Kramartorsk Missile Rips US Special Forces To Shreds

Warch out, the site idiot is here .

He once bragged about paying $20,000 for a set of speakers that I tried to tell him better can be had for only about $2,000 if you know what you are doing and where to look, he just laughed and didn't even ask further, I guess it was too late to stop the check.
Consider the Europe section to be a sewer where all Russian shit flows. Let it be.
No. There are other forums on this board for that behavior. This one should be for grown-ups.

Or maybe I should start posting pictures of dead russians for every Luiza or duckfucker shitpost. I will never run out of them, I can guarantee you that

One for one. Shitpost for shitpost. It takes no brains for that, any dumbfuck can trash a board.
Yeah sure. When all else fails there is always whataboutism.
Facts you find problematic, aren't "whataboutisms". (What a stupid fucking term. No wonder the Left loves it.) Facts are merely facts. Only when you hold yourself, and your own country to a particular standard, can anyone take you seriously when applying that standard to others...
No. There are other forums on this board for that behavior. This one should be for grown-ups.

Or maybe I should start posting pictures of dead russians for every Luiza or duckfucker shitpost. I will never run out of them, I can guarantee you that

One for one. Shitpost for shitpost. It takes no brains for that, any dumbfuck can trash a board.
There is already a poster who is doing that. No need for another one.
Facts you find problematic, aren't "whataboutisms". (What a stupid fucking term. No wonder the Left loves it.) Facts are merely facts. Only when you hold yourself, and your own country to a particular standard, can anyone take you seriously when applying that standard to others...
You didn't post any facts retard. The thread is about the Kramatorsk restaurant attack and the bullshit narrative that there was some military purpose.

You don't have anything to say about that- all you can do is say: "Yeah... Cuz the US has never taken out civies, including children, in their attacks against enemies...".

So fuck off- that's whataboutism.
You didn't post any facts retard. The thread is about the Kramatorsk restaurant attack and the bullshit narrative that there was some military purpose.

You don't have anything to say about that- all you can do is say: "Yeah... Cuz the US has never taken out civies, including children, in their attacks against enemies...".

So fuck off- that's whataboutism.
Whah! Cry about it. Don't post on a forum whining about "war crimes" committed by your boogeyman, and expect no one to point out your hypocrisy. Your flaccid little incantation of "whataboutism" will not ward off the highlighting of your hypocrisy.
There is already a poster who is doing that. No need for another one.
Oh but there is a shortage of Kremlin trolls?

You are talking about Litwin? He is the only really prolific pro-Ukraine poster left. He posts mostly tweets from Eastern European MP's or PM's, I see nothing wrong with that.

Or toomuchtime? He posts articles and opinion pieces, but he doesn't try to hide the sources, and it is all properly attributed.

The Kremlin stooges pile on both of them like pigs for it.

There is NOTHING either of them have posted that would compare to what I can put up here. Not even close.
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Whah! Cry about it. Don't post on a forum whining about "war crimes" committed by your boogeyman, and expect no one to point out your hypocrisy. Your flaccid little incantation of "whataboutism" will not ward off the highlighting of your hypocrisy.
Hey dipshit, the picture I posted was from the very same video that the OP posted. About 30 seconds after the guy with the tattoo that OP claims is special forces. There is no hypocrisy there.

And yes- targeting restaurants and hotels full of civilians is a war crime. Russia has thousands of them- this one isn't special. It's just more of the same Russian terrorism that we see on a daily basis. Hotels, apartment buildings, hospitals, playgrounds. Hundreds of kilometers from the fighting, strictly civilian targets.

Every day. It is why Putin has an International warrant out on him, duh.

You fuckheads come on here, and you make excuses for Putin's crimes against humanity that are too numerous to count.

Fuck off.
I thought it was interesting that nobody found it odd how easily Wagner could march in a staight line from 1200 km away from Kyiv to 200 km from Kyiv.
I thought it was interesting that nobody found it odd how easily Wagner could march in a staight line from 1200 km away from Kyiv to 200 km from Kyiv.
And shoot down 6 helicopters and an Airborne Command Post in the process. :laughing0301:

Perfectly executed. The SMO is sure going according to plan...
Oh but there is a shortage of Kremlin trolls?

You are talking about Litwin? He is the only really prolific pro-Ukraine poster left. He posts mostly tweets from Eastern European MP's or PM's, I see nothing wrong with that.

Or toomuchtime? He posts articles and opinion pieces, but he doesn't try to hide the sources, and it is all properly attributed.

The Kremlin stooges pile on both of them like pigs for it.

There is NOTHING either of them have posted that would compare to what I can put up here. Not even close.
If talking about Russian trolls, real trolls who have an agenda here, I can name only two who fall into this category.

You can do whatever you please, of course. But for what reason? To decend yourself onto their level? Anyway, you will change nothing.

Paid trolls on various Internet platforms is one of the features of Russian massive state propaganda machine. They are far from first ones in that hierarchy.
You really are the shit at the bottom of the river . Devoid of intelligence and just an open mouth from which unsupported statements dribble out .
Except that the shit at the bottom of a river would make good soil if dredged up and trucked away. That parasite's nitrogen is the only thing of value. Me personally, I don't pay attention to it at all. Too much bullshit and there aren't even any good shrooms growing out. We're only involved because our potato and his criminal syndicate have investments they're profiting from and that's it.
Oh but there is a shortage of Kremlin trolls?
We have given you rope to hang yourself and now you are dangling .Are you with the same Troll Factory as Tittty Winkle?Thou protesteth far too much and have caught out yourself .
For another faint?
Perhaps Wagner will attack Ukraine through Belarus, since officially active russian military now occupies the Donbar region Wagner took to begin with?
Perhaps Wagner will attack Ukraine through Belarus, since officially active russian military now occupies the Donbar region Wagner took to begin with?
Well, it was an irony from my part. First of all, I don't think that their march on Kiev last spring (2022) was a feint.

Second, it is too unclear for now what really happens to the Wagner Group in the near future. I don't think it will be preserved as a single military 'unit'.

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