Krugman eviscerates Austrian school, hack, cranks

I don't see inflation anywhere but history isn't over yet.

Speaking of cranks and inflation, where is that Meet the Press clip of Krugman saying the Fed should inflate the housing market?

Wasn't Krugman the economics/business dipshit who cited the VA as the model of efficient government healthcare that BarryCare was sure to become?
I don't see inflation anywhere but history isn't over yet.

Speaking of cranks and inflation, where is that Meet the Press clip of Krugman saying the Fed should inflate the housing market?

Wasn't Krugman the economics/business dipshit who cited the VA as the model of efficient government healthcare that BarryCare was sure to become?

But Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist, was calling the VA’s Veteran’s Health Administration “a huge policy success story” that “offers important lessons for future health reform” as recently as 2011.

“Multiple surveys have found the V.H.A. providing better care than most Americans receive, even as the agency has held cost increases well below those facing Medicare and private insurers,” Krugman wrote in a piece attacking Republican plans to reform the department.

Krugman goes on to insist that the V.H.A. is a model of “socialized medicine” that works by controlling costs.

“Crucially, the V.H.A. is an integrated system, which provides health care as well as paying for it,” Krugman wrote. “So it’s free from the perverse incentives created when doctors and hospitals profit from expensive tests and procedures, whether or not those procedures actually make medical sense.”

Read more: Paul Krugman?s Love Affair With The Scandal-Plagued VA | The Daily Caller
I don't see inflation anywhere but history isn't over yet.

Speaking of cranks and inflation, where is that Meet the Press clip of Krugman saying the Fed should inflate the housing market?

Wasn't Krugman the economics/business dipshit who cited the VA as the model of efficient government healthcare that BarryCare was sure to become?
Probably not. The va is actual socialized medicine. That is, for those of you who have no clue, the hospitals, doctors, nurses, etc, all are gov employees.
In the ACA, all are Private. Get the difference, or is that to difficult for you???
I don't see inflation anywhere but history isn't over yet.

Speaking of cranks and inflation, where is that Meet the Press clip of Krugman saying the Fed should inflate the housing market?

Wasn't Krugman the economics/business dipshit who cited the VA as the model of efficient government healthcare that BarryCare was sure to become?

But Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist, was calling the VA’s Veteran’s Health Administration “a huge policy success story” that “offers important lessons for future health reform” as recently as 2011.

“Multiple surveys have found the V.H.A. providing better care than most Americans receive, even as the agency has held cost increases well below those facing Medicare and private insurers,” Krugman wrote in a piece attacking Republican plans to reform the department.

Krugman goes on to insist that the V.H.A. is a model of “socialized medicine” that works by controlling costs.

“Crucially, the V.H.A. is an integrated system, which provides health care as well as paying for it,” Krugman wrote. “So it’s free from the perverse incentives created when doctors and hospitals profit from expensive tests and procedures, whether or not those procedures actually make medical sense.”

Read more: Paul Krugman?s Love Affair With The Scandal-Plagued VA | The Daily Caller
And here we have ed, who swears he never spends time in the bat shit crazy con web sites quoting a (now pay attention)bat shit crazy con web site. The Daily Caller is the epitome of a bat shit crazy con web site. And proof again that Ed is a liar.
Ed is an idiot, of course, and a proven liar. And completely unable to argue any point.
Ed is simply paid to post negative and totally unsupported negative drivel against anything or anyone democrat. Which makes him a total waste of space. Ed does not concern himself with truth, and is perfectly comfortable lying like a rug. Which is why he is know by the rational world as a troll.
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What we see from you in this post is your normal drivel. You take a post by someone else, which includes a quote from a source, and modify it by changing one word. And we are expected to believe it has some merit because it is ....what, in print??? Simply proves you can cut and paste, but nothing more. Well, it does prove you like to waste people's time, I suppose.

