Kramartorsk Missile Rips US Special Forces To Shreds

Gee, bad news for the Putin-licking MAGA fags...

No worry, I'm sure it's just "fake news" from the WEF/CIA-controlled western media...

WASHINGTON, June 28 (Reuters) - Solid majorities of Americans support providing weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself against Russia and believe that such aid demonstrates to China and other U.S. rivals a will to protect U.S. interests and allies, according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey.

The two-day poll that was concluded on Tuesday charted a sharp rise in backing for arming Ukraine, with 65% of the respondents approving of the shipments compared with 46% in a May poll.


In other findings, the survey said large majorities of Americans - 67% and 73% - are more likely to support a candidate in next year's U.S. presidential election who will continue military aid to Ukraine and one who backs the NATO alliance
Ukrainian authorities, of course, say that there were only Ukrainian civilians in this restaurant in Kramatorsk.

But I have read on the website of Voice of America today that three Colombians were injured in this restaurant - Latest in Ukraine: Death Toll in Kramatorsk Attack Rises to 12

And some Telegram channels have already published a post of Arnaud De Decker, a Belgian national about this incident (please the picture see below).

Why were so many foreigners at this place in Kramatorsk which is near the frontline?

I believe that they were foreign mercenaries.

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The multiracialist insanity will have turned the american people into a bunch of "cucarachas" speaking English and led to the political fragmentation of the country way before the demise of the russian nation state.
I remember a song from my childhood going something like "Ya cucaracha, ya cucaracha". A song in Spanish I take it, from the times, maybe, when Cuba and the USSR were friends for eternity. Somehow I didn't care then what cucaracha might be, but now that you reminded of it, what is it? A cockroach?
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I will concede it's in our interests to keep our carrier fleets and maintain a capacity to literally destroy anyplace on earth as quickly as possible. That said, we're too damned spread out and we have enough of our own problems. If russia doesn't consider nato a threat, and knows our "CINC" is a jabbering fool surrounded by complete dimwits running his office as well as leeches in the pentagon he can do what he likes to Ukraine. That said if he had no threat at all from the west, he could deal with those damned gooks to the east. (I'm kidding there but it's projecting them on putin, so what the hell?)

I'm of the thinking that if we stood NATO down after the Warsaw Pact collapsed it would have greatly improved the future and possibly led to better governance in russia than the mafia boss with nuclear codes.

I certainly believe China is a problem, but they also have border disputes with ALL of their neighbors and India particularly is ramping up for conflict. If nukes fly, I expect it there rather than from russia to anywhere.
Yes, China will be the main adversary, with their regional allies. But I don't agree with you about Russia. Russian society is chauvinistic and filled with an idea of their grandeur.

The policy of 'gathering of Russian lands' (with some transformations and different pretext) was adopted since the 16th century and still is in place.
Yes, China will be the main adversary, with their regional allies. But I don't agree with you about Russia. Russian society is chauvinistic and filled with an idea of their grandeur.

The policy of 'gathering of Russian lands' (with some transformations and different pretext) was adopted since the 16th century and still is in place.
Weren't you all the soviets whom Americans despised equally till the USSR's suicide? But now, look at you, you've got a grandeur of your own to take care of. You dug out the Black sea, didn't you? And Herakles, I've heard, was from Zaporizhian Sich. How he could have been not having been so brave and strong and beautiful? Aren't you one of his grand grand ... sons btw?
Weren't you all the soviets whom Americans despised equally till the USSR's suicide? But now, look at you, you've got a grandeur of your own to take care of. You dug out the Black sea, didn't you? And Herakles, I've heard, was from Zaporizhian Sich. How he could have been not having been so brave and strong and beautiful? Aren't you one of his grand grand ... sons btw?
There was a famous Russian writer that lived in Kiev. Mikhail Bulgakov. Once, he wrote his famous novel The Heart of a Dog. One of the main characters there, Professor Preobrazhensky, said: Don't read the Soviet press before your dinner.

But really, what I can expect from the nation of Sharikovs and Shvonders?
There was a famous Russian writer that lived in Kiev. Mikhail Bulgakov. Once, he wrote his famous novel The Heart of a Dog. One of the main characters there, Professor Preobrazhensky, said: Don't read the Soviet press before your dinner.

