Kristol: Independent Candidate on the way!

Yes, this election cycle is a once in a lifetime event but I don't think a religious, Republican leaning third party candidate will bring more Democrats to the polls...
About 80% of the American public is religious, and most of the rest believe in God and consider themselves spiritual.

I suspect that religious Democrats are their most vulnerable group right now, especially among minorities.

And I am thinking of a real moderate like Jim Webb who would pull alot of votes.

This year the Democratic Party is doing great harm to itself with the Hillary coronation, but it will recover from it well enough.
If Kristol were to put a Democrat as 3rd party, how would that help bring Republicans to the polling booth to vote for down ticket Republicans Jim?
I was a Webb guy for the Democrat ticket, although I wasn't expecting a miracle, and I was very disappointed when he decided not to run indy.

It would actually be a smart move by Kristol & Co., but it would destroy Kristol in GOP circles to play such a transparent game, let alone not run a conservative.

Webb's a guy who would definitely draw some Hillary voters and moderates/independents. I really don't see him being the guy here, though.
Krystal is burning his bridges to the GOP no matter who he goes with if he actually launches this thing, so I'm not sure that he might not be considering a Dem also.
Well, that goes to the establishment/anti-establishment thing, and who actually controls the party.

I'm assuming he's considered "establishment", so he's trying to save that side of the party and will get support from that side.
If Kristol were to put a Democrat as 3rd party, how would that help bring Republicans to the polling booth to vote for down ticket Republicans Jim?

Yes, you are right if that is the primary goal instead of just drawing the largest number of votes to have a shot at winning.

I'm not sure that your take on Krystals motives are correct and I think he may very well choose a Dem.
Bill Kristol says an Independent Conservative candidate is on the way:

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

"Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance."

In response, Trump, of course, refers to Kristol as "dummy".

Should Hillary start measuring the drapes at the White House?

Bill Krystal is one of the psychopathic Neo-Conservatives, of course they hate The Donald, their candidate is Hillary, she's shown herself already to be a good Neo-Conservative puppet ie. Syria, Libya, Benghazi and also she's gung-ho to bomb Iran.

Since 2002 the Neo-Conservatives have been aiming to start WWIII, Hillary will give them and the planet WWIII.

There's nothing Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives, they're Marxists if you read about their history and who their Guru was. They aren't loyal to any political party, they have no interest in domestic policy, their obsession is Foreign Policy and they've taken control of both American political parties Foreign Policy.

They just need another puppet, Obama has been a good puppet for them, as has John Kerry and as I commented Hillary is already a willing puppet.

They're insane, they're a danger to all life on this planet.
Okay, hold on here. I need this one explained. This has been one of the issues that has made the Trump thing so goddamn confusing (for me, at least).

There was a time, not long ago (18 months?), where both Republicans and conservatives defended Bush's wars pretty passionately. Then along comes Trump calling the wars "stupid" and I see many on the Right becoming almost dovish on war.

What am I missing here? Have these people been holding their tongues this whole time, or have they changed their minds?

You really do not understand what is going on?

Now it is cool to be against the Bush wars because the GOP leading candidate told them it is cool. If the leading candidate told the majority of the GOP voters they were idiots, well those voters would agree and clap their hands while enjoying the insult.

Sheep are stupid!
If Kristol were to put a Democrat as 3rd party, how would that help bring Republicans to the polling booth to vote for down ticket Republicans Jim?

Yes, you are right if that is the primary goal instead of just drawing the largest number of votes to have a shot at winning.

I'm not sure that your take on Krystals motives are correct and I think he may very well choose a Dem.
There are only 2 people in this race that can win, Hillary or Trump....EVERYONE including Kristol KNOWS this to be true. Bringing in a candidate that would appeal to the evangelical voters that could not in good conscious, vote for an antichrist, such as Trump appears to be, would be to help down ballot Republicans...

Kristol may talk the talk... and act like this 3rd party person could win, so to bring these disillusioned with Trump voters in to the polling booth instead of staying home, to help these down ballot Republican candidates...whether Trump wins or Hillary wins, it's the Republicans in both Houses of congress that truly matter if you are thinking about getting anything done.

If Republicans lose the Senate, then no matter whom Trump picks for the supreme court, it doesn't much matter... the Senate has to give consent....and if the down ballot republicans do not win...the Democrats would have to give consent.
A couple of new Kristol tweets:

I hope @realDonaldTrump's nervousness about an independent candidacy doesn't affect his composure. #Concerned

I gather Donald Trump said I'm a loser. I've won some and I've lost some, but one thing I've always tried not to be is a roaring jackass.


but one thing I've always tried not to be is a roaring jackass.

Try harder.
Well the "Holiday Weekend" is over and there is no independent candidate... Shocking, a worthless pundant was blowing smoke again.... We are all puppets in their game.
There is no candidate. Kristol now says he sometimes says things just to be provocative.
“Kristol, along with other conservative pundits, long has been working to attract an independent candidate to run in November amid lingering concerns in some wings of the Republican Party about Trump’s conservative credentials.”

The problem is the GOP has too many ‘wings.’

And the concern should be the fact that Trump is a poor candidate, not his ‘conservative credentials.’
Trump is the candidate the common man wants. We are fed up with both political parties.
Pat Dollar ^ | 6/01/16 | Infidel Ali
"REVEALED: David French And Wife Are Longtime Paid Romney Servants; Mrs. French Wrote Mrs. Romney’s Memoirs" This guy is a vile fraud. He’s not running for office, he’s running strictly to make sure Hillary beats Trump. Related – FLASHBACK — David French: It’s ‘Important To Say’ White Working Class Communities ‘Deserve To Die’ Excerpted from Breitbart: Nancy French, the wife of prospective independent presidential candidate David French, served as a paid consultant to Mitt Romney’s 2008 presidential campaign and ghostwrote the memoirs of Romney’s wife, Ann. David French himself has a long history of activism on behalf of Mitt Romney....
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