you I've never been a member, if fact I don't care for them much, their too willing to compromise my rights.

Also according to you a competency test should be conducted to own a piece of rope, a knife, a baseball or softball bat, a plastic bag, a 2X4, a chain or a lamp cord just to name a few, as all are lethal weapons.

BTW the state already regulate who may own a gun by age, criminal background, they regulate where you can have them and what their lawful purposes are.

So your real problem is you can't regulate human behavior, criminals violate the law and there's not a damned thing you can do about it in advance.
The OP is complete and utter nonsense.

The Sandy Hook and Charleston shooters are examples of mentally ill people run amok.

No, the Charleston terrorist is a textbook example of domestic rightwing racist terrorism.

Considering he was an individual actor with no ties to any group at all......and almost all mass shooters are either straight out nuts or left wingers........that would be a very short textbook....moron....
Isn't it wonderful, how exquisitely the Left runs from the only actual, relevant issue?

Now... those people in that church, they were doing what?

They were studyin' the scriptures; which is to say God's word.

And a person with a deep seated hatred burnin' inside him, he came into that church, witnessed those people who were in in fellowship with the Father and he was driven to MURDER THOSE PEOPLE.

Now again...

Of the two competing sets of Ideas:

1- The Ideological Left which rejects the objective truth central to God... with their highly limited subjective natures, obsessing over; resenting the accountability which God holds over them.


2- The Philosophical Right, which embraces God, his word and the principles in nature he created that govern human behavior... which is central to the aforementioned 'accountability'.









Anyone at all?

The church is an iconic symbol of the black American civil rights struggle. The conservative racial terrorist Dylann Roof chose it for that reason.

Really...where did he live?
but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

We don't have to pretend. It's the truth.

Both Lanza and Roof were ineligible to buy guns under our laws, but they got them anyway. That's the point about gun control. It doesn't work.
Expecting you to pass a competency test in order to be in possession of a gun is not an "attack" on your rights.

It quite literally does.

But I don't get my right to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to freely exercise my God-given rights, from the government, thus I do not seek permission from the government to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to exercise my God-given rights.

Requirements that I must, decidedly would infringe upon that right.

The State can shove their interests, up their collective. My Rights are not a subjective which is relevant to them, at all... > . <

That's what the two nuts out in Nevada who shot the two policemen thought.
but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

We don't have to pretend. It's the truth.

Both Lanza and Roof were ineligible to buy guns under our laws, but they got them anyway. That's the point about gun control. It doesn't work.

People drive drunk every day. People molest children every day. That is not a case against having laws against drunk driving and child molesting.

I can't believe you support legalizing child molesting. Do you? Really? I don't believe it.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.
Further evidence that liberals are retarded. Gun ownership is a right, thereby no test can be given. And crazy people aren't the problem but guns, which we've always had, is?
Isn't it wonderful, how exquisitely the Left runs from the only actual, relevant issue?

Now... those people in that church, they were doing what?

They were studyin' the scriptures; which is to say God's word.

And a person with a deep seated hatred burnin' inside him, he came into that church, witnessed those people who were in in fellowship with the Father and he was driven to MURDER THOSE PEOPLE.

Now again...

Of the two competing sets of Ideas:

1- The Ideological Left which rejects the objective truth central to God... with their highly limited subjective natures, obsessing over; resenting the accountability which God holds over them.


2- The Philosophical Right, which embraces God, his word and the principles in nature he created that govern human behavior... which is central to the aforementioned 'accountability'.









Anyone at all?

The church is an iconic symbol of the black American civil rights struggle. The conservative racial terrorist Dylann Roof chose it for that reason.

Asshole....he wasn't a American Conservative doesn't believe in racism...that is the democrat party where all the racists are located...American Conservatives believe in a color blind society based on the U.S. constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence...this killer would have found a home in the democrat the white racist wing....rather than the hispanic racist raza, or the black racist sharpton, jesse jackson, jeremiah write, barak and michelle obama, the nation of islam, the Southern poverty law center ( a racist group that actually has inspired a killer ) and the white racist wing with bill clinton also a violent sexual predator, whose poltical mentor was segregationist J. William Fulbright and the party who had kkk member robert byrd.....

So he would have been more comfortable in the white racist wing of the democrat party....since actual racism is in the democrat party....
but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

We don't have to pretend. It's the truth.

Both Lanza and Roof were ineligible to buy guns under our laws, but they got them anyway. That's the point about gun control. It doesn't work.

People drive drunk every day. People molest children every day. That is not a case against having laws against drunk driving and child molesting.

I can't believe you support legalizing child molesting. Do you? Really? I don't believe it.

Moron...we have laws against using guns to commit crimes...we have laws against felons owning or carrying guns....are you really this stupid...or do you just pretend to be on the internet....?
Why do you keep bringing up the NRA,

Didn't you read the OP?

This thread topic is about the bloodthirsty NRA.

No...the topic is about an anti gun extremist asshole trying to smear the NRA with something they don't do or support but which he/she/it is ready to lie about because as a lefty....lying is the only way they can argue...since the truth, and reality show them to be wrong on everything they believe....
The OP is complete and utter nonsense.

The Sandy Hook and Charleston shooters are examples of mentally ill people run amok.

No, the Charleston terrorist is a textbook example of domestic rightwing racist terrorism.

Considering he was an individual actor with no ties to any group at all......and almost all mass shooters are either straight out nuts or left wingers........that would be a very short textbook....moron....

Rightwing anti-abortion murderers and terrorists are almost always lone wolf types.

This guy HAS ties to every conservative racist in America. Including you.
but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

We don't have to pretend. It's the truth.

Both Lanza and Roof were ineligible to buy guns under our laws, but they got them anyway. That's the point about gun control. It doesn't work.

People drive drunk every day. People molest children every day. That is not a case against having laws against drunk driving and child molesting.

I can't believe you support legalizing child molesting. Do you? Really? I don't believe it.

Moron...we have laws against using guns to commit crimes...we have laws against felons owning or carrying guns....are you really this stupid...or do you just pretend to be on the internet....?

And every day rightwing gun nuts around here object to background checks to find those nuts.
The OP is complete and utter nonsense.

The Sandy Hook and Charleston shooters are examples of mentally ill people run amok.

No, the Charleston terrorist is a textbook example of domestic rightwing racist terrorism.

Considering he was an individual actor with no ties to any group at all......and almost all mass shooters are either straight out nuts or left wingers........that would be a very short textbook....moron....

Rightwing anti-abortion murderers and terrorists are almost always lone wolf types.

This guy HAS ties to every conservative racist in America. Including you.
All liberals masturbate when they think about the mutilated babies that were aborted.

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