KTLA: CA Dems Ready to Battle Trump Lawsuit, Calling Immigration Crackdowns ‘Inhumane’

TRump is using his authority to specifically target states he lost .

Trump is using his authority to specifically target states that have difficulty following the law.

What law? Do the ins job?

Funny how you righties are suddenly into federalism and against state rights .

States Rights never superseded federal law. Just ask the people in Arizona when Ears took them to court for creating their own standards on identifying illegals.

Because immigration law is solely federal . Which is what Cali is saying .

They aren’t going to hold people accused of petty crimes .
TRump is using his authority to specifically target states he lost .

Trump is using his authority to specifically target states that have difficulty following the law.

What law? Do the ins job?

Funny how you righties are suddenly into federalism and against state rights .

Really!? So states now make the immigration laws....dumbass.

No they don’t . That’s the point!
TRump is using his authority to specifically target states he lost .

Trump is using his authority to specifically target states that have difficulty following the law.

What law? Do the ins job?

Funny how you righties are suddenly into federalism and against state rights .

States Rights never superseded federal law. Just ask the people in Arizona when Ears took them to court for creating their own standards on identifying illegals.

Because immigration law is solely federal . Which is what Cali is saying .

They aren’t going to hold people accused of petty crimes .

So when called upon, they are going to release them against the orders of ICE.

I don't know why they don't leave the US and just become part of Mexico.
TRump is using his authority to specifically target states he lost .

Commiefornia has given Trump the finger on several occasions; one of the latest is changing the shithole to a sanctuary state.

And you know how criminals stick together like a Mayor warning fellow criminals that the feds are coming in to take them away. She should be locked up for 10 years minimum and have to repay taxpayers for the cost of our agents.

Why ? She broke no law . Ins is not really a criminal law enforcement agency .

Would you Lock her up for telling people not to buy health insurance even though there’s a mandate ?

It's called aiding and abetting criminals. If you or I aided any criminal the authorities were looking for, we would be arrested and charged.
Even smart law abiding citizens are stuck with the phrase "immigration crackdown" when there is no crackdown. It's merely the enforcement of existing federal law that prohibits illegal entry into the U.S. We fought a freaking Civil War about 160 years ago because the democrat party at the time supported the illegal immigration of African slaves.
Trump said he would target criminal illegals first, but I think for Commifornia, he should change it to any illegal.
TRump is using his authority to specifically target states he lost .

He’s targeting filthy wetbacks...wetbacks predominantly inhabit a handful of states...what’s your point?

Racist much?? You admit his targets are based on race . Which is illegal .

And there are more Mexicans in red states by the way.
well they're illegal, tough not to be nonwhite I guess. since that is the race they come from. Not sure how it is racist. explain.

he didn't make them illegal, they did.
TRump is using his authority to specifically target states he lost .

Commiefornia has given Trump the finger on several occasions; one of the latest is changing the shithole to a sanctuary state.

And you know how criminals stick together like a Mayor warning fellow criminals that the feds are coming in to take them away. She should be locked up for 10 years minimum and have to repay taxpayers for the cost of our agents.

Why ? She broke no law . Ins is not really a criminal law enforcement agency .

Would you Lock her up for telling people not to buy health insurance even though there’s a mandate ?

What mandate?
Dims in Mexifornia are taking a stand
-for criminals and against law abiding citizens.
-for foreigners and against citizens.
-for lawlessness and against the nation's laws.

All while calling enforcement of our law racists.

"Schaaf responded, in a news conference and on radio, by assailing the administration’s immigration crackdown as racist."
War of words: ICE compares Schaaf to ‘gang lookout’; Schaaf decries ‘racist’ crackdown

I hope they run with this position long and hard and it gets as much coverage nationwide as possible.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
--Napoleon Bonaparte
Can someone articulate why it’s inhuman to arrest and deport people who violated our laws?

And some of these cases you were breaking up families mothers of small children forced to leave the country while dad or whoever has to stay behind with the kids.
Can someone articulate why it’s inhuman to arrest and deport people who violated our laws?

And some of these cases you were breaking up families mothers of small children forced to leave the country while dad or whoever has to stay behind with the kids.
who cares, I don't. they have violated my country and need to get out. I give two shits how they got here.

WE are a country of borders. PERIOD until you change that, bye bye
Can someone articulate why it’s inhuman to arrest and deport people who violated our laws?

And some of these cases you were breaking up families mothers of small children forced to leave the country while dad or whoever has to stay behind with the kids.
------------------------------- yeah , and widdle babies being torn off 'mamacitas' nipple and forced to go on 'jalopenio' flavored formula and then dirty diapers to be changed and washed . Its all pretty funny Timmy !!

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