Knowing What You Know Now...Would You Want To Go Back Thru High School?

Knowing what you know now....would you want to go back thru high school?

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I remember the best makeout session I ever had at the Drive-In.
Big boobs....could really kiss.
Turns out she wanted me to have sex with her and my biggest worry was having to tell my parents that I knocked someone up. And she was only 15 I found out later.
So I dodged that bullet.
I took my chances and ended up disease free and no pregnancies-----I think.
I'm not frequenting dating sites anymore. Wink wink.

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Considering the fact that I was a virgin till I was 19....I didn't seem to have that problem.

I was too busy working.
I had to work as well--to earn enough money to take her out to dinner or a movie--so I could find the place to put it. I guess I was an early bloomer or my 19 year old first partner, five years my senior, wondered what the purpose of hers was too. Discovery is a wonderful thing---as I recall.
I had to work as well--to earn enough money to take her out to dinner or a movie--so I could find the place to put it. I guess I was an early bloomer or my 19 year old first partner, five years my senior, wondered what the purpose of hers was too. Discovery is a wonderful thing---as I recall.

Most of my best friends in grade school were all girls.
I had a couple of gfs in H.S. but I really didn't get alot of attention till I came back from leave while I was in the military.
There was all kinds of H.S. girls wanting to go out with a guy in uniform.
i actually don't like the world much

I wouldn't want to have to le arn all those painful things all over again

no way...

Heaven is looking pretty good... I may not make it as soon as I pass... but maybe 50 years beyond that? (I know... you dont want to hear about Purgatory... unless u are Catholic.. )
What I know to get into shape....what the military taught me.
It would be quite different.
Imagine a 12 year old kid with a college level vocabulary.

I'd be getting in alot of fights.

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