Krauthammer: 'Obama Agenda is Dead,' 'He Tried a 2-Year Experiment in Hyper-Liberalis


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
I heard this quote on the radio yesterday, but this is the first I have finally seen it in print:

Krauthammer: 'Obama Agenda is Dead,' 'He Tried a 2-Year Experiment in Hyper-Liberalism and the Country Has said No'

“I think that the message is unmistakable that the Obama agenda is dead,” Krauthammer said on the Fox News Channel’s early morning coverage on Nov 3. “The question is how much of it is going to be repealed and how much will Obama be willing to concede. It’s clear as you projected the house is going to be Republican. I think what is going to happen is the Republicans are not going to win the Senate.”

But Krauthammer explained the GOP didn’t necessarily have to control the Senate to move legislation through.

“But I think they're going to have de facto control of the Senate in the sense that there were going to be several Democratic senators that are going to be up for re-election in two years,” he continued. “I'm thinking of a Jim Webb from Virginia. I’m thinking of some of the others. There are going to be more Democrats up for re-election than Republicans in two years in the Senate, and they’re looking at the fate of those Democrats who went with the president with his agenda and walked the plank and are now gone, and they're not going to go. And I think there will be great resistance in the Senate to any advance of the Obama agenda.”

Krauthammer: 'Obama Agenda is Dead,' 'He Tried a 2-Year Experiment in Hyper-Liberalism and the Country Has said No' |

Now, I don't know if I entirely agree with this summation. I think Obama isn't going to give up that easy. I think he is going to try every trick in book to get around Congress and force his agenda on the country.

If he means that Obama's hopey changey myth with the country is dead, I totally agree. Only the completely delusional still believe in Obama's myth. Everyone else knows Obama is a fraud.

But does it mean Obama's efforts to force his agenda is dead? Not by long shot. He's going to try every devious shenanigan he can try.

It all depends on how willing the Republicans are to stand up to Obama. Whether they will hold firm against Obama's agenda, or go all wobbly, as the Republican party is wont to do.

This is where WE come in. The election is not the end of our effort. We have to hold the Republican's freaking feet to the fire.

It's going to be a struggle day by day to let the GOP majority know they BETTER get their act together and stop Obama every way they can OR THEY ARE JUST AS GONE IN TWO YEARS AS THE DEMOCRATS.

It will be time for a new party and to watch the Republican party go the way of the do do.



With Obama in office, and Dem's still holding the Senate, this will happen:

- If things stay bad or worse, Dems and Obama will take all the blame since they have the most power.

- But, if things get better, the right taking the House will be painted as the turning point, where we forced Obama to get to the middle.

Either way, Dems in the Senate who are worried about 2012 will find it in their best interest to associate more with the right. They'll either do it to flee a failing Democratic Party, or to become closer associated with what is percieved as a renewed and vibrant middle/right, in order to save their jobs in 2012.

So, in fact, the right wing may have control of the Senate through that unofficially.

It's a great time to not be a leftist!!!
Difficult to say how the American voters will credit failure or success of the economy two years from now.

Oh, we can probably predict what narratives the Ds or Rs will invent to explain either outcome, but what the American people will make of it is anybody's guess.

I suspect that the political cloaks that each party like to assume for themselves (that the Ds are working for the working mann and the Rs are fiscally conservative) has worn very thin for both of them over the last 20 years or so.

I just don't think the American voters are as dumb as the RNC and DNC hope.

I think more Americans understand that both parties are largely full of beans.

And I also suspect if we had more than two viable parties to choose from, the Rs and Ds would both be out of power,
Difficult to say how the American voters will credit failure or success of the economy two years from now.

Oh, we can probably predict what narratives the Ds or Rs will invent to explain either outcome, but what the American people will make of it is anybody's guess.

I suspect that the political cloaks that each party like to assume for themselves (that the Ds are working for the working mann and the Rs are fiscally conservative) has worn very thin for both of them over the last 20 years or so.

I just don't think the American voters are as dumb as the RNC and DNC hope.

I think more Americans understand that both parties are largely full of beans.

And I also suspect if we had more than two viable parties to choose from, the Rs and Ds would both be out of power,

Now you are sounding like myself, I just see a third party arising if the new Congress mirrors the last few.
Its very simple..........the unemplyment rate comes down to 7% or less or Obama's a one term president. Its that simple.........particularly since right now, the ENTIRE rust belt is now red.
Its very simple..........the unemplyment rate comes down to 7% or less or Obama's a one term president. Its that simple.........particularly since right now, the ENTIRE rust belt is now red.

I think you're probably right about that.
Overanalysis for the gay...................

Most people who vote in the general election place the blame sqarely on the shoulders of the presdident as he is seen as the person who sets the agenda. Not the congress. Nobody cared about the fact that Dems controlled the budget reigns from 2006 and when 2008 rolled around, the GOP got whacked.

The GOP now controls 1/2 of one house...........almost insignificant come 2012.

