Bill Kristol says an Independent Conservative candidate is on the way:
Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News
"Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance."
In response, Trump, of course, refers to Kristol as "dummy".
Should Hillary start measuring the drapes at the White House?
Bill Krystal is one of the psychopathic Neo-Conservatives, of course they hate The Donald, their candidate is Hillary, she's shown herself already to be a good Neo-Conservative puppet ie. Syria, Libya, Benghazi and also she's gung-ho to bomb Iran.
Since 2002 the Neo-Conservatives have been aiming to start WWIII, Hillary will give them and the planet WWIII.
There's nothing Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives, they're Marxists if you read about their history and who their Guru was. They aren't loyal to any political party, they have no interest in domestic policy, their obsession is Foreign Policy and they've taken control of both American political parties Foreign Policy.
They just need another puppet, Obama has been a good puppet for them, as has John Kerry and as I commented Hillary is already a willing puppet.
They're insane, they're a danger to all life on this planet.