Kudos To Bill O'Reilly


Apr 4, 2006
i figured that since i almost always can't stand bill o'reilly, i had to give credit where credit is due...

He went on Jay Leno, that bastion of middle america and said it's time for the president to sign an executive order getting rid of don't ask, don't tell.

in the same 5 minutes, he puts the blame for the oil spill where it belongs... on BP ... and tony 'i want my life back' hayward...

go bill! :clap2:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI1jurKRM8w&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly in The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 2010.07.26[/ame]

as observed in this linked article, bill o'reilly is now to the left of president obama...

O'Reilly to Obama: Stop Enforcing DADT | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

so much for the rightwingers saying he's a leftist extremist.
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O'Reilly is a slightly right sort of a person. He and I don't agree on a lot of things, so I know he isn't a right wing whacko, nor is he a left wing whacko.
O'Reilly is a slightly right sort of a person. He and I don't agree on a lot of things, so I know he isn't a right wing whacko, nor is he a left wing whacko.

I was just surprised that he put his weight behind getting rid of DADT in such a 'middle america' type of venue. I have to say I was impressed.

I think there's a lot he's p'nuts with, but had to hand it to him.
Bill O'Reilly is a middle of the road moderate. He never was the far right Conservative that many Left Wing lunatics attacked him as. I have disagreed with O'Reilly on many issues over the years. Left Wing fanatics like Al Franken & Keith Olbermann viciously attack him by calling him a far right Conservative but i have always said that they are wrong about him. He's just your average middle of the road moderate in the end. If you're a Left Wing lunatic,i'm pretty sure anyone could be considered 'Far Right" to you. I like O'Reilly but i do disagree with him on some issues. He really isn't the far right Conservative some have made him out to be.
None of that should have surprised you, if you know more than what is commonly said, in error, about him.
Libocaly...is right. If more folks who make wild accusations about B.O. would watch him now and then they'd be amazed how often he disagrees with various people on the right. If he thinks they're wrong he lays them out just like Dems & libs.
It's the things he agrees with the right on that are the problem. ;)

But perhaps if someone as to-the-right as o'reilly says it's time to dump don't-ask-don't-tell, then it's realy PAST time to dump DADT.
It's the things he agrees with the right on that are the problem. ;)

But perhaps if someone as to-the-right as o'reilly says it's time to dump don't-ask-don't-tell, then it's realy PAST time to dump DADT.

How is this....

Dont ask Dont Tell is prehisotoric from a socially acceptable standpoint.
It keeps the US military in the days of years gone by.

Bottom line....it just doesn't make any sense to me. The man next to me in a fox hole could be a transvestite for all I care...I got his back and he's got mine.
I blame BP for the spill, but I blame Obama and his administration for the inept response. There are a lot of Americans who are suffering and will suffer for years because this administration went on vacation after vacation and was inept. Obama said he was in charge from day one. Obama is a damn disaster and the oil spill is just one manifestation of his collosal ineptness.
It's the things he agrees with the right on that are the problem. ;)

But perhaps if someone as to-the-right as o'reilly says it's time to dump don't-ask-don't-tell, then it's realy PAST time to dump DADT.

How is this....

Dont ask Dont Tell is prehisotoric from a socially acceptable standpoint.
It keeps the US military in the days of years gone by.

Bottom line....it just doesn't make any sense to me. The man next to me in a fox hole could be a transvestite for all I care...I got his back and he's got mine.

couldn't have said it better myself.;)
ahnh remember that is not the point of the thread

o'reilly is a paid entertainer ...no more...no less
It's the things he agrees with the right on that are the problem. ;)

But perhaps if someone as to-the-right as o'reilly says it's time to dump don't-ask-don't-tell, then it's realy PAST time to dump DADT.

How is this....

Dont ask Dont Tell is prehisotoric from a socially acceptable standpoint.
It keeps the US military in the days of years gone by.

Bottom line....it just doesn't make any sense to me. The man next to me in a fox hole could be a transvestite for all I care...I got his back and he's got mine.

On this we both agree Jarhead. I joined the service in 1982 and if you stated that you were gay, generally, you'd be off the ship within 48 hours with a DD214 and headed home.

My first ship? Dude came out of AEF school (Advanced Electronics Field) which is about 4 years of education squeezed down to 2 years for electronics. Good program and worth a lot in the civilian sector. Dude checked onboard, and halfway through his receipt interview he stated he was gay. We had to discharge him, and he was gone in 2 days, back in the civilian world.

Saw same dude 6 months later on Va. Beach, driving a nice car and had several chicks with him. When I asked him about being gay, he said he wasn't but that he'd gotten a job offer from a really big company, making 50,000/yr plus, and he wanted out of his contract.

After several years of that, DADT was introduced in 1994 as a way to stop people from getting out, because now it required board reviews to be discharged.

It was a fucked up solution to a fucked up policy. I've served with gays over the 20 year span of my career, and to tell you the truth? They make better military people, because gays have a better attention to detail than do straights.
why blame bp for doing what a greedy corporation will do if there are no limits? the us government does not require remote control devices on deep water wells.

Who Stopped Safeguards on Gulf Drilling Rig? Dvorak Uncensored: General interest observations and true web-log.

why would any corp. spend 500 k if they dont have to?

Uhhhh, I don't know to save 20 billion or so? It's called insurance the last time I checked.
And I'm sorry to intrude Jillian but this was such a silly comment I couldn't let it pass.
and here I thought he was a total rightwing assclown. He's right on both these points.
so now hes 2 for 1,000
He does know when to pull his punches......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6n5Oi4714o]YouTube - Marylin Manson on the O'Reilly Factor[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5pK7sK0i4A&feature=related]YouTube - Jon Stewart on The O'Reilly Factor[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IwIRNM5noY]YouTube - Outfoxed: Bill O'Reilly attacks 9/11 victim's son[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BAFb97L3KU]YouTube - Jeremy Glick vs Bill O'Reilly[/ame]​
O'Reilly is a slightly right sort of a person. He and I don't agree on a lot of things, so I know he isn't a right wing whacko, nor is he a left wing whacko.
....Nor is he much of a Historian.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkDjz_eRoaw]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly Gets Owned By David Letterman - Part 1 of 2[/ame]​

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