"Know when to fold 'em"


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Not naming any names, :eusa_hand:

But there are people on this board who have to be right and have the last word. Unless there is a dying body under their feet, begging to be put out of their misery - they can't or won't drop it.

Said people view someone like me as a quitter who runs from 'the truth.' No, actually: I recognize people like you, having been raised by one. And I will not be forced into seeing things your way no matter how badly you shame, berate, mock or belittle me.

Besides. What's in it for you? Oh, you were 'right' on the internet?

/polite applause

No, really; by all means. Be proud of yourself! You have accomplished something wondrous. What, I do not know, but obviously it is Very Important.

My personal favorite is when I actually score a point and they *shrug* because now that they see my point, it wasn't such an important point at all. Really, it was quite minor. /yawn Why, they can't even believe they stuck around to see the light, it was so dim.

And what is that mental illness where they are firing slings and arrows like nobody's business, but the minute the opposition hits home, it's the fucking death scene from Macbeth all over again?? Literally they are sinking to new depths the likes of which have never been seen, but you let fly with a zinger and oh my stars and clovers, "Don't cry for me, Argentina," cut-and-print.

Just curious.
Many on the Board, including me, will quarrel until and beyond the setting of the moon.


That’s what we do, and we enjoy it.

However, some individuals here do more: they internalize the act of disagreement into a form of sociopathy, which flouts ethics and normal community standards.

These individuals, unable to cope with proof of their own error, instead disintegrate emotionally and project ever more viciously their failings on to opponents.

The ultimate narcissist, insisting s/he only can decree honor and morality, flower thus into a stick figure morality play with them at the center of their own universe.
All things come to an end. Sometimes the outcome is more subtle than you'd like or imagine. Having a stubborn ass finish can mean you really win and he or she loses. It's all in how you look at it. On forums, people lose interest quickly in a topic, and threads just die, and members know there are plenty of other places to post here.
Sometimes, a thread just has to be put out of its misery
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Many on the Board, including me, will quarrel until and beyond the setting of the moon.


That’s what we do, and we enjoy it.

However, some individuals here do more: they internalize the act of disagreement into a form of sociopathy, which flouts ethics and normal community standards.

These individuals, unable to cope with proof of their own error, instead disintegrate emotionally and project ever more viciously their failings on to opponents.

The ultimate narcissist, insisting s/he only can decree honor and morality, flower thus into a stick figure morality play with them at the center of their own universe.

That is positively poetic.

I don't think any of us are 'people in a box,' for the most part. I, for one, will admit I am wrong unless someone has taught me they are not a gracious winner, and further will not compromise. To those people, I owe nothing.

But if I know I am dealing with a relatively sane person, who is also capable of admitting things may not be as they first appeared? Then I can bend.

And oh! I also cannot abide those who bear grudges on the behalf of others, and brag about it at every turn. Talk about your pearl clutchers! "I saw how you treated poor old [insert their name here], and I cannot BELIEVE you weren't jailed immediately for your insubordination!!"

Yeah. About that. That? That was kinda karmic. If you treat half the board like unmitigated shit just ALL the damn time? And you don't let a little thing like humanity stop you from doing the limbo (how LOW can you GO ... ) then you should not be surprised that at your darkest hour, you suffer the indignity of a return volley.

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