Its just fact that right now, liberal ideology as it relates to public policy has been given the heave-ho......its not even debatable. Remember......this is a "Politics" forum, not one to discuss ideology, thus, it is what it is. Conservatives took a kick to the balls two years ago and it stung. Now its the time for liberals to be miserable.
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I believe to a great degree that Krauthammer is correct. He's a pretty smart guy. If the Republicans get some useful stuff accomplished, like getting people back to work, control over the runaway government spending, repeal part or all of the ObamaCare mess, then they too will do well in 2012. However, if they do not, they will also get fired in the next elections just like the Democrats got fired in this election. It is not that the general public is in love with the Republicans. They are on "probation" with the voters. They too can be fired just like the Democrats if they do not provide some results that are acceptable to the people who elected them.
I believe to a great degree that Krauthammer is correct. He's a pretty smart guy. If the Republicans get some useful stuff accomplished, like getting people back to work, control over the runaway government spending, repeal part or all of the ObamaCare mess, then they too will do well in 2012. However, if they do not, they will also get fired in the next elections just like the Democrats got fired in this election. It is not that the general public is in love with the Republicans. They are on "probation" with the voters. They too can be fired just like the Democrats if they do not provide some results that are acceptable to the people who elected them.'re listening to too much spin from the pundits.

My post just up the line here sums up the reality, though some might not like it.
I believe to a great degree that Krauthammer is correct. He's a pretty smart guy. If the Republicans get some useful stuff accomplished, like getting people back to work, control over the runaway government spending, repeal part or all of the ObamaCare mess, then they too will do well in 2012. However, if they do not, they will also get fired in the next elections just like the Democrats got fired in this election. It is not that the general public is in love with the Republicans. They are on "probation" with the voters. They too can be fired just like the Democrats if they do not provide some results that are acceptable to the people who elected them.'re listening to too much spin from the pundits.

My post just up the line here sums up the reality, though some might not like it.

I have to disagree. I don't toss out spin but things I really believe and I put those beliefs into my own words. I don't need anybody else to tell me how or what to think. I think we are going to see that there is a magnifying glass on Congress. The American people have said "Put up or shut up."
Just consider for a moment that Obama was passing his own New Deal Agenda and it was only the loss of the Liberal Media Monopoly and rise of the Tea Party that cut it off at the earliest possible moment.

FDR got to inflict the USA with the worst economy in world history eclipsing the 7 Biblical Lean Years, Obama would have loved to have matched it but now he's a lame duck who can only stifle advances, he has no further ability to carry on the Progressive Jihad against Free Enterprise
Obama has to quickly make a decision on whether or not his priority is to be re-elected or continue his progressive agenda. He can't count on the Congress, so if he still tries to push crap through, then it will be done through regulatory agencies.

With Obama in office, and Dem's still holding the Senate, this will happen:

- If things stay bad or worse, Dems and Obama will take all the blame since they have the most power.

- But, if things get better, the right taking the House will be painted as the turning point, where we forced Obama to get to the middle.

Either way, Dems in the Senate who are worried about 2012 will find it in their best interest to associate more with the right. They'll either do it to flee a failing Democratic Party, or to become closer associated with what is percieved as a renewed and vibrant middle/right, in order to save their jobs in 2012.

So, in fact, the right wing may have control of the Senate through that unofficially.

It's a great time to not be a leftist!!!

I agree, that in a sense, we took the Senate anyway, because those left in the Senate have to KNOW their jobs are in the balance.

I mean Sherrod Brown (my state) watched Republicans take a clean sweep of Ohio. He's the only Dem left! He's got to KNOW the only way he can survive 2012 is move to the right, or he's toast. ;)
Just consider for a moment that Obama was passing his own New Deal Agenda and it was only the loss of the Liberal Media Monopoly and rise of the Tea Party that cut it off at the earliest possible moment.

FDR got to inflict the USA with the worst economy in world history eclipsing the 7 Biblical Lean Years, Obama would have loved to have matched it but now he's a lame duck who can only stifle advances, he has no further ability to carry on the Progressive Jihad against Free Enterprise

I think you are very close to correct. Obama has been cut off at the knees in Congress but he's still dangerous because he can toss out "Regulations" instead of getting laws passed through Congress.
Just consider for a moment that Obama was passing his own New Deal Agenda and it was only the loss of the Liberal Media Monopoly and rise of the Tea Party that cut it off at the earliest possible moment.

FDR got to inflict the USA with the worst economy in world history eclipsing the 7 Biblical Lean Years, Obama would have loved to have matched it but now he's a lame duck who can only stifle advances, he has no further ability to carry on the Progressive Jihad against Free Enterprise

I think you are very close to correct. Obama has been cut off at the knees in Congress but he's still dangerous because he can toss out "Regulations" instead of getting laws passed through Congress.

Which is why Congress needs to put their hands around the throats of people like Sebelius, Browner, Napolitano, Geithner, and Chu.
Difficult to say how the American voters will credit failure or success of the economy two years from now.

