Krugman eviscerates Austrian school, hack, cranks

I won't let this go until the rw'ers, who posted in this thread, admit their misattributed & out of context lies relating to the Nobel Prize of Economics winner

Seriously? An intellectual circle jerk rewarding restated orthodoxy. About as significant as the peace prize, much ado about nothing.
Krugman slams the Austrian school for their myopic and unscientific method(s):

How is that any different than what Krugman did as noted in the link from John Cochrane?

see below:

Odd you picked cochrane, a member of CATO. Now, if you are a cato kind of economist, you are by definition a libertarian. And libertarians from CATO pretty much always criticize economists who see things in a different way. Pretty much 24/7.
Imagine what it would be like if conservatives could use impartial sources. This was simply another conservative hit piece published in another con rag. Ever heard of impartial sources??? Just wondering.
Krugman slams the Austrian school for their myopic and unscientific method(s):

Fine Austrian Whines

Substance aside — not that substance isn’t important — Austrian economics very much has the psychology of a cult. Its devotees believe that they have access to a truth that generations of mainstream economists have somehow failed to discern; they go wild at any suggestion that maybe they’re the ones who have an intellectual blind spot. And as with all cults, the failure of prophecy — in this case, the prophecy of soaring inflation from deficits and monetary expansion — only strengthens the determination of the faithful to uphold the faith.

It would be sort of funny if it weren’t for the fact that this cult has large influence within the GOP.

Keynesian economics very much has the psychology of a cult. Its devotees believe that they have access to a truth that generations of mainstream economists have somehow failed to discern; they go wild at any suggestion that maybe they’re the ones who have an intellectual blind spot. And as with all cults, the failure of prophecy - in this case Japan, and the UK postwar Keynesian consensus - only strengthens the determination of the faithful to uphold the faith.

If you call this a "slam", you have the intellectual fortitude of a chunk of granite.
Krugman slams the Austrian school for their myopic and unscientific method(s):

Fine Austrian Whines

Substance aside — not that substance isn’t important — Austrian economics very much has the psychology of a cult. Its devotees believe that they have access to a truth that generations of mainstream economists have somehow failed to discern; they go wild at any suggestion that maybe they’re the ones who have an intellectual blind spot. And as with all cults, the failure of prophecy — in this case, the prophecy of soaring inflation from deficits and monetary expansion — only strengthens the determination of the faithful to uphold the faith.

It would be sort of funny if it weren’t for the fact that this cult has large influence within the GOP.

Keynesian economics very much has the psychology of a cult. Its devotees believe that they have access to a truth that generations of mainstream economists have somehow failed to discern; they go wild at any suggestion that maybe they’re the ones who have an intellectual blind spot. And as with all cults, the failure of prophecy - in this case Japan, and the UK postwar Keynesian consensus - only strengthens the determination of the faithful to uphold the faith.

If you call this a "slam", you have the intellectual fortitude of a chunk of granite.
What we see from you in this post is your normal drivel. You take a post by someone else, which includes a quote from a source, and modify it by changing one word. And we are expected to believe it has some merit because it is ....what, in print??? Simply proves you can cut and paste, but nothing more. Well, it does prove you like to waste people's time, I suppose.
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Krugman slams the Austrian school for their myopic and unscientific method(s):

How is that any different than what Krugman did as noted in the link from John Cochrane?

see below:

Odd you picked cochrane, a member of CATO. Now, if you are a cato kind of economist, you are by definition a libertarian. And libertarians from CATO pretty much always criticize economists who see things in a different way. Pretty much 24/7.
Imagine what it would be like if conservatives could use impartial sources. This was simply another conservative hit piece published in another con rag. Ever heard of impartial sources??? Just wondering.

OK, then

Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...

Odd you picked krugman, a self-described liberal. Now, if you are an liberal kind of economist, you are by definition an ideological leftist. And ideological leftists pretty much always criticize economists who see things in a different way. Pretty much 24/7.
Imagine what it would be like if liberals could use impartial sources. This was simply another liberal hit piece published in another lib rag. Ever heard of impartial sources??? Just wondering.

See how easy it is to just dismiss someone's argument because you don't agree with their ideology?

Edit - and as a reminder about how biased Krugman is There are no reasonable Republicans
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there are no reasonable republicans. Where do you find fault w/ that statement? Just like the VP said "Today's repub party is NOT your father's Repub party"
Krugman slams the Austrian school for their myopic and unscientific method(s):

Fine Austrian Whines

Keynesian economics very much has the psychology of a cult. Its devotees believe that they have access to a truth that generations of mainstream economists have somehow failed to discern; they go wild at any suggestion that maybe they’re the ones who have an intellectual blind spot. And as with all cults, the failure of prophecy - in this case Japan, and the UK postwar Keynesian consensus - only strengthens the determination of the faithful to uphold the faith.

