Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

The NRA is a vital civil rights organization......I just picked up "Gun Control in the Third Reich."

guns were required to be registered in 1928 by the Weimar Government with the promise that the records would be safely stored, and when the nazis came to power they used those records, safely stored, to disarm Jews and other political, anti gun extremists don't read history, so you have full confidence in the government..........history shows how stupid you are over and over again and how evil it is to disarm good never, ever ends well.....
that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

Why do I need gun license anyways?

To keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, child abuser, gangsters, paranoid schizophrenics, and others who the legislature of the State within which you reside decide should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun.

Then, as a responsible gun owner you can sell a gun knowing that the person you have sold the weapon to is less likely to pull off a mass murder or kill someone over an argument. It's all about Personal responsibility.

you do realize that all the mass shooters passed background checks or avoided the ones who passed background checks would also have been able to get a gun license...right? And they would still have committed the mass shooting....

Therefore the license was pointless...

And the ones who didn't pass the background checks....the columbine teenagers who couldn't legally but he weapons they used, would also by pass the licensing process as well...right...and would still have committed their mass shootings....

Again...the license would be pointless...

I have shown that gun licensing law abiding people will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals....if a criminal is caught with a gun, your violent criminal, child abuser (convicted right?) gangsters, all will be arrested if they are caught with a gun and no license is needed to do it...

The nuts....if we could trust you guys not to abuse the system you would have more support...we don't trust would turn any mental health check into a way to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who ever saw a mental health the soldier denied his gun rights because he had insomnia.....

I've pointed out several times you're not very bright, and that a parrot can contribute more to any discussion if given a cracker than you have ever done.

Guns kill people! People like you are complicit (that means morally culpable) every time an innocent human being is murdered by a gun in America. I'm an agnostic, but I hope I'm wrong and hell exists, for that is where a POS like you belongs.

See asshole...I pointed out that your statist idea to license law abiding gun owners would do nothing to stop evil people from getting guns...I showed you exactly why your idea is dumb.......anyone can read what I posted above and see how your idea is dumb........and you can't respond to it because it is right...licensing law abiding gun owners does nothing to stop criminals from getting all.....and so it is pointless, useless paperwork......and you have no response...and lash out because you were shown to be wrong and are an asshole on top of that.....

I ... post ... in actual ..... sentences .... cause I have an idea .... that doing so .... gives ... is respectful of ... the ...English language. Doing otherwise is disrespectful and gives.... the impression .... the author is uneducated and dim of wit.

Calling me an asshole by hiding behind your keyboard is the sign of a coward. Posting in dot form (...) is the sign of someone without higher education - in your case a high school diploma, and intellectually challenge. You're a loser 2aguy, dumb, yellow and immature.
Why do I need gun license anyways?

To keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, child abuser, gangsters, paranoid schizophrenics, and others who the legislature of the State within which you reside decide should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun.

Then, as a responsible gun owner you can sell a gun knowing that the person you have sold the weapon to is less likely to pull off a mass murder or kill someone over an argument. It's all about Personal responsibility.

you do realize that all the mass shooters passed background checks or avoided the ones who passed background checks would also have been able to get a gun license...right? And they would still have committed the mass shooting....

Therefore the license was pointless...

And the ones who didn't pass the background checks....the columbine teenagers who couldn't legally but he weapons they used, would also by pass the licensing process as well...right...and would still have committed their mass shootings....

Again...the license would be pointless...

I have shown that gun licensing law abiding people will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals....if a criminal is caught with a gun, your violent criminal, child abuser (convicted right?) gangsters, all will be arrested if they are caught with a gun and no license is needed to do it...

The nuts....if we could trust you guys not to abuse the system you would have more support...we don't trust would turn any mental health check into a way to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who ever saw a mental health the soldier denied his gun rights because he had insomnia.....

I've pointed out several times you're not very bright, and that a parrot can contribute more to any discussion if given a cracker than you have ever done.

