Krugman Poll on Canadian Healthcare

Please try to be more accurate.

Every single individual in the United States of America has healthcare.

Every one.

Even visitors.

Not everyone has insurance.

Inaccuracy is the hallmark of your posts.

if you don't have insurance wonder girl what happens?:eusa_pray:

I actually believe that yours is an honest question.

Judging by your level of sophistication, you are not aware that hospital emergency rooms will not turn you away. Insurance or no insurance.

There are also free clinics.

The financial argument about healthcare, is, in fact, due in large measure because of the costs to private hospitals and the system in general, of care to those who have no healthcare insurance and so use emergency rooms without recompense to same.

In the future, use the correct terminology: no insurance, not 'no healthcare.'

so everybody who goes to the emergency room in the U.S. without any insurance gets treated the same way as those who do and no one get's turned away? hmmmmm.......
so everybody who goes to the emergency room in the U.S. without any insurance gets treated the same way as those who do and no one get's turned away? hmmmmm.......

Yeah, pretty much. It is illegal to turn people away, I believe.

That's one reason why bills are so high in America. The hospital tries to cover the uninsured by over-billing those who can pay.
if you don't have insurance wonder girl what happens?:eusa_pray:

I actually believe that yours is an honest question.

Judging by your level of sophistication, you are not aware that hospital emergency rooms will not turn you away. Insurance or no insurance.

There are also free clinics.

The financial argument about healthcare, is, in fact, due in large measure because of the costs to private hospitals and the system in general, of care to those who have no healthcare insurance and so use emergency rooms without recompense to same.

In the future, use the correct terminology: no insurance, not 'no healthcare.'

so everybody who goes to the emergency room in the U.S. without any insurance gets treated the same way as those who do and no one get's turned away? hmmmmm.......

that's the law asswipe,, they cannot be turned away.
so everybody who goes to the emergency room in the U.S. without any insurance gets treated the same way as those who do and no one get's turned away? hmmmmm.......

Yeah, pretty much. It is illegal to turn people away, I believe.

That's one reason why bills are so high in America. The hospital tries to cover the uninsured by over-billing those who can pay.

I;m liking your sig line Toro!
so everybody who goes to the emergency room in the U.S. without any insurance gets treated the same way as those who do and no one get's turned away? hmmmmm.......

Yeah, pretty much. It is illegal to turn people away, I believe.

That's one reason why bills are so high in America. The hospital tries to cover the uninsured by over-billing those who can pay.

So the rich in America get great healthcare, and the poor get no healthcare until they are at death's door.

Is this a great country or what?
so everybody who goes to the emergency room in the U.S. without any insurance gets treated the same way as those who do and no one get's turned away? hmmmmm.......

Yeah, pretty much. It is illegal to turn people away, I believe.

That's one reason why bills are so high in America. The hospital tries to cover the uninsured by over-billing those who can pay.

So the rich in America get great healthcare, and the poor get no healthcare until they are at death's door.

Is this a great country or what?

Chris...what are you doing on this thread? Doesn't Earth need saving or something. :lol:
so everybody who goes to the emergency room in the U.S. without any insurance gets treated the same way as those who do and no one get's turned away? hmmmmm.......

Yeah, pretty much. It is illegal to turn people away, I believe.

That's one reason why bills are so high in America. The hospital tries to cover the uninsured by over-billing those who can pay.

So the rich in America get great healthcare, and the poor get no healthcare until they are at death's door.

Is this a great country or what?

Like I've said before, if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd much rather be in Canada. If I were rich or upper middle class, I'd rather be in America. Middle class is a toss-up. Since I do okay, I'd rather be in the US.

However, I don't think you'll ever see a universal single-payer government health care system in America. It runs too counter to the American mindset. Canadians are more collective and trustful of government. Americans are the opposite.
Yeah, pretty much. It is illegal to turn people away, I believe.

That's one reason why bills are so high in America. The hospital tries to cover the uninsured by over-billing those who can pay.

So the rich in America get great healthcare, and the poor get no healthcare until they are at death's door.

Is this a great country or what?

Like I've said before, if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd much rather be in Canada. If I were rich or upper middle class, I'd rather be in America. Middle class is a toss-up. Since I do okay, I'd rather be in the US.

However, I don't think you'll ever see a universal single-payer government health care system in America. It runs too counter to the American mindset. Canadians are more collective and trustful of government. Americans are the opposite.

We will see a government option.

If not, healthcare costs are going to bankrupt the country.
The current plan is to provide a public option as far as health insurance is concerned, to drive down prices, which have been steadily increasing over the past few decades, contrary to what free-market theory dictates should have happened.

