Krugman: personal austerity versus government austerity


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
1) A person is not a country , according to Krugman

2) If a person spends, drinks, or takes drugs too much the obvious solution is to cut back, according to Krugman. But if many individuals cut back it will depress the economy he says.

3) Conversely, if a drunken government spends too much the solution is too keep spending since that stimulates the economy. To cut back would depress the economy and sustain the Obama depression, according to Krugman.

Does this make sense to anyone?
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Paul Krugman and a lot of Lefties wanted more stimulus.
They wanted more more tax payer money to hire more people
like Cops,Fireman,Teachers so on and so on to stimulate the economy.

But it's a shell game.
Moving money to hire people that generates more tax revenue
so government can hire more to generate more tax revenue....

But it produces NOTHING....

Wouldn't it have been better to have that money go to people who actually produce.
That way the products bought and the money spent stays here.

Stimulus money went to hire people who spent that money on goods produced in China.
That money went out of the country.
1) A person is not a country , according to Krugman

2) If a person spends, drinks, or takes drugs too much the obvious solution is to cut back, according to Krugman

3) Conversely, if a drunken government spends too much the solution is too keep spending since that stimulates the economy. To cut back would depress the economy and sustain the Obama depression, according to Krugman.

Does this make sense to anyone?
Yes...Paul Krugman.

Question is, does he make any sense to anyone with a single critical thought in their head?
Krugman was on MSNBC Morning Joe today while I was getting ready for work.
I was half listening because he was saying half assed crap.
From what I got he is totally for the new direction France will now take.
What a shock....


I hope the wealthy in that country get the F out before they lose 75% of their wealth to the government
Paul Krugman and a lot of Lefties wanted more stimulus.
They wanted more more tax payer money to hire more people
like Cops,Fireman,Teachers so on and so on to stimulate the economy.

But it's a shell game.
Moving money to hire people that generates more tax revenue
so government can hire more to generate more tax revenue....

But it produces NOTHING....

So according to you saftey, less crime, education, and putting out fires does absolutely nothing. It would be hard for you to say anything stupider...
Furthermore those people employed by the govt buy things such as food, cloths, healthcare, and transportation of which create jobs in those sectors.
Wouldn't it have been better to have that money go to people who actually produce.
That way the products bought and the money spent stays here.
So again according to you people who produce food and cloths do not produce...
Furthermore in a depressed economy in a liquidity trap like we are now there is not enough money going around to pay those who produce meaning govt spending cuts results in less money for those who produce
Stimulus money went to hire people who spent that money on goods produced in China.
That money went out of the country.
So according to you people who build a road in American go to china...
The stimulus had a requirement that goods bought be bought in China, furthermore since the stimulus bought a large variety of goods of which at least 75% are produced in Americaa most the money whent to Amernca
1) A person is not a country , according to Krugman

2) If a person spends, drinks, or takes drugs too much the obvious solution is to cut back, according to Krugman. But if many individuals cut back it will depress the economy he says.

3) Conversely, if a drunken government spends too much the solution is too keep spending since that stimulates the economy. To cut back would depress the economy and sustain the Obama depression, according to Krugman.

Does this make sense to anyone?

I see you don't simply quote him.

I don't believe that is what he said. I believe that , as usual, you are making claims that another said something that, in fact, they never did.

Like that Bernanke and Freidman said that the Great Depression was caused by not following the rules of The Gold Standard.
It's none of the govt's damn business how much I eat, drink, spend or sleep.

However, IT IS my business how much gov't eats, drinks, spends and sleeps because they steal money from us to pay for it.
1) A person is not a country , according to Krugman

2) If a person spends, drinks, or takes drugs too much the obvious solution is to cut back, according to Krugman. But if many individuals cut back it will depress the economy he says.

3) Conversely, if a drunken government spends too much the solution is too keep spending since that stimulates the economy. To cut back would depress the economy and sustain the Obama depression, according to Krugman.

Does this make sense to anyone?

THEN-SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D-IL): “Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.” (Sen. Obama, Congressional Record, S.2237-8, 3/16/06)

OBAMA: “The first thing you do when you’re in a hole is what? … you stop digging. So the first thing that we’re going to have to do is to stop adding to our deficit.” OBAMA: “Keep in mind, the first 42 presidents, they amassed $5 trillion worth of debt, the first 42 of them. The first couple of hundred years-plus of American history, we accumulated $5 trillion. Now we’re at $9 trillion. That’s just bad — that’s not being fiscally conservative. And so we’re going to have to change our policies. Now, it’s going to be — let me say this. It’s not going to be completely easy, because we’re in a hole. And the first thing you do when you’re in a hole is what?” (UNKNOWN): “Stop digging.” OBAMA: “Stop digging. Who got that right? There you go. You stop digging. So the first thing that we’re going to have to do is to stop adding to our deficit.” (Sen. Obama, Remarks To Campaign Event, Watertown, SD, 5/16/08)

My, my how the tune has changed. Talk is so very cheap, isn't it?

How is living within a budget . . . oh, first you have to have a budget to live within.

Ok, just pretend there's a budget.

