Know that forest fire that was cause by man made global warming ?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Moonbat Professor Gary Maynard Charged With Arson

According to the news media and the rest of the liberal establishment, forest fires are caused by global warming, which is caused in turn by Big Government not crushing our freedom and our standard of living quickly enough. Real life forest fires are often caused by moonbats. Usually, it is a matter of envirofascists preventing logging and forest maintenance, which causes deadwood to pile up. Gary Maynard, PhD, who has taught at Stony Brook and more recently Sonoma State University and Santa Clara University, appears to have taken a more direct hand:
[Maynard] is now accused of felony arson, for intentionally setting a series of fires this month near the 500,000 square-acre Dixie Fire. …
In court filings Wednesday, Michael Anderson, the Asst. U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California wrote Maynard, “…entered the evacuation zone and began setting fires behind the first responders fighting the Dixie Fire. In addition to the danger of enlarging the Dixie Fire and threatening more lives and property, this increased the danger to the first responders…But for the dedication and efforts of U.S. Forest Service investigators working around the clock to track Maynard, those fires would not have been discovered in their infancy. With Maynard’s growing fires at their backs, firefighters would have been placed at much greater risk.”
That Maynard is a maniac can be confirmed by examining his political views. Maynard harbors an obsessive hatred of Donald Trump, comparing him to cult leader Jim Jones, with whom he also seems to be obsessed. Unlike Trump, Jones was a socialist. Ironically, Maynard screeched that Trump might deliberately sabotage the economy (as Biden has done), misuse executive orders (Biden has already issued 53 and counting), and use “Stasi techniques.” The communist Stasi was also, like Maynard, of the Left.

According to a suspiciously effusive Rate My Professors page, while teaching sociology at SUNY Stony Brook he treated students to the leftist propaganda films An Inconvenient Truth and Fahrenheit 9-11.

It is difficult to guess at a lunatic’s motives. Maybe he was targeting firefighters, as progressive hatred for local police sometimes spills over onto all emergency workers who risk their lives for the sake of public safety. Another possibility is that since Democrats hype forest fires as specious proof of their global warming theories, a moonbat might reason that the bigger the fire, the faster socialism can be imposed.

I'll answer for the first leftard ....he was just trying to raise awareness! YOURE anit clean water and air bigot!
This doesn't even surprise me at all.

He's a TDS afflicted moron and global warming doomsday cult moonbat.

Either that or he's one of those white supremacists that are such a domestic terrorism threat.
This doesn't even surprise me at all.

He's a TDS afflicted moron and global warming doomsday cult moonbat.

Either that or he's one of those white supremacists that are such a domestic terrorism threat.
He is just as loony as most of the lying anti trumpers on here. Never ever do they tell the truth

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