Guns kill people! People like you are complicit (that means morally culpable) every time an innocent human being is murdered by a gun in America. I'm an agnostic, but I hope I'm wrong and hell exists, for that is where a POS like you belongs.

See asshole...I pointed out that your statist idea to license law abiding gun owners would do nothing to stop evil people from getting guns...I showed you exactly why your idea is dumb.......anyone can read what I posted above and see how your idea is dumb........and you can't respond to it because it is right...licensing law abiding gun owners does nothing to stop criminals from getting all.....and so it is pointless, useless paperwork......and you have no response...and lash out because you were shown to be wrong and are an asshole on top of that.....

I ... post ... in actual ..... sentences .... cause I have an idea .... that doing so .... gives ... is respectful of ... the ...English language. Doing otherwise is disrespectful and gives.... the impression .... the author is uneducated and dim of wit.

Calling me an asshole by hiding behind your keyboard is the sign of a coward. Posting in dot form (...) is the sign of someone without higher education - in your case a high school diploma, and intellectually challenge. You're a loser 2aguy, dumb, yellow and immature.

wow...that really got me....I am just going to go somewhere and have a good cry.....fuckhead..... are stupid....we can all see that believe stupid licensing people who don't commit crimes as a way of preventing crimes......that is really......fucking.........stupid...........calling you an asshole is simply telling the truth....calling someone else a coward because I post on the Internet and call assholes assholes...while you are actually hiding behind your that is really fucking stupid........

I demonstrated that your idea to license gun owners is stupid, because it will not do anything to stop criminals from getting guns and you simply you can't refute it...and you lash out like the typical asshole leftist, statist thug that you are....fuck you asshole.
You can write up all the new laws you want, but the fact of the matter is there are over 300 million guns in America. Have fun trying to stop someone from getting one if they are bound and determined to do crazy shit with one.
Expecting you to pass a competency test in order to be in possession of a gun is not an "attack" on your rights.

It quite literally does.

But I don't get my right to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to freely exercise my God-given rights, from the government, thus I do not seek permission from the government to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to exercise my God-given rights.

Requirements that I must, decidedly would infringe upon that right.

The State can shove their interests, up their collective. My Rights are not a subjective which is relevant to them, at all... > . <

Gee, who wrote this rant ^^^, was it written by James Oliver Huberty, Patrick H. Sherrill, Patrick Edward Purdy, James E. Pough, George Jo Hennard, Eric Houston, Gian Luigi Ferri, Colin Ferguson, Mitchell Johnson or Andrew Golden, Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold, Mark Orrin Barton, Larry Gene Ashbrook, Byran Uyesugi, Michael McDermott, Charles Andrew Williams, Robert S. Flores, Doug Williams, Jeffrey Weise, Charles Carl Roberts IV, Sulejman Talovic, Seung-hui Cho, Robert Hawkins, Steven Kazmierczak, Jiverly Voong, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, Omar S. Thornton, Jared Lee Loughner, Scott Dekraai, One L. Goh, James Holmes, Wade Michael Page, Andrew Engeldinger, Radcliffe Haughton, Adam Lanza, John Zawahri, Aaron Alexis, or Dylann Storm Roof?

Read their stories and those they murdered, here:


The Right to own and effectively use Firearms in defense of one's means to exercise their God-given RIGHTS... comes with the RESPONSIBILITY to NOT USE ONE'S WEAPONS TO TAKE THE LIVES OF INNOCENT PEOPLE.

That is why there are so few people who have a history of recognizing, respecting, defending and adhering TO the Laws of Nature that govern human behavior, are NOT found having murdered anyone.

And by logical extension, why those who REJECT the Laws of Nature that govern human behavior... (those brought up and trained by the unprincipled notions common to Left-think) ARE CHRONICALLY being found having taken the lives of innocent people, OKA: Murder.

See how that works scamp?
Why do I need gun license anyways?

To keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, child abuser, gangsters, paranoid schizophrenics, and others who the legislature of the State within which you reside decide should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun.