Vast LWC bear with me for a moment while i dig up some statements by several politicians, possibly including Obama himself, that will disprove your assumption about hr3200.

Be forewarned, the quotes and youtube clips I am going to present show politicians publicly stating that the "public option" can be used as a gateway to a single payer, govt controlled, system of health care.

Ok i'm back with what i promised. See you assume it was just to drive down prices but in fact the administration seems to want to drive out private insurance companies from the equation.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama on single payer health insurance[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Rep Jan Schakowsky pushes single payer healthcare[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Rep. John Conyers on single-payer healthcare 5/09[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Kathleen Sebelius in 2007: I'm all for a single-payer system...eventually[/ame]


i could be wrong but obama, his health secratary, and a few others or on record stating different goals for our healthcare.

Maybe it will be better but i'm not convinced at this point.
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Please try to be more accurate.

Every single individual in the United States of America has healthcare.

Every one.

Even visitors.

Not everyone has insurance.

Inaccuracy is the hallmark of your posts.

if you don't have insurance wonder girl what happens?:eusa_pray:

I actually believe that yours is an honest question.

Judging by your level of sophistication, you are not aware that hospital emergency rooms will not turn you away. Insurance or no insurance.

There are also free clinics.

The financial argument about healthcare, is, in fact, due in large measure because of the costs to private hospitals and the system in general, of care to those who have no healthcare insurance and so use emergency rooms without recompense to same.

In the future, use the correct terminology: no insurance, not 'no healthcare.'

I will be sophisticated enuf to remember the terminology for future reference and will hold you to your own high standards.
This ABCNEWS/Washington Post poll was conducted by telephone Oct. 9-13, 2003, among a random national sample of 1,000 adults.
so in reality Supergirl 1000 people on a media call list doesn't equal over 80% of Americans.
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Maybe this will help your post Pilgrim.

2007 Video! Did Obama Say He Wants to Kill Private Health Insurance? | The FOX Nation

As I indicated before, I think that we're going to have to have some system where people can buy into a larger pool. Right now their pool typically is the employer, but there are other ways of doing it. I would like to -- I would hope that we could set up a system that allows those who can go through their employer to access a federal system or a state pool of some sort. But I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There's going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out or 15 years out or 20 years out where we've got a much more portable system....
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So the rich in America get great healthcare, and the poor get no healthcare until they are at death's door.

Is this a great country or what?

Like I've said before, if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd much rather be in Canada. If I were rich or upper middle class, I'd rather be in America. Middle class is a toss-up. Since I do okay, I'd rather be in the US.

However, I don't think you'll ever see a universal single-payer government health care system in America. It runs too counter to the American mindset. Canadians are more collective and trustful of government. Americans are the opposite.

We will see a government option.

If not, healthcare costs are going to bankrupt the country.

This is what happens when you accept whatever the government tells you.

It is the current administration that may bankrupt the country.

Heathcare costs are falling, not growing:
By Betsy McCaughey Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D., is a patient advocate, founder of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, and a former Lt. Governor of New York State.
Downgrading Health Care
The administration has warned that soaring health spending threatens the stability of American families and the economy. These doomsday scenarios are untrue. Health care spending is increasing at more moderate rates than in previous decades. Spending increased 10.5 percent in 1970, 13 percent in 1980, and consistently less than 7 percent in each of the last five years, reaching a low of 6.1 percent a year ago. Each year since 1960, food and energy together have taken up a declining share of Americans' expenditures, while housing has taken up a steady share. This has enabled Americans to spend an increasing share of their budgets on another necessity, healthcare. These four necessities together consume the same share of American spending now (55%) as they did in 1960 (53%). As further evidence, Americans are increasing the share of their spending that goes to recreation. Moderate income families can be helped to buy health coverage with vouchers, refundable tax credits, or debit cards. That's a low risk, "fix what's broken" approach.
Increases in healthcare expenditures:
2003 8.6%
2004 6.9%
2005 6.5%
2006 6.7%
2007 6.1%
Compare to 10.5% in 1970 and 13% in 1980

For comparison, consider the costs of higher education:

"Tuition at private colleges and universities has increased anywhere from 5% to 13% every year since 1980. "
The Cost of a College Education

And for primary and secondary school:
"Based on statistics from the US Department of Education, the average cost of educating a student in elementary and secondary schools has risen from $6,200 in 1991 to $11,000 in 2005 an increase of 85%. "
US Education Market | Entourage Systems Inc.
Among insured Americans, 82 percent rate their health coverage positively. Among insured people who've experienced a serious or chronic illness or injury in their family in the last year, an enormous 91 percent are satisfied with their care, and 86 percent are satisfied with their coverage. : U.S. Health Care Concerns Increase

“…when one digs deep enough, one finds that only 8 million folks can be classified as "chronically uninsured;" that's still a problem, of course, but a much more manageable one, and puts the lie to the canard that our system is irretrievably broken.”
InsureBlog: Vindicated!

