Koreas trade fire; island residents in shelters


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Damn, Bush's foreign policy results in more unrest.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North and South Korea fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters Monday in a flare-up of animosity that forced residents of five front-line South Korean islands to evacuate to shelters for several hours, South Korean officials said.

Koreas trade fire; island residents in shelters
Gee, maybe Kim III is looking at Obama's response to Putin and thinking, Why not me?

How long is the world going to live like this? Is the human being ever going to advance to the point where we realize the futility of war? What are Putin's goals? NK I can understand it is a crap hole compared to SK. I understand it in that the NK are like liberals they want wage equality and will take it by force.
Gee, maybe Kim III is looking at Obama's response to Putin and thinking, Why not me?
Exactly. 'Lill-Kim' is just insane enough to do it. He's got over a million starving troops/zombies as insane as he is standing around doing SFA.
A few miles south there's all the food and booze and women any red blooded zombie could consume. They'll never get their hands on the caviar and $1000 bottles of French wine and all those little eleven year old 'Sunshine Girls' Kim and his top generals get to enjoy after all.
Gee, maybe Kim III is looking at Obama's response to Putin and thinking, Why not me?

How long is the world going to live like this? Is the human being ever going to advance to the point where we realize the futility of war? What are Putin's goals? NK I can understand it is a crap hole compared to SK. I understand it in that the NK are like liberals they want wage equality and will take it by force.

South Korea is a Capitalist Land of Freedom.

North Korea is a socialist hell-hole where income equality and social justice run EVERYTHING.

In fact, the social justice in North Korea is so equal that the average North Korean is 3" (three inches) SHORTER that the average South Korean because the North Koreans make sure that nobody gets more food than anybody else.

Wanna see the end results of social justice? Look to North Korea.


^^ What your grandchildren may look like if you allow the socialists to take over ^^
Gee, maybe Kim III is looking at Obama's response to Putin and thinking, Why not me?
Exactly. 'Lill-Kim' is just insane enough to do it. He's got over a million starving troops/zombies as insane as he is standing around doing SFA.
A few miles south there's all the food and booze and women any red blooded zombie could consume. They'll never get their hands on the caviar and $1000 bottles of French wine and all those little eleven year old 'Sunshine Girls' Kim and his top generals get to enjoy after all.

Every year about this time, North Korea starts to run out of food. Every year.

Sometimes, the Chinese feed them, other times they don't. But it's every year.

Sometimes, the only way they can get fed is to raise hell, start some shit and get the United States to calm them down by sending them food and, in the case of Bill the rapist Clinton, maybe some help refining weapons grade plutonium.

That's likely what they're doing now.... Looking for a handout.

socialists are so incredibly stupid they can't even feed themselves. All we gotta do is refuse and they fall apart. China is getting littel tired of Kin Jong Un's schtick.

Let's see what happens. Whatever it is, you'll have to search like Sherlock Holmes to find it. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM probably won't tell us. Unless it makes the lying cocksucker in chief look good. In that case, it will be on the front pages of every major US Newspaper for Weeks and it will be the lead on every Nightly News Broadcast for a Month.

But if the liar in chief gives away the farm? You won't hear jack-shit about it. Or, if you do, it will be in passing.
Damn, Bush's foreign policy results in more unrest.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North and South Korea fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters Monday in a flare-up of animosity that forced residents of five front-line South Korean islands to evacuate to shelters for several hours, South Korean officials said.

Koreas trade fire; island residents in shelters

I hope no fish were injured
Damn, Bush's foreign policy results in more unrest.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North and South Korea fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters Monday in a flare-up of animosity that forced residents of five front-line South Korean islands to evacuate to shelters for several hours, South Korean officials said.

Koreas trade fire; island residents in shelters

I hope no fish were injured

You may think it's funny, but i'm betting the South Koreans don't. You don't have to worry about your neighbor being an unpredictable, whackadoodle communist midget with a million troops, nuclear capability and long-range missiles.
This is a monster the Chinese created for Cold War reasons, but now it's a problem and they don't know what to do about it. Anything happens to NK and they destroy Seoul, wreck the region's economy, possibly nuke Tokyo, and create a refugee crisis the Chinese can't hope to contain.
Damn, Bush's foreign policy results in more unrest.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North and South Korea fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters Monday in a flare-up of animosity that forced residents of five front-line South Korean islands to evacuate to shelters for several hours, South Korean officials said.