Then, as a responsible gun owner you can sell a gun knowing that the person you have sold the weapon to is less likely to pull off a mass murder or kill someone over an argument. It's all about Personal responsibility.

you do realize that all the mass shooters passed background checks or avoided the ones who passed background checks would also have been able to get a gun license...right? And they would still have committed the mass shooting....

Therefore the license was pointless...

And the ones who didn't pass the background checks....the columbine teenagers who couldn't legally but he weapons they used, would also by pass the licensing process as well...right...and would still have committed their mass shootings....

Again...the license would be pointless...

I have shown that gun licensing law abiding people will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals....if a criminal is caught with a gun, your violent criminal, child abuser (convicted right?) gangsters, all will be arrested if they are caught with a gun and no license is needed to do it...

The nuts....if we could trust you guys not to abuse the system you would have more support...we don't trust would turn any mental health check into a way to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who ever saw a mental health the soldier denied his gun rights because he had insomnia.....

I've pointed out several times you're not very bright, and that a parrot can contribute more to any discussion if given a cracker than you have ever done.

Guns kill people! People like you are complicit (that means morally culpable) every time an innocent human being is murdered by a gun in America. I'm an agnostic, but I hope I'm wrong and hell exists, for that is where a POS like you belongs.

See asshole...I pointed out that your statist idea to license law abiding gun owners would do nothing to stop evil people from getting guns...I showed you exactly why your idea is dumb.......anyone can read what I posted above and see how your idea is dumb........and you can't respond to it because it is right...licensing law abiding gun owners does nothing to stop criminals from getting all.....and so it is pointless, useless paperwork......and you have no response...and lash out because you were shown to be wrong and are an asshole on top of that.....

I ... post ... in actual ..... sentences .... cause I have an idea .... that doing so .... gives ... is respectful of ... the ...English language. Doing otherwise is disrespectful and gives.... the impression .... the author is uneducated and dim of wit.

Calling me an asshole by hiding behind your keyboard is the sign of a coward. Posting in dot form (...) is the sign of someone without higher education - in your case a high school diploma, and intellectually challenge. You're a loser 2aguy, dumb, yellow and immature.

Or, he may be correct and you are one. attacking his use of dots to separate ideas rather than dealing with those ideas and then getting into childish name calling seems to support that.
Apart from knowing that his father gave him a .45 caliber handgun for his birthday, do we even know if he was licensed to have this weapon considering he had just racked up two arrests?One for drug possession and one for trespassing.

Turns out, his father gave him $ for his birthday...the kid used the money to buy the firearm.
Expecting you to pass a competency test in order to be in possession of a gun is not an "attack" on your rights.

It quite literally does.

But I don't get my right to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to freely exercise my God-given rights, from the government, thus I do not seek permission from the government to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to exercise my God-given rights.

Requirements that I must, decidedly would infringe upon that right.

The State can shove their interests, up their collective. My Rights are not a subjective which is relevant to them, at all... > . <

Gee, who wrote this rant ^^^, was it written by James Oliver Huberty, Patrick H. Sherrill, Patrick Edward Purdy, James E. Pough, George Jo Hennard, Eric Houston, Gian Luigi Ferri, Colin Ferguson, Mitchell Johnson or Andrew Golden, Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold, Mark Orrin Barton, Larry Gene Ashbrook, Byran Uyesugi, Michael McDermott, Charles Andrew Williams, Robert S. Flores, Doug Williams, Jeffrey Weise, Charles Carl Roberts IV, Sulejman Talovic, Seung-hui Cho, Robert Hawkins, Steven Kazmierczak, Jiverly Voong, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, Omar S. Thornton, Jared Lee Loughner, Scott Dekraai, One L. Goh, James Holmes, Wade Michael Page, Andrew Engeldinger, Radcliffe Haughton, Adam Lanza, John Zawahri, Aaron Alexis, or Dylann Storm Roof?