“Once you whittle it down, you start to realize that the number of hard-core uninsured who are citizens is in fact fairly small — perhaps half the reported 47 million or less. (about 7.6%)” Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The '47 Million Uninsured' Myth


no I'm not....and nobody else should be either when you are citing a poll conducted on less than 5000 people on a media call list like it's a real indicator of how all Americans feel....... ABC:lol: - they should stick to T.V shows like Full House

Thank you for carefully observing rules #2, 3, 4, and 9 of the Liberal Libretto

Through skillful machinations, I was able to get my hands on the (apocryphal) “Liberal Libretto”, as ratified by Saul Alinsky.
Actually, I pointed over a libs shoulder and shouted ‘watch out’ and grabbed the book.

Here is the full set for you to review.

1. Always be the first to accuse, and make certain to accuse the opponent of exactly what you are doing.

2. Refuse to accept the statements of any opposing view, from individuals or media, unless reliably liberal.

3. Always assure the opposition that you know what is better for the proletariat, even if there are polls that claim the opposite.
a. Assure the compliant that you are only looking out for their best interests, as in “look, it’s not about me…”
b. Claim the public has been ‘brainwashed,’ and politicians bought.

4. Be sure to you carry your ‘concern’ as though it was a hypodermic needle, but one filled with poison. Furrow your brow, look vaguely sad, (think Leon Panetta) but watch for opportunities to stab, to use abusive language, using your (imagined) superiority to allow you to do violence to the reputation of those who have alternative views.

5. If you find yourself in a debating ‘box,’ where the true answer will sink a liberal talking point, either
a. Claim that the question is ‘above my pay grade.’
b. Look astounded, and claim that the questioner is a racist, sexist or homophobe. Or fascist, or, always good, nazi.
c. Make up any term as opprobrium, as long as it sounds ominous.
d. Learn phrases such as ‘it’s time to move on,” or ‘let’s put this behind us.”
e. If all else fails, shrug your shoulders and say “ I’m only interested in discourse.”

6. Claim to misunderstand, obfuscate, deflect and change the subject, and, if all else fails, allege that you misspoke.
a. Remember, left-wingers may make a ‘mistake,’ for right-wingers, it is a lie!
b. When relating a series of events that lead to a conclusion, if it is a right-wing conclusion, we must never see the connection!
c. Any exposure of detrimental information must be referred to as either ‘fear-tactics,’ or ‘red-baiting.’

7. Never, never criticize in any way any government or movement that is totalitarian, homicidal or anti-American.
a. Claim to idolize despots and tyrants. But always state how their people love them.
b. The corollary applies: never support traditional American values. Important terms: imperialist, oppressor
c. Deny atrocities by tyrants. If not possible, explain they were necessary. Finally, justify them, and, show how America was ultimately at fault.
d. Support government officials and appointees.
I. This does not apply to uniformed government employees such as police or military.

8. Remember to spend appropriate time in front of the mirror practicing outrage, shock, and disbelief, or, and best, a sarcastic sneer.

9. Remember, as a liberal, you never have to apologize, be accurate, nor have any knowledge. No matter how many times your talking points are shown to be wrong, continue to repeat them.

10. Remember the gullible and grumbling always identify with vague terms like ‘hope’ ‘change’ ‘new’ ‘empathy’ and ‘better.’

Both Saul, and, I'm sure, the Public School Education System, are very, very proud of you.

As soon as I can give you more Rep points you got it!

how many people live in the U.S.A? cause I think it's a couple more than 1000 peeps on a media call list?
the Neo-Con manifesto is must shorter because it's sheep have an attention span of a 5 year old with A.D.D

1. Lie
2. repeat loudly until you are conviced someone thinks it's true.
how many people live in the U.S.A? cause I think it's a couple more than 1000 peeps on a media call list?

In 1993, how many Americans did the Clintons say lacked health coverage? 47MM

In 2009, how many Americans do the Marxists say lack coverage today? 35MM (47MM-12MM Illegal Aliens)

We've made great progress without government involvement
the Neo-Con manifesto is must shorter because it's sheep have an attention span of a 5 year old with A.D.D

1. Lie
2. repeat loudly until you are conviced someone thinks it's true.

The government is going to insure everyone and drive down costs.

Yeah, right.

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