But really, what I can expect from the nation of Sharikovs and Shvonders?
Ah, so while we were strangling cats you were hiding in your sleeper cell all perfumed and dignified waiting for your turn to stab us in the back? Did you see, by the way, what your former PM, Yats I believe Nuland dubbed him, say about how fucked you've become, professor?
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Ah, so while we were strangling cats you were hiding in your sleeper cell all perfumed and dignified waiting for your turn to stab us in the back? Did you see, by the way, what your former PM, Yats I believe Nuland dubbed him, say about how fucked you've become, professor?
That was written in your 'Soviet' press? You never learn, Sharikov. You will always have the heart of a dog. A vicious dog that must be kept at bay.
Originally posted by AlexanderPK
I remember a song from my childhood going something like "Ya cucaracha, ya cucaracha". A song in Spanish I take it, from the times, maybe, when Cuba and the USSR were friends for eternity. Somehow I didn't care then what cucaracha might be, but now that you reminded of it, what is it? A cockroach?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Exactly, Alex.

Cucaracha is one of the few spanish words that entered the english language (17th century) before 1960 when America went bananas and started importing hispanics by the millions.

Cucaracha used as a slang also means "low-skilled worker" besides being a racial slur for Mexicans.

This is for you... so you can remember your childhood... :biggrin:

Well now....that strike was expected.

Another thing ....what were all those foreign mercenaries doing over there? did they had a death wish.:dunno:
Sadly their wish came true.

"Two Ukrainian generals and up to 50 officers of the Ukrainian armed forces, as well as up to 20 foreign mercenaries and military advisers, were killed as a result of a precision strike by the Russian military in Kramatorsk on June 27, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday"
A reminder for the hot heads or also known as 65% of the respondents approving of the shipments compared with 46% in a May poll who may have forgotten or didn't know what a war with Russia might look like
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Ukrainian authorities, of course, say that there were only Ukrainian civilians in this restaurant in Kramatorsk.
No they did not. They acknowledge that there were civilians from other countries also.

"Information about the injuries of the three foreigners has also been confirmed by Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration."
But I have read on the website of Voice of America today that three Colombians were injured in this restaurant - Latest in Ukraine: Death Toll in Kramatorsk Attack Rises to 12
A Colombian MP and two journalists.
And some Telegram channels have already published a post of Arnaud De Decker, a Belgian national about this incident (please the picture see below).
He is also journalist.
Why were so many foreigners at this place in Kramatorsk which is near the frontline?
Kramatorsk is about 35km from the nearest Russian positions. It was full of people because it is a restaurant, and it was dinner time.

Russians are pigs.
I believe that they were foreign mercenaries.
Well naturally any foreigner in Ukraine is automatically a mercenary. There are no reporters, no aid workers, no officials from other countries.

Except for these four confirmed identities, one MP and 3 journos?
A reminder for the hot heads or also known as 65% of the respondents approving of the shipments compared with 46% in a May poll who may have forgotten or didn't know what a war with Russia might look like
Yeah, you keep launching missiles at Ukrainian cities. That is the #1 way to galvanize public opinion against you.

ATACMS and NASAMS were being held back- now both will be coming your way. Enjoy.
Yeah, you keep launching missiles at Ukrainian cities. That is the #1 way to galvanize public opinion against you.

ATACMS and NASAMS were being held back- now both will be coming your way. Enjoy.
So far your boneheaded Ukie friends are enjoying. How many are there left still? Wonder why Esay is not up in arms yet. Things are going the disabled too will be joining your foreign aid workers soon.
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Of course the strike was targeted at key Kyiv military and mercenary cover forces who were at a special planning meeting and were zapped like flies . To argue otherwise is perverse, though predictable from our resident troll, Part Balls, who finds difficulty standing up straight . Who knows ? Budanovs side kicks were perhaps chatting details of the planned attack on the Zaporozhye power plant which they then plan to blame on the Russians . A step up from their Dam False Flag .
Foreing mercenaries should know by now....that if they go to fight for Ukraine ....they are in a Kamikaze mission. They will not survive.

Russia will destroy foreign fighters and Western generals in Ukraine – Lavrov​

June 30- 2023
The foreign military advisors who died in Kramatorsk were supposed to teach Ukrainians how to fly outside U.S. transport planes.
The foreign military advisors who died in Kramatorsk were supposed to teach Ukrainians how to fly outside U.S. transport planes.
That's just dumb. There are no transport aircraft flying in eastern Ukraine, and all pilot training takes place at western bases. Usually by the country providing the planes.

No transport aircraft have been provided to Ukraine by any country, and none have even been discussed AFAIK. They fly An-26's, and they already know how to fly them (since they built them). :rolleyes:

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