Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veteran's Health Care

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.

Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.



Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.


What does the Koch brothers gain in this? Also the Koch brothers fund all of the right candidates except Trump, not just Rubio . Interesting about Rubio though..

Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.


What does the Koch brothers gain in this? Also the Koch brothers fund all of the right candidates except Trump, not just Rubio . Interesting about Rubio though..

They want to privatize everything, including Social Security. The banks would make a fortune off that Social Security Fund.
They're good.....but they're not that good!

Meanwhile countless liberal abuse their children daily by allowing them to watch PBS which gets so much funding from those brothers. Definitely child abuse - by liberal standards - and yet they are not prosecuted.

Why the fuck not?
Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.


What does the Koch brothers gain in this? Also the Koch brothers fund all of the right candidates except Trump, not just Rubio . Interesting about Rubio though..

They want to privatize everything, including Social Security. The banks would make a fortune off that Social Security Fund.


Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.




I've heard ( only ) but cannot confirm that this is already happening. But I know that they are getting help better than before....... Because how can you cut down the backlog without extra help from the outside.
Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.


Sorry, they were too slow....the federal government already destroyed Veteran's healthcare....
Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.


What does the Koch brothers gain in this? Also the Koch brothers fund all of the right candidates except Trump, not just Rubio . Interesting about Rubio though..

They want to privatize everything, including Social Security. The banks would make a fortune off that Social Security Fund.

And the democrats want to take over everyones 401ks........I'd rather privatize social security....
Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.


Oh...I see...you failed to mention the important point.....

Miller and Rubio's proposals - H.R. 1994 and S. 1082 - would do away with those vital rights with the stroke of a pen. They do nothing to address the current $2.5 billion funding shortfall facing the VA; they do nothing to add new hospital beds or fill vacant positions. Their proposal instead would make every VA employee - doctors, nurses, benefit claims processors - at-will employees who can be fired at any time with little to no recourse.

They want to fire bad employees......wow.....the same employees making secret lists to hide the deaths of Vets who wait too long to see doctors....they want to fire employees who are not doing their jobs....

I can see how firing incompetents who are killing our vets would bother the left...you hate the military and if they die in waiting for poorly performing employees to actually do their jobs...so what....right?
Vouchers should be given and Vets should be allowed to go to doctors outside the system. If they can't get timely appointments for needing service then the system HAS FAILED. It has proven to be a FAILURE time and time again over the DECADES.

To fix it, they need to pony up and give them the same benefits that the politicians receive. Of course that would cost more money and we can't have that now can we...............Just another episode on this country FUCKING over those who have served.......................
Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.


Oh...I see...you failed to mention the important point.....

Miller and Rubio's proposals - H.R. 1994 and S. 1082 - would do away with those vital rights with the stroke of a pen. They do nothing to address the current $2.5 billion funding shortfall facing the VA; they do nothing to add new hospital beds or fill vacant positions. Their proposal instead would make every VA employee - doctors, nurses, benefit claims processors - at-will employees who can be fired at any time with little to no recourse.

They want to fire bad employees......wow.....the same employees making secret lists to hide the deaths of Vets who wait too long to see doctors....they want to fire employees who are not doing their jobs....

I can see how firing incompetents who are killing our vets would bother the left...you hate the military and if they die in waiting for poorly performing employees to actually do their jobs...so what....right?
I'm ready to FIRE EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM ANYWAY. Shut it down and the Vets go to the Doctors of their choice and get service at local Hospitals and not one hundreds of miles away with lines to get seen around the block.
Unfreakingbelievable. that Messiah of theirs Obambam, has had control over our vets for the last seven years and has done NOTHING for them. yet the Kochs are going to ride overnight and destroy it. are you on the left this gullible you just swallow that nonsense?
Veterans are totally against this.

The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It

The war on workers' rights has shifted to a new and unlikely battleground this week: the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. And for the more than 350,000 employees and the veterans they serve, the stakes could not be higher.
Let me explain. In the wake of last year's "secret waitlist" scandal - where VA managers rigged the scheduling system to make it appear that more veterans were being seen than actually were - Congress passed a law giving VA Secretary McDonald the authority to fire bad managers and the resources to hire enough staff to care for the massive influx of new vets into the VA system. Were it not for the brave VA employee whistleblowers who put their careers on the line to speak out and expose the list-rigging, we never would have known the problem existed.
Today, the VA is seeing more patients than ever before while continuing to deliver quality, integrated care designed just for veterans. There is still a lot of progress to be made in filling the more than 40,000 job vacancies at VA medical facilities across the country, but the trend is undoubtedly headed in the right direction.


Sorry, they were too slow....the federal government already destroyed Veteran's healthcare....
And social security

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