he thinks that promoting his cult (Austrain school) through changing my cited mater'l is funny.
You have fox hundreds of well funded right wing bat shit crazy conservative web sites, and hundreds of paid conservative posters who attack anything democratic or somewhat left of aitila the hun, as being liberal. And the talking points are distributed and every conservative outlet gets a copy. And "liberal" is one of the terms that they have been attacking for decades in a very, very systematic way. One of the terms they use repetition to bastardize.
And then they suggest that you may not want to have a "reasonable argument" with them. They are not reasonable, they do not use reason at all. They are told what to believe, based on untruths that they NEVER question, and blast you if you question their beliefs. Which, in the end, makes them trolls who are incapable of rational discussion.
The funny ones, like Toro, try to suggest that they are rational. And they use the right wing nut case sources to "prove" their points. And find no problem with wasting your time with agenda driven drivel coming from these "sources".
The funny part is that I originally thought that people wanted truth and that they would see through lies. I learned differently over 40 years ago, and have studied the concept since. The truth is, there are many who believe primarily what they WANT to believe. Those are the cons. And if you show them the truth, they get angry with you. Not the ones who lied to them, but the person who tried to give them the truth. Funny. And, in their minds, they are NEVER EVER WRONG.

Oh the irony: Instead of FACTS and LOGIC, the Knee Jerks resort to labeling their preconceived CONCLUSIONS as TRUTH. And then they criticize conservatives for never thinking they are "wrong." Do the Knee Jerks ever think they are wrong? Of course not, because they base their emotional conclusion on the "truth." On the other hand, conservatives tend to base their conclusions on an analytical process. If an error of fact or logic is discovered, they are far more likely to arrive at a different conclusion. :D
And here we have ed, who swears he never spends time in the bat shit crazy con web sites quoting a (now pay attention)bat shit crazy con web site.

actually I quoted Krugman who was making a fool of himself again by talking about how wonderful the VA was when it was putting vets in death lines (to collect bonuses for themselves) knowing they would die there waiting for an appointment.

It sort of reminds you of when the liberals were spying for Stalin while he was slowly starving 60 million to death! Or, when they were supporting FDR as he was extending the Great Depression for 10 years and turning it into a World War.
And here we have ed, who swears he never spends time in the bat shit crazy con web sites quoting a (now pay attention)bat shit crazy con web site.

actually I quoted Krugman who was making a fool of himself again by talking about how wonderful the VA was when it was putting vets in death lines (to collect bonuses for themselves) knowing they would die there waiting for an appointment.

It sort of reminds you of when the liberals were spying for Stalin while he was slowly starving 60 million to death! Or, when they were supporting FDR as he was extending the Great Depression for 10 years and turning it into a World War.
And that has WHAT to do with Liberals. The VA is a medical system designed and run by the military. Are all of those military guys liberals, me boy. You seem to say they are, but without proof. But then you make all sorts of bat shit crazy assertions, completely without impartial study results. Rather, you go straight to the bat shit crazy con web sites for results.

Rational people are highly concerned and waiting for results of independent study of the problem. Only those living in the irrational world which you live in, me boy, make the wild accusations.
Rational people are highly concerned and waiting for results of independent study of the problem.

dear, we know the libturd, make-work, socialist, monopoly, bureauacracy at the VA does not work. In a capitalist system there would be competition to shorten waiting times. If the wait time was too long you'd just go to the competition and the business that made you wait too long would go bankrupt. Do you understand how competition works?

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it? Isn't thinking fun?
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...

Every moron who doesn't know the slightest thing about economics thinks Krugman is a god, and every intelligent person who understands the basics of economics, like the laws of supply and demand, knows that Krugman is a kook.
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...
Discussing Austrian failures would take millions of lifetimes.

That's how long you'll have to wait for one.
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...
Discussing Austrian failures would take millions of lifetimes.

can you then name the single biggest failure to save us time? Or, must you admit, as a liberal, that you have no idea what you are talking about.
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -

discuss Austrian failure(s)...
Discussing Austrian failures would take millions of lifetimes.

can you then name the single biggest failure to save us time? Or, must you admit, as a liberal, that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Lack of empirical proof :eusa_angel:
can you then name the single biggest failure to save us time? Or, must you admit, as a liberal, that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Lack of empirical proof :eusa_angel:

proof of what silly??? you clean forgot to say!!

Many economists are critical of the current-day Austrian School and consider its rejection of econometrics, and aggregate macroeconomic analysis to be outside of mainstream economic theory, or "heterodox."


Most research regarding the theory finds that it is inconsistent with empirical evidence. Economists such as Gordon Tullock, Bryan Caplan, Milton Friedman, and Paul Krugman have said that they regard the theory as incorrect. Austrian economist Ludwig Lachmann noted that the Austrian theory was rejected during the 1930s:

The promise of an Austrian theory of the trade cycle, which might also serve to explain the severity of the Great Depression, a feature of the early 1930s that provided the background for Hayek’s successful appearance on the London scene, soon proved deceptive. Three giants – Keynes, Knight and Sraffa – turned against the hapless Austrians who, in the middle of that black decade, thus had to do battle on three fronts. Naturally it proved a task beyond their strength.

