Koch Brothers Against Medicade TOO?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
The Tea Party position on Obamacare

A senior member of the Louisiana Democratic Party tells me Dems will try to get a state Constitutional amendment to expand Medicaid on the ballot on Election Day 2014.
The chances of succeeding at that are very slim – more on that in a moment – but this goes to the heart of a very interesting storyline that’s set to unfold in Louisiana this spring involving Americans for Prosperity, the group backed by the Koch brothers, Mary Landrieu, and the health law.

This storyline also neatly captures the true nature of the Tea Party position on Obamacare.
Americans for Prosperity is up with a new ad ripping Senator Landrieu over Obamacare. It features a number of people lamenting lost coverage and higher premiums. But as ABC News reports, all those folks were actors.

That would be par for the course — lots of political ads feature actors — but for one thing. The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity is also planning to lobby state legislators hard to oppose the Medicaid expansion, which is supported by Senator Landrieu and will be debated by the state legislature this spring. Supporters say it could expand coverage to up to 300,000 people.

In short, Americans for Prosperity is up with a major TV ad buy featuring fake victims of Obamacare, while planning a major lobbying effort to block Obamacare’s benefits from reaching untold numbers of real people.

This sort of thing seems to happen again and again in various forms. Obamacare foes hyped the CBO report as proof two million victims would be thrown out of work, but it turned out it actually found those not working as a result of the law would be doing so by choice. Bette in Spokane was featured in the GOP response to the State of the Union as a victim of lost coverage, but it turned out she hadn’t availed herself of Obamacare’s options. As Brian Beutler put it, the big story is that Republicans have actively “fed a stream of bogus horror stories” about the law, while doing everything possible to discourage people like Bette from enjoying the law’s benefits — in effect, creating such horror stories.

That’s where the battle over the Medicaid expansion in Louisiana comes in. Outside groups like Americans for Prosperity — which says its single paramount goal is to get Obamacare repealed — will spend untold sums on ads dramatizing such horror stories, while working to block the expansion.

Tricky Tricky bastards.
OMG they made shit up in order to block passage of the expansion!!!! Can you believe that? And right after the media frenzied over sb 1062 Arizona on the exact same tactic!!

In short, Americans for Prosperity is up with a major TV ad buy featuring fake victims of Obamacare, while planning a major lobbying effort to block Obamacare’s benefits from reaching untold numbers of real people.

Exactly what I have been pointing out for months. The campaign ads write themselves. In those states where Republicans refused ObamaCare, millions of people are being denied access to the Medicaid expansion.
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OMG they made shit up in order to block passage of the expansion!!!! Can you believe that? And right after the media frenzied over sb 1062 Arizona on the exact same tactic!!


You look desperate

Over what would I be desperate? The zero fucks given about the advertisments or who made them, or the zero fucks given over the medicaid expansion in a state I give even less fucks about?
The Republicans fucked up by creating fake horror stories. They poisoned their own well. Their integrity is shot, and now no one will believe anything more they have to say on the matter.

As more and more people sign up for ObamaCare, and as millions are denied access to the Medicaid expansion in all those red states, the GOP has just shot itself in the face. Again.

I'm starting to believe this level of ineptitude has to be on purpose. It fits a definite pattern of selling us down the river.
OMG they made shit up in order to block passage of the expansion!!!! Can you believe that? And right after the media frenzied over sb 1062 Arizona on the exact same tactic!!


You look desperate

Over what would I be desperate? The zero fucks given about the advertisments or who made them, or the zero fucks given over the medicaid expansion in a state I give even less fucks about?

I'd hate to see how you'd act when you care about something :lol:
The Republicans fucked up by creating fake horror stories. They poisoned their own well. Their integrity is shot, and now no one will believe anything more they have to say on the matter.

As more and more people sign up for ObamaCare, and as millions are denied access to the Medicaid expansion in all those red states, the GOP has just shot itself in the face. Again.

I'm starting to believe this level of ineptitude has to be on purpose. It fits a definite pattern of selling us down the river.

As millions of American workers are seeing their work hours reduced from full-time to part-time status, or are losing their jobs altogether, because of ObamaCare, the TRUTH and the FACTS will continue to be exposed.

