The Questions that Global Warming Concerned People have Not Answered in this Forum

First off ... I said RENEWABLE ... not CARBON-NEUTRAL ... hydro is anything BUT carbon-neutral ... #6 source of atmospheric carbon dioxide is cement ... environmentally horrific ... don't get me started ...
This is already getting hard to follow as I saw your comment by saying...
...Hydro dams are typically designed for only 500 years after which the reservoir is silted up and it's unusable....
--all that in order for us to be together on the fact that dams are not forever. Of course nothing in this universe --the universe itself included-- is "forever". Isn't that what you mean by "renewable"? If when you say "renewable" you mean that it's useful over some finite time then it might be more clear if you explained yourself.
...Second off ... we gave them Indians GOOD LAND up on the high desert ...
The controversy over relations between descendants of earlier immigrants to what we now call the Americas and descendants of newer immigrants seems off topic and it's hard to see how that becomes a "Second off". Can we just do one topic at a time --like hydro power?
This is already getting hard to follow as I saw your comment by saying...

--all that in order for us to be together on the fact that dams are not forever. Of course nothing in this universe --the universe itself included-- is "forever". Isn't that what you mean by "renewable"? If when you say "renewable" you mean that it's useful over some finite time then it might be more clear if you explained yourself.

The controversy over relations between descendants of earlier immigrants to what we now call the Americas and descendants of newer immigrants seems off topic and it's hard to see how that becomes a "Second off". Can we just do one topic at a time --like hydro power?

Aren't you a little old to be arguing the definition of renewable energy? ...

That same gallon of water that passes through a hydro-turbine is evaporated, blown inland, precipitated out as rain and that same gallon of water passes through the hydro-turbines again ... and again ... how many times can we burn a lump of coal? ...

But you're right ... we've only been rainy here for 100 million years ... that'll only be true for a half billion years until California crashes into Japan ... in the context of our Sun going cold with 1 or 2 trillion years ... so, yeah, not permanent ...
I don't understand why these questions are so hard. If you have missed them thus far, they are:

1) Is there evidence of a steady rise in the Earth's temperature, say since the industrial revolution?
2) Is there proof that this rise is caused by human activity, and that nothing else could be the cause?
3) What are the steps we should take to stop or reverse this human-caused global warming?
4) How much will those steps cost, in terms of tax dollars spent, and lost opportunities, including lost opportunities for developing nations to grow and prosper, and for developed countries to innovate?
5) By how much will that proposed expendature reduce the Earth's temperature, and how do we know that?

If you cannot answer each of these questions, with evidence, not just guesses or links, then any policy you advocate based on "global warming" have no basis in evidence.
Just read my book. It's all in there.
I don't understand why these questions are so hard. If you have missed them thus far, they are:

1) Is there evidence of a steady rise in the Earth's temperature, say since the industrial revolution?
2) Is there proof that this rise is caused by human activity, and that nothing else could be the cause?
3) What are the steps we should take to stop or reverse this human-caused global warming?
4) How much will those steps cost, in terms of tax dollars spent, and lost opportunities, including lost opportunities for developing nations to grow and prosper, and for developed countries to innovate?
5) By how much will that proposed expendature reduce the Earth's temperature, and how do we know that?

If you cannot answer each of these questions, with evidence, not just guesses or links, then any policy you advocate based on "global warming" have no basis in evidence.

1. outside of the surface of growing urban areas, NO, NONE, ZERO
2. N/A
3. N/A
4. N/A
5. It will do NOTHING because Earth is NOT WARMING

Is increasing atmospheric Co2 causing the atmosphere to warm? NO

, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

TRANSLATION = highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING over THREE PLUS DECADES in the atmosphere despite rising Co2

The only "evidence" of "warming" is 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD
Not with democrats intentionally destroying the country.
The democrats have been accused of intentionally destroying the country many times before and every time --eventually-- all gets made right. It's easier to believe what's happened before will happen again then it is to believe something that's never happened before will happen now.
Aren't you a little old to be arguing the definition of renewable energy? ...

That same gallon of water that passes through a hydro-turbine is evaporated, blown inland, precipitated out as rain and that same gallon of water passes through the hydro-turbines again ... and again ... how many times can we burn a lump of coal? ...

But you're right ... we've only been rainy here for 100 million years ... that'll only be true for a half billion years until California crashes into Japan ... in the context of our Sun going cold with 1 or 2 trillion years ... so, yeah, not permanent ...
You're a little loose on those time frames but we can agree that nothing is sustainable forever and all things have a limitied time span. The question of which energy source has the best time span for now can be figured out easy enough. My thinking is that we ought to use the energy source w/ the most competitive price today, and as soon as the price becomes uncompetitive then we switch to some other source w/ a better price.
The democrats have been accused of intentionally destroying the country many times before and every time --eventually-- all gets made right. It's easier to believe what's happened before will happen again then it is to believe something that's never happened before will happen now.
Nothing like today. Democrats are the most dangerous enemy this country has ever faced because they are insidiously destroying the country from within. They’ve got you duped into abetting. A prime example of the insidiousness.
Nothing like today. Democrats are the most dangerous enemy this country has ever faced because they are insidiously destroying the country from within. They’ve got you duped into abetting. A prime example of the insidiousness.
Whoa, so I'm a bad guy here! This looks like a good convo for me to step back from.

You're a little loose on those time frames but we can agree that nothing is sustainable forever and all things have a limitied time span. The question of which energy source has the best time span for now can be figured out easy enough. My thinking is that we ought to use the energy source w/ the most competitive price today, and as soon as the price becomes uncompetitive then we switch to some other source w/ a better price.