Koreas trade fire; island residents in shelters

I hope no fish were injured

You may think it's funny, but i'm betting the South Koreans don't. You don't have to worry about your neighbor being an unpredictable, whackadoodle communist midget with a million troops, nuclear capability and long-range missiles.

I am very concerned with attacks on marine life....aren't you?

Otherwise it is more posturing from the north
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Time for Obama to send in our Ambassador to North Korea, Dennis Rodman.
Im sure they can work something out peacefully.
This is par for the course. The people in that socialist hellhole are starving and their dear leader is looking to stir up more trouble. He's such a nasty little tyrant. Typical of socialist or communist dictators.

He even declared a law dictating what haircuts are allowed for both men and women. Yup, they have 8 different choices. That little fat fuck doesn't care that people are starving, but he makes a law regarding hair styles. That guy makes me puke.

I wish S. Korea could send a guided missile straight up Kim's ass.
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Damn, Bush's foreign policy results in more unrest.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North and South Korea fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters Monday in a flare-up of animosity that forced residents of five front-line South Korean islands to evacuate to shelters for several hours, South Korean officials said.

Koreas trade fire; island residents in shelters

Bush's fault? Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea without authorization from congress. It's illegal but more importantly it makes Korea Truman's war. The conflict was mishandled by a tired old WW1 Soldier and the US turned victory into an embarrassing groveling truce after 50,000 Americans died and we ended up where we started after three years. The "forgotten war" is a perfect example of the low information left being duped by the mainstream media.
Let's not act like this is the fault of any recent president. We approach North Korea how South Korea wants us to. They have the most to lose and we aren't going to go to war with North Korea. South Korea doesn't want to be decimated, as the North will throw everything they have at the South, and they don't want to deal with the inevitable refugee problem.
Damn, Bush's foreign policy results in more unrest.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North and South Korea fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters Monday in a flare-up of animosity that forced residents of five front-line South Korean islands to evacuate to shelters for several hours, South Korean officials said.

Koreas trade fire; island residents in shelters

meaningless posturing. All ammo hit the water.
Gee, maybe Kim III is looking at Obama's response to Putin and thinking, Why not me?

How long is the world going to live like this? Is the human being ever going to advance to the point where we realize the futility of war? What are Putin's goals? NK I can understand it is a crap hole compared to SK. I understand it in that the NK are like liberals they want wage equality and will take it by force.

South Korea is a Capitalist Land of Freedom.

North Korea is a socialist hell-hole where income equality and social justice run EVERYTHING.

In fact, the social justice in North Korea is so equal that the average North Korean is 3" (three inches) SHORTER that the average South Korean because the North Koreans make sure that nobody gets more food than anybody else.

Wanna see the end results of social justice? Look to North Korea.


^^ What your grandchildren may look like if you allow the socialists to take over ^^

^^ this post is brought to by crack. Kids dont do crack, you may end up like this.
This is par for the course. The people in that socialist hellhole are starving and their dear leader is looking to stir up more trouble. He's such a nasty little tyrant. Typical of socialist or communist dictators.

He even declared a law dictating what haircuts are allowed for both men and women. Yup, they have 8 different choices. That little fat fuck doesn't care that people are starving, but he makes a law regarding hair styles. That guy makes me puke.

I wish S. Korea could send a guided missile straight up Kim's ass.

North Korea isnt socialist you dipshit.
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The "forgotten war" was one that never needed to happen:

"6. In August 1945 defeated Japanese forces formally turned over authority in Korea to the broad-based Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, led by Lyuh Woon-hyung, which in September proclaimed the Korean People’s Republic (KPR). When U.S. forces under Gen. Reed Hodge arrived in Inchon to accept the Japanese surrender, they

a. ordered all Japanese officials to remain in their posts, refused to recognize Lyuh as national leader, and soon banned all public reference to the KPR

b. recognized Lyuh as the legitimate head of state

c. negotiated with Lyuh to facilitate swift attainment of independence of a united Korea"

Koreans neither needed nor asked for outside help to unify their country after WWII.

The Soviets agreed.

The US didn't.

A Pop Quiz on Korea » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Meaningless posturing maybe even if it is the million dollars question what if it goes beyond that same with the Russian troops on the Ukraine border? For better or worse the world is interconnected in ways now that we are no longer isolated from the effects of events across the world.
Damn, Bush's foreign policy results in more unrest.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North and South Korea fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other's waters Monday in a flare-up of animosity that forced residents of five front-line South Korean islands to evacuate to shelters for several hours, South Korean officials said.

Koreas trade fire; island residents in shelters

I hope no fish were injured

i hope you are ready to defend that racist comment

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