If you call this a "slam", you have the intellectual fortitude of a chunk of granite.
What we see from you in this post is your normal drivel. You take a post by someone else, which includes a quote from a source, and modify it by changing one word. And we are expected to believe it has some merit because it is ....what, in print??? Simply proves you can cut and paste, but nothing more. Well, it does prove you like to waste people's time, I suppose.

he thinks that promoting his cult (Austrain school) through changing my cited mater'l is funny.
If you call this a "slam", you have the intellectual fortitude of a chunk of granite.
What we see from you in this post is your normal drivel. You take a post by someone else, which includes a quote from a source, and modify it by changing one word. And we are expected to believe it has some merit because it is ....what, in print??? Simply proves you can cut and paste, but nothing more. Well, it does prove you like to waste people's time, I suppose.

he thinks that promoting his cult (Austrain school) through changing my cited mater'l is funny.
You have fox hundreds of well funded right wing bat shit crazy conservative web sites, and hundreds of paid conservative posters who attack anything democratic or somewhat left of aitila the hun, as being liberal. And the talking points are distributed and every conservative outlet gets a copy. And "liberal" is one of the terms that they have been attacking for decades in a very, very systematic way. One of the terms they use repetition to bastardize.
And then they suggest that you may not want to have a "reasonable argument" with them. They are not reasonable, they do not use reason at all. They are told what to believe, based on untruths that they NEVER question, and blast you if you question their beliefs. Which, in the end, makes them trolls who are incapable of rational discussion.
The funny ones, like Toro, try to suggest that they are rational. And they use the right wing nut case sources to "prove" their points. And find no problem with wasting your time with agenda driven drivel coming from these "sources".
The funny part is that I originally thought that people wanted truth and that they would see through lies. I learned differently over 40 years ago, and have studied the concept since. The truth is, there are many who believe primarily what they WANT to believe. Those are the cons. And if you show them the truth, they get angry with you. Not the ones who lied to them, but the person who tried to give them the truth. Funny. And, in their minds, they are NEVER EVER WRONG.
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What we see from you in this post is your normal drivel. You take a post by someone else, which includes a quote from a source, and modify it by changing one word. And we are expected to believe it has some merit because it is ....what, in print??? Simply proves you can cut and paste, but nothing more. Well, it does prove you like to waste people's time, I suppose.

he thinks that promoting his cult (Austrain school) through changing my cited mater'l is funny.
You have fox and over 100 well funded right wing bat shit crazy conservative web sites, and hundreds of paid conservative posters who attack anything democratic or somewhat left of aitila the hun, as being liberals. And liberals is one of the terms that they have been attacking for decades in a very, very systematic way. One of the terms they use repetition to bastardize.
And then they suggest that you may not want to have a "reasonable argument" with them. They are not reasonable, they do not use reason at all. They are told what to believe, based on untruths that they NEVER question, and blast you if you question their beliefs. Which, in the end, makes them trolls who are incapable of rational discussion.
The funny ones, like Toro, try to suggest that they are rational.
The funny part is that I always thought that people wanted truth and that they would see through lies. I learned differently over 40 years ago, and have studied the concept since. The truth is, there are many who believe primarily what they WANT to believe. Those are the cons. And if you show them the truth, they get angry with you. Not the ones who lied to them, but the person who tried to give them the truth. Funny. And, in their minds, they are NEVER EVER WRONG.

^ that
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...

I really like that Krugman's blog is named "The Conscience of a Liberal", because I think his unabashed worship of the supremacy of the coercive state is flat out iconic.
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...

I really like that Krugman's blog is named "The Conscience of a Liberal", because I think his unabashed worship of the supremacy of the coercive state is flat out iconic.
Shooting fish in a barrel, me boy. Likes shooting your "logic". Only problem is, your logic is missing. Entirely.
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -

discuss Austrian failure(s)...

I really like that Krugman's blog is named "The Conscience of a Liberal", because I think his unabashed worship of the supremacy of the coercive state is flat out iconic.
Shooting fish in a barrel, me boy. Likes shooting your "logic". Only problem is, your logic is missing. Entirely.

Krugman doesn't know me, or my logic.
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -

discuss Austrian failure(s)...

I really like that Krugman's blog is named "The Conscience of a Liberal", because I think his unabashed worship of the supremacy of the coercive state is flat out iconic.
Shooting fish in a barrel, me boy. Likes shooting your "logic". Only problem is, your logic is missing. Entirely.

if conservative logic is missing why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What does your fear teach us?
I really like that Krugman's blog is named "The Conscience of a Liberal", because I think his unabashed worship of the supremacy of the coercive state is flat out iconic.
Shooting fish in a barrel, me boy. Likes shooting your "logic". Only problem is, your logic is missing. Entirely.

if conservative logic is missing why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What does your fear teach us?
There goes ed, making stupid statements again. Ed, me boy, you are truly delusional. No one anywhere is afraid of you. You are like talking to an inmate of an asylum. Sad, but nothing to fear.
Logic??? Logic is based on fact. You have no facts. You simply post drivel from bat shit crazy con sources, but you are do not have the nerve to show your sources.
Shooting fish in a barrel, me boy. Likes shooting your "logic". Only problem is, your logic is missing. Entirely.

if conservative logic is missing why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What does your fear teach us?
There goes ed, making stupid statements again. Ed, me boy, you are truly delusional. No one anywhere is afraid of you. You are like talking to an inmate of an asylum. Sad, but nothing to fear.
Logic??? Logic is based on fact. You have no facts. You simply post drivel from bat shit crazy con sources, but you are do not have the nerve to show your sources.

if conservative logic is missing why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What does your fear teach us
Shooting fish in a barrel, me boy. Likes shooting your "logic". Only problem is, your logic is missing. Entirely.

if conservative logic is missing why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What does your fear teach us?
There goes ed, making stupid statements again. Ed, me boy, you are truly delusional. No one anywhere is afraid of you. You are like talking to an inmate of an asylum. Sad, but nothing to fear.
Logic??? Logic is based on fact. You have no facts. You simply post drivel from bat shit crazy con sources, but you are do not have the nerve to show your sources.

I had to enable ny cloak settings for "that one". He's :tinfoil:

As to the OP, Krugman swats rw psuedo science aside like bothersome gnats :cool:

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