Over the years, I have seen hundreds, probably thousands, of TV spots produced by Democrat spin doctors who use actors instead of "real" people.

Whether the MESSENGER is a non-actor or actor is IRRELEVENT. FACTS are FACTS.

We'll find out how "happy" the American people are with ObamaCare, and with Obama in-general, in the November mid-term elections.

You leftists are always good for a laugh.
Pretty bad when the left-wing moron and OP gets the word wrong in the very thing he's ranting about. It's Medicaid you dolt
My taxes are high so the government can provide medical care to other people. I can't afford to buy the things I want/need with the money I earn because I have to pay for fatties and the old and junkies and professional baby making machines.

The Republican plan of halting expansion is better than the Democrat plan of expanding (and making my taxes go up to pay for said expansion).

You want me to vote for Democrats, then find a better solution for me to latch onto.
The Republicans fucked up by creating fake horror stories. They poisoned their own well. Their integrity is shot, and now no one will believe anything more they have to say on the matter.

As more and more people sign up for ObamaCare, and as millions are denied access to the Medicaid expansion in all those red states, the GOP has just shot itself in the face. Again.

I'm starting to believe this level of ineptitude has to be on purpose. It fits a definite pattern of selling us down the river.

As millions of American workers are seeing their work hours reduced from full-time to part-time status, or are losing their jobs altogether, because of ObamaCare, the TRUTH and the FACTS will continue to be exposed.

Over the years, I have seen hundreds, probably thousands, of TV spots produced by Democrat spin doctors who use actors instead of "real" people.

Whether the MESSENGER is a non-actor or actor is IRRELEVENT. FACTS are FACTS.

We'll find out how "happy" the American people are with ObamaCare, and with Obama in-general, in the November mid-term elections.

You leftists are always good for a laugh.

Where are your facts? Not just the word "fact" but you know...facts to back what you are saying?
omg, Koch brothers

would that be like that BILLIONAIRE FOREIGNER who control the Democrat party and bought and paid for Obama, George Soros
lmao!!! poor left-wing crybabies; so afraid of those big right-wing Kochs!!
The Republicans fucked up by creating fake horror stories. They poisoned their own well. Their integrity is shot, and now no one will believe anything more they have to say on the matter.

As more and more people sign up for ObamaCare, and as millions are denied access to the Medicaid expansion in all those red states, the GOP has just shot itself in the face. Again.

I'm starting to believe this level of ineptitude has to be on purpose. It fits a definite pattern of selling us down the river.

They are not fake.
The left believe they are because they have done fake ads for more than forty years.
Did you know that each State has it's own low income Medical programs. No one in any is denied health care.
Conservative advocates funded by the billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch have launched a massive campaign pressuring states to deny health care coverage to lower income Americans through the Medicaid expansion contained in the Affordable Care Act.

Billionaires going against the least among us used to be a negative. Not with this new bunch, they see a bully and see the problem is with the little guy not being able to hit back...NOT the bullying itself
Are Dems still flogging this fake ad business? The people are real. A lot more real than the paid assholes who grace Obama's functions.
Remember when Nancy Pelosi said the Tea Party was astroturf?
Conservative advocates funded by the billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch have launched a massive campaign pressuring states to deny health care coverage to lower income Americans through the Medicaid expansion contained in the Affordable Care Act.

Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans | ThinkProgress
Billionaires going against the least among us used to be a negative. Not with this new bunch, they see a bully and see the problem is with the little guy not being able to hit back...NOT the bullying itself

OOh, ThinkProgress. There's heavyweight news. Not.
Conservative advocates funded by the billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch have launched a massive campaign pressuring states to deny health care coverage to lower income Americans through the Medicaid expansion contained in the Affordable Care Act.

Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans | ThinkProgress
Billionaires going against the least among us used to be a negative. Not with this new bunch, they see a bully and see the problem is with the little guy not being able to hit back...NOT the bullying itself

OOh, ThinkProgress. There's heavyweight news. Not.

I know I'm onto something when this is the response :lol:

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