In 1969, Milton Friedman argued that the theory is not consistent with empirical evidence[ and using newer data in 1993 reached the same conclusion. In 1986, Austrian economist Roger Garrison reviewed Hayek's development of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory and discussed the factors that have sustained interest in the theory despite its longtime rejection by mainstream economics

Austrian School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why I Am Not an Austrian Economist


Bryan Caplan

Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
George Mason University
can you then name the single biggest failure to save us time? Or, must you admit, as a liberal, that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Lack of empirical proof :eusa_angel:

proof of what silly??? you clean forgot to say!!

Understanding why Austrian Economics is Flawed

1) Austrian economics is a political ideology that masquerades as an economic school of thought. Like most of the economic schools in existence today, Austrian Economics is predicated on a political ideology. Austrians tend to be vehemently anti-government and pro-market. So they build a world view that conforms to the world they want and not the world we actually have.

2) Austrian Business Cycle Theory Misunderstands Endogenous Money

3) Austrians misunderstand inflation. Austrian economists actually change the definition of inflation to serve their own ideological needs.

Understanding why Austrian Economics is Flawed | PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM
Lack of empirical proof :eusa_angel:

proof of what silly??? you clean forgot to say!!

Understanding why Austrian Economics is Flawed

1) Austrian economics is a political ideology that masquerades as an economic school of thought. Like most of the economic schools in existence today, Austrian Economics is predicated on a political ideology. Austrians tend to be vehemently anti-government and pro-market. So they build a world view that conforms to the world they want and not the world we actually have.

2) Austrian Business Cycle Theory Misunderstands Endogenous Money

3) Austrians misunderstand inflation. Austrian economists actually change the definition of inflation to serve their own ideological needs.

Understanding why Austrian Economics is Flawed | PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM

dear if you are oposed to freedm and capitalism don't cut and paste like an idiot. Tell us why you are opposed. We can all cut and paste forever. Can you grasp that??
proof of what silly??? you clean forgot to say!!

Understanding why Austrian Economics is Flawed

1) Austrian economics is a political ideology that masquerades as an economic school of thought. Like most of the economic schools in existence today, Austrian Economics is predicated on a political ideology. Austrians tend to be vehemently anti-government and pro-market. So they build a world view that conforms to the world they want and not the world we actually have.

2) Austrian Business Cycle Theory Misunderstands Endogenous Money

3) Austrians misunderstand inflation. Austrian economists actually change the definition of inflation to serve their own ideological needs.

Understanding why Austrian Economics is Flawed | PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM

dear if you are oposed to freedm and capitalism don't cut and paste like an idiot. Tell us why you are opposed. We can all cut and paste forever. Can you grasp that??

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith
Understanding why Austrian Economics is Flawed

1) Austrian economics is a political ideology that masquerades as an economic school of thought. Like most of the economic schools in existence today, Austrian Economics is predicated on a political ideology. Austrians tend to be vehemently anti-government and pro-market. So they build a world view that conforms to the world they want and not the world we actually have.

2) Austrian Business Cycle Theory Misunderstands Endogenous Money

3) Austrians misunderstand inflation. Austrian economists actually change the definition of inflation to serve their own ideological needs.

Understanding why Austrian Economics is Flawed | PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM

dear if you are oposed to freedm and capitalism don't cut and paste like an idiot. Tell us why you are opposed. We can all cut and paste forever. Can you grasp that??

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

another cut and paste from an idiot liberal! Do you think there are not a million cut and pastes on why capitalism and freedom is good. How old are you?
dear if you are oposed to freedm and capitalism don't cut and paste like an idiot. Tell us why you are opposed. We can all cut and paste forever. Can you grasp that??

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

another cut and paste from an idiot liberal! Do you think there are not a million cut and pastes on why capitalism and freedom is good. How old are you?

The greatest failure in the Libertarian, Tea Party, and Republican Party philosophy is this absurd notion that getting rid of regulations and restrictions of government on business....people, human beings, will always do the right thing
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...
Discussing Austrian failures would take millions of lifetimes.

Good post. I know, Krugman :cool: knows it, and; more importantly, the American people know it!!!

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