How is living within a budget (within your means) bad? Anyone?
THEN-SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D-IL): “Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.” (Sen. Obama, Congressional Record, S.2237-8, 3/16/06)

OBAMA: “The first thing you do when you’re in a hole is what? … you stop digging. So the first thing that we’re going to have to do is to stop adding to our deficit.” OBAMA: “Keep in mind, the first 42 presidents, they amassed $5 trillion worth of debt, the first 42 of them. The first couple of hundred years-plus of American history, we accumulated $5 trillion. Now we’re at $9 trillion. That’s just bad — that’s not being fiscally conservative. And so we’re going to have to change our policies. Now, it’s going to be — let me say this. It’s not going to be completely easy, because we’re in a hole. And the first thing you do when you’re in a hole is what?” (UNKNOWN): “Stop digging.” OBAMA: “Stop digging. Who got that right? There you go. You stop digging. So the first thing that we’re going to have to do is to stop adding to our deficit.” (Sen. Obama, Remarks To Campaign Event, Watertown, SD, 5/16/08)

My, my how the tune has changed. Talk is so very cheap, isn't it?

How is living within a budget . . . oh, first you have to have a budget to live within.

Ok, just pretend there's a budget.

How is living within a budget (within your means) bad? Anyone?

He's flippin', and coincidentally, he's floppin'.
THEN-SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D-IL): “Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.” (Sen. Obama, Congressional Record, S.2237-8, 3/16/06)

OBAMA: “The first thing you do when you’re in a hole is what? … you stop digging. So the first thing that we’re going to have to do is to stop adding to our deficit.” OBAMA: “Keep in mind, the first 42 presidents, they amassed $5 trillion worth of debt, the first 42 of them. The first couple of hundred years-plus of American history, we accumulated $5 trillion. Now we’re at $9 trillion. That’s just bad — that’s not being fiscally conservative. And so we’re going to have to change our policies. Now, it’s going to be — let me say this. It’s not going to be completely easy, because we’re in a hole. And the first thing you do when you’re in a hole is what?” (UNKNOWN): “Stop digging.” OBAMA: “Stop digging. Who got that right? There you go. You stop digging. So the first thing that we’re going to have to do is to stop adding to our deficit.” (Sen. Obama, Remarks To Campaign Event, Watertown, SD, 5/16/08)

My, my how the tune has changed. Talk is so very cheap, isn't it?

How is living within a budget . . . oh, first you have to have a budget to live within.

Ok, just pretend there's a budget.

How is living within a budget (within your means) bad? Anyone?

He's flippin', and coincidentally, he's floppin'.

He's evolllving, dahling! :lol:
1) A person is not a country , according to Krugman

2) If a person spends, drinks, or takes drugs too much the obvious solution is to cut back, according to Krugman. But if many individuals cut back it will depress the economy he says.

3) Conversely, if a drunken government spends too much the solution is too keep spending since that stimulates the economy. To cut back would depress the economy and sustain the Obama depression, according to Krugman.

Does this make sense to anyone?


Krugman is not so much an economist as an advocate for bigger more liberal government. Why would you want a link when you'd never be able to understand the material. I've simplified it for liberals like you.
1) A person is not a country , according to Krugman

2) If a person spends, drinks, or takes drugs too much the obvious solution is to cut back, according to Krugman. But if many individuals cut back it will depress the economy he says.

3) Conversely, if a drunken government spends too much the solution is too keep spending since that stimulates the economy. To cut back would depress the economy and sustain the Obama depression, according to Krugman.

Does this make sense to anyone?


Krugman is not so much an economist as an advocate for bigger more liberal government. Why would you want a link when you'd never be able to understand the material. I've simplified it for liberals like you.

Krugman is Nobbel Prize winning Economist and one of the best. i don't agree with some of his views on globalization but....

Krugman is not so much an economist as an advocate for bigger more liberal government. Why would you want a link when you'd never be able to understand the material. I've simplified it for liberals like you.

Krugman is Nobbel Prize winning Economist and one of the best. i don't agree with some of his views on globalization but....

Krugman is wrong and wrong in the trillions column too
Krugman is not so much an economist as an advocate for bigger more liberal government. Why would you want a link when you'd never be able to understand the material. I've simplified it for liberals like you.

Krugman is Nobbel Prize winning Economist and one of the best. i don't agree with some of his views on globalization but....

Krugman is wrong and wrong in the trillions column too

How so?
Krugman wants you to spend less so the fucking government can take more of your money.
1) A person is not a country , according to Krugman

2) If a person spends, drinks, or takes drugs too much the obvious solution is to cut back, according to Krugman. But if many individuals cut back it will depress the economy he says.

3) Conversely, if a drunken government spends too much the solution is too keep spending since that stimulates the economy. To cut back would depress the economy and sustain the Obama depression, according to Krugman.

Does this make sense to anyone?


Krugman is not so much an economist as an advocate for bigger more liberal government. Why would you want a link when you'd never be able to understand the material. I've simplified it for liberals like you.
In other words,

EdwardBaiamonte has no quote.

EdwardBaiamonte has no link.

Krugman never said it.

In his typical fashion, EdwardBaiamonte is simply making shit up.

Beside, EdwardBaiamonte doesn't understand anything
that Krugman, or any economists, say,
which is why he has to make shit up.
Krugman is a Keynesian in regards to stimulus. Its kind of like doubling down after losing the first bet. The reason the stimulus has been such a colossal failure has been due to the fact that there wasn't enough public works programs, not that I'm sure that would have completely fixed the economy anyways, but at least it would have gotten dollars into the hands of workers instead of the banks.

QE is like throwing shit on the wall and hoping that some of it will stick! If you throw enough of it some of it is bound to stick....Problem is.... its shit.....

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