Oh, we can probably predict what narratives the Ds or Rs will invent to explain either outcome, but what the American people will make of it is anybody's guess.

I suspect that the political cloaks that each party like to assume for themselves (that the Ds are working for the working mann and the Rs are fiscally conservative) has worn very thin for both of them over the last 20 years or so.

I just don't think the American voters are as dumb as the RNC and DNC hope.

I think more Americans understand that both parties are largely full of beans.

And I also suspect if we had more than two viable parties to choose from, the Rs and Ds would both be out of power,

Now you are sounding like myself, I just see a third party arising if the new Congress mirrors the last few.

I don't see a third party rising. I see what happened to the Whigs happening.

They were the second party to the Democrats prior to 1860. But the Democrats were all for slavery. The Whigs tried to strike a "moderate tone" on slavery. Being sort of for it and sorta against it (okay we will have slavery in these states and keep it out of others).

The Republican party came out 100% for abolition.

The voters already had a party for slavery. They didn't need a party sort of for it. They wanted an alternative.

The Republican party struck that chord and the Whigs slid to oblivion.

That's what's going to happen to the Republican party if they don't learn from history.

We already have a liberal/socialist/"progressive party. We don't need a "sort of" liberal/socialist/"progressive" party.

We want a clear alternative. I see a clear alternative rising and the Republicans going the way of the Whigs.

So, there will still be two parties, just the second party will really be more conservative.

Both Reagan and Clinton suffered the same mid-term nuttiness. One wonders what independents wanted, or if independents didn't decide these election results, what the switcheroo folks wanted? Consider that republicans since Coolidge have pretty much failed to govern, and have only caused massive debt, unnecessary wars, increased corporate control, and constant bailouts of the nation and its banks. Consider the democrats are all over the place and totally lost in the rhetoric of today's corporate propaganda spin. But I give the democrats slightly higher grades as at least one can look to a few accomplishments that helped all citizens and still do.

Krauthammer is simply a contemporary spin hack, like so many that gain sustenance from negativity, he lives well as the same old national problems of jobs, education, fair pay, and infrastructure collapse. None of these talking heads bring any value to life, they are sponges for powerful interests that only want more. In the end he needs to tell Americans how to create jobs when there are no jobs, and corporate power is only about profits. He remains a meaningless critic in the real world of real issues.

"I do not myself believe that many people do things because they think they are the right thing to do . . . . I do not think that knowledge of what is morally right is motivational in any serious sense for anyone except a handful of saints." Richard Posner

Krauthammer is no saint he is like so many today a sponge.
Just consider for a moment that Obama was passing his own New Deal Agenda and it was only the loss of the Liberal Media Monopoly and rise of the Tea Party that cut it off at the earliest possible moment.

FDR got to inflict the USA with the worst economy in world history eclipsing the 7 Biblical Lean Years, Obama would have loved to have matched it but now he's a lame duck who can only stifle advances, he has no further ability to carry on the Progressive Jihad against Free Enterprise

I think you are very close to correct. Obama has been cut off at the knees in Congress but he's still dangerous because he can toss out "Regulations" instead of getting laws passed through Congress.

Which is why Congress needs to put their hands around the throats of people like Sebelius, Browner, Napolitano, Geithner, and Chu.

I completely agree. Somebody needs to shut down the printing presses in the Treasury too. If they don't the dollar isn't going to be worth very much before too much longer.
I believe to a great degree that Krauthammer is correct. He's a pretty smart guy. If the Republicans get some useful stuff accomplished, like getting people back to work, control over the runaway government spending, repeal part or all of the ObamaCare mess, then they too will do well in 2012. However, if they do not, they will also get fired in the next elections just like the Democrats got fired in this election. It is not that the general public is in love with the Republicans. They are on "probation" with the voters. They too can be fired just like the Democrats if they do not provide some results that are acceptable to the people who elected them.'re listening to too much spin from the pundits.

My post just up the line here sums up the reality, though some might not like it.

I have to disagree. I don't toss out spin but things I really believe and I put those beliefs into my own words. I don't need anybody else to tell me how or what to think. I think we are going to see that there is a magnifying glass on Congress. The American people have said "Put up or shut up."

s0n............not for nothing but you're a political sophmore..............

The House will not be judged on its effectiveness because it cant be effective woith the current landscape. All they have to do is run up bills to the floor they know will be vetoed by the President.....and there is 100% certainty they will do that. The onus is not on the is on the president. He needs to work with THEM......not the other way around. Not only that........some Democrats will vote with the GOP to save their hides come 2012. That is a disaster for Obama.

Oh.....and by the way.......the redistricting that will happen under the massive gains in Republican governorships will make it virtually impossible for the Democrats to take back the house in the next 10 years. 10 trust me s0n. You got the political IQ of a handball.............but with experience, you could improve with your interest is this stuff......
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