Er ... well ... astronomers generally agree it takes a trillion years for a white dwarf star to cool down to CMB temperatures ... which by then will be lower ... entropy of the entire universe will always increase over time ...

I agree with the rest of your comment except we also need to manage our use better ... and conserve ... not using energy is always cheapest ... only fat sweaty pigs need A/C ...
Er ... well ... astronomers generally agree it takes a trillion years for a white dwarf star to cool down to CMB temperatures ... which by then will be lower ... entropy of the entire universe will always increase over time ...

I agree with the rest of your comment except we also need to manage our use better ... and conserve ... not using energy is always cheapest ... only fat sweaty pigs need A/C ...

Your comment about A/C use makes me wonder just what you want to do about it besides object. I used to live on the coast and spent hundreds of dollars per month on A/C but about 25 years ago I moved to the mountains and right now the outside temp is 62 degrees F. I haven't needed A/C for decades.

Unless you're talking legislation we may as well be happy w/ letting market prices decide who gets the A/C.

Your comment about A/C use makes me wonder just what you want to do about it besides object. I used to live on the coast and spent hundreds of dollars per month on A/C but about 25 years ago I moved to the mountains and right now the outside temp is 62 degrees F. I haven't needed A/C for decades.

Unless you're talking legislation we may as well be happy w/ letting market prices decide who gets the A/C.

I've never owned an A/C ... including when I lived in the California Central Valley ... 110ºF ... 115ºF ... strictly luxury that I choose to not afford ... (or could when I lived in Stockton) ...

I used these things called "trees" ... three of them down the south property line ... I only got two hours direct sunlight on my house every day during the hot summer months ... and then all day sunlight during the cold winter months ... passive design meant to CONSERVE energy ... which is my point ...

Today I live in a very mild climate ... 90ºF is a heat emergency ... and I've seen excessive heat warnings for a forecast high of 78ºF ... [rolls eyes] ... that warning was taken down two hours later and replaced with a high heat statement ... ha ha ha ... better ... it did not freeze on my yard this winter, just a couple mornings with jackfrost on the grass tops ... because I understand climatology ...

If it snows where you live, or you need A/C; you've made a terrible mistake ... "You know you're in the Pacific Northwest when more people own boats than A/C's" -- Jeff Foxworthy
I've never owned an A/C ... including when I lived in the California Central Valley ... 110ºF ... 115ºF ... strictly luxury that I choose to not afford ... (or could when I lived in Stockton) ...

I used these things called "trees" ... three of them down the south property line ... I only got two hours direct sunlight on my house every day during the hot summer months ... and then all day sunlight during the cold winter months ... passive design meant to CONSERVE energy ... which is my point ...

Today I live in a very mild climate ... 90ºF is a heat emergency ... and I've seen excessive heat warnings for a forecast high of 78ºF ... [rolls eyes] ... that warning was taken down two hours later and replaced with a high heat statement ... ha ha ha ... better ... it did not freeze on my yard this winter, just a couple mornings with jackfrost on the grass tops ... because I understand climatology ...

If it snows where you live, or you need A/C; you've made a terrible mistake ... "You know you're in the Pacific Northwest when more people own boats than A/C's" -- Jeff Foxworthy
For me I'd consider it arrogant to say where and how others should live.

My preference is to live where the outside temp. is most of the time between 65ºF and 75ºF, and 90 percent of the time between 60ºF and 80ºF. Not everyone wants that and that their business and not mine. For thousands of years the Inuit have lived in the arctic and made homes out of the snow/ice. Now the mostly live in common western homes and imho that's their choice, not ours.
For me I'd consider it arrogant to say where and how others should live.

My preference is to live where the outside temp. is most of the time between 65ºF and 75ºF, and 90 percent of the time between 60ºF and 80ºF. Not everyone wants that and that their business and not mine. For thousands of years the Inuit have lived in the arctic and made homes out of the snow/ice. Now the mostly live in common western homes and imho that's their choice, not ours.

Oh ... you approve of Hamas using rape and kidnapping as weapons of war? ...

Of course not ... and it is arrogant to say they shouldn't live that way ... doesn't mean we should be quite ... we condemn the evil ways people live their lives ... human nature ...

It's hypocritical to burn coal to complain on the internet about burning coal ... while running the A/C on "Arctic" settings ... with the drapes open letting in the full 1,360 W/m^2 solar energy in and depositing that energy as temperature on the thermostat ...

"But if you're made of money, why should I care" -- Red Green
I've never owned an A/C ... including when I lived in the California Central Valley ... 110ºF ... 115ºF ... strictly luxury that I choose to not afford ... (or could when I lived in Stockton) ...

I used these things called "trees" ... three of them down the south property line ... I only got two hours direct sunlight on my house every day during the hot summer months ... and then all day sunlight during the cold winter months ... passive design meant to CONSERVE energy ... which is my point ...

Today I live in a very mild climate ... 90ºF is a heat emergency ... and I've seen excessive heat warnings for a forecast high of 78ºF ... [rolls eyes] ... that warning was taken down two hours later and replaced with a high heat statement ... ha ha ha ... better ... it did not freeze on my yard this winter, just a couple mornings with jackfrost on the grass tops ... because I understand climatology ...

If it snows where you live, or you need A/C; you've made a terrible mistake ... "You know you're in the Pacific Northwest when more people own boats than A/C's" -- Jeff Foxworthy

I use the swamp cooler in Southeastern Washington as it is far cheaper and easy to maintain, don't use my Central A/C anymore for the last 12 years.
I use the swamp cooler in Southeastern Washington as it is far cheaper and easy to maintain, don't use my Central A/C anymore for the last 12 years.

Why does it seem it's only the Climate Change Denialists who are doing anything to protect the climate ...

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