Read their stories and those they murdered, here:

Why didn't you include Lee Malvo?
Then why don't you tell us what is an example of a domestic rightwing racist terrorist,

and then tell us why this guy is different.

It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

You should NEVER ask a troll to be specific. It upsets their rhythm as they spread their pablum.
Expecting you to pass a competency test in order to be in possession of a gun is not an "attack" on your rights.

It quite literally does.

But I don't get my right to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to freely exercise my God-given rights, from the government, thus I do not seek permission from the government to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to exercise my God-given rights.

Requirements that I must, decidedly would infringe upon that right.

The State can shove their interests, up their collective. My Rights are not a subjective which is relevant to them, at all... > . <

Gee, who wrote this rant ^^^, was it written by James Oliver Huberty, Patrick H. Sherrill, Patrick Edward Purdy, James E. Pough, George Jo Hennard, Eric Houston, Gian Luigi Ferri, Colin Ferguson, Mitchell Johnson or Andrew Golden, Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold, Mark Orrin Barton, Larry Gene Ashbrook, Byran Uyesugi, Michael McDermott, Charles Andrew Williams, Robert S. Flores, Doug Williams, Jeffrey Weise, Charles Carl Roberts IV, Sulejman Talovic, Seung-hui Cho, Robert Hawkins, Steven Kazmierczak, Jiverly Voong, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, Omar S. Thornton, Jared Lee Loughner, Scott Dekraai, One L. Goh, James Holmes, Wade Michael Page, Andrew Engeldinger, Radcliffe Haughton, Adam Lanza, John Zawahri, Aaron Alexis, or Dylann Storm Roof?

Read their stories and those they murdered, here:

Why didn't you include Lee Malvo?
It doesn't know anything about those people. Muir doesn't know because it doesn't want to know. Because if it came to know anything about those mass-murderers, it would know that THEY are IT!
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

Why do I need gun license anyways?

To keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, child abuser, gangsters, paranoid schizophrenics, and others who the legislature of the State within which you reside decide should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun.

Then, as a responsible gun owner you can sell a gun knowing that the person you have sold the weapon to is less likely to pull off a mass murder or kill someone over an argument. It's all about Personal responsibility.

you do realize that all the mass shooters passed background checks or avoided the ones who passed background checks would also have been able to get a gun license...right? And they would still have committed the mass shooting....

Therefore the license was pointless...

And the ones who didn't pass the background checks....the columbine teenagers who couldn't legally but he weapons they used, would also by pass the licensing process as well...right...and would still have committed their mass shootings....

Again...the license would be pointless...

I have shown that gun licensing law abiding people will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals....if a criminal is caught with a gun, your violent criminal, child abuser (convicted right?) gangsters, all will be arrested if they are caught with a gun and no license is needed to do it...

The nuts....if we could trust you guys not to abuse the system you would have more support...we don't trust would turn any mental health check into a way to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who ever saw a mental health the soldier denied his gun rights because he had insomnia.....

I've pointed out several times you're not very bright, and that a parrot can contribute more to any discussion if given a cracker than you have ever done.

Guns kill people! People like you are complicit (that means morally culpable) every time an innocent human being is murdered by a gun in America. I'm an agnostic, but I hope I'm wrong and hell exists, for that is where a POS like you belongs.

People kill people. If they don't have a firearm, they'll use their hands or a pillow to strangle them or water to drown them; or they'll use poison, a knife, a bat, a club, an axe or even a car to accomplish their hateful impulses. Your fear of firearms is unfounded. You should focus on the real issue and that's the violence committed by criminals and the mentally ill.
How stupid can one get, try to digest this, blame the gun, or person that promotes the right to own a gun, for the mental instability of another that chooses to take a life is somehow going to mitigate the fact that there are people that will take a life regardless of the weapon of choice at the blink of an eye? Explain how when its a black person with a gun purchased on the black market kills another black man that he is somehow not a racist, member of the NRA, or republican? The problem with the vocal outspoken members of the left is that they have all the answers and excuses for the failings and results of their policies. The gun will never kill a person on its own furthermore no law or restriction enacted to limit ownership will ever stop a criminal or nut case from securing a gun and killing someone.
Dylann Roof's Manifesto

Dylann Roof, the 21-year-old charged with killing nine people in Charleston, South Carolina, this week, allegedly wrote a lengthy, racist manifesto on a website he created this year, according to Gawker and The Daily Beast.

The website, "The Last Rhodesian," includes a passage about why the writer, identified as Roof, chose Charleston.

I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.​

Complete Manifesto: Manifesto Of Accused Charleston Shooter Reportedly Found Online


Here Is What Appears to Be Dylann Roof's Racist Manifesto - Gawker


Alleged Dylann Roof Manifesto Found - The Daily Beast

How could his parents not have known about his extreme racist hatred? Are they the source? How many more homegrown racist terrorists like him are out there?
The thing to understand here is that the Ideological Left operates on what is otherwise known as: DELUSION.

Understand the key tenets...

They claim to not be racists, but demand that the only means to be 'fair' with Blacks is to subsidize their existence...

They would have you believe that paying someone to NOT work will motivate them to GO TO WORK.

And so on and so fourth...

Delusion... plain and simple.
Dylann Roof's Manifesto

Dylann Roof, the 21-year-old charged with killing nine people in Charleston, South Carolina, this week, allegedly wrote a lengthy, racist manifesto on a website he created this year, according to Gawker and The Daily Beast.

The website, "The Last Rhodesian," includes a passage about why the writer, identified as Roof, chose Charleston.

I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.​

Complete Manifesto: Manifesto Of Accused Charleston Shooter Reportedly Found Online


Here Is What Appears to Be Dylann Roof's Racist Manifesto - Gawker


Alleged Dylann Roof Manifesto Found - The Daily Beast

How could his parents not have known about his extreme racist hatred? Are they the source? How many more homegrown racist terrorists like him are out there?

LOL! Crazier than a shit-house rat. My guess is that Dylan was put on psychotropic meds VERY early on... kindergarten or early in elementary school.

He was not raised with any understanding in what Rights are, from where they come or the responsibilities intrinsic to such and his mind was addled in its earliest stages of development by proponents of Left-think.
To keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, child abuser, gangsters, paranoid schizophrenics, and others who the legislature of the State within which you reside decide should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun.

The existing laws should already doing that, they're just not being enforced. Why? so you liberals could claim they are not working and make new ones. What's the guarantee that new laws would be enforced? None. And even if we "compromise" and agree to new laws, it wouldn't stop there until guns are completely outlawed.

Then, as a responsible gun owner you can sell a gun knowing that the person you have sold the weapon to is less likely to pull off a mass murder, use it in a robbery or kill someone over an argument. It's all about Personal responsibility.

If is about personal responsibility, which is doubt it is, especially when it comes from liberals, then why to involve government in it?

Let's talk about personal responsibility, shall we?

You want to have casual sex? Don't ask rest of us to pay for your contraceptives or your abortions or your AIDS drugs. You know, having sex has consequences, and its your personal responsibility to bare with the outcome.
You want to help poor? How about you libs pitch in your time and money instead of preaching and actually trying to force me to give mine? You libs always talk about personal responsibility when you have nothing to offer, and when you wanna take something from someone else.
You talk about "white privilege"?How about you give up your privileged job or college seat to someone less fortunate, instead of forcing others to do so.
If you preaching about personal responsibility, then why ban on soda, ban on salt, ban on alcohol, ban on certain food, ban on everything... maybe not on marijuana...
Then why don't you tell us what is an example of a domestic rightwing racist terrorist,

and then tell us why this guy is different.

It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

What difference would that make?

And thanks for tacitly admitting that he must have obtained his racist flag patches and vile unamerican ideas from white supremacists.
It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

You should NEVER ask a troll to be specific. It upsets their rhythm as they spread their pablum.

That's the whole point.

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