KUDOS To CNN Host For Trouncing Heartless Texas Councilwoman!

One just has to wonder if this woman would be taking the same position if it was her relatives who were undergoing the hard times as the immigrant children refugees and if she would take the same position on the matter.

CNN host destroys Texas councilwoman on live TV for ?heartless? ban on child immigrants

Also, so she wants it to be illegal for illegal immigrants who are in the country illegally to be legally in her city. Wow, what a whack job, I see why you liked that...
One just has to wonder if this woman would be taking the same position if it was her relatives who were undergoing the hard times as the immigrant children refugees and if she would take the same position on the matter.

CNN host destroys Texas councilwoman on live TV for ?heartless? ban on child immigrants

Also, so she wants it to be illegal for illegal immigrants who are in the country illegally to be legally in her city. Wow, what a whack job, I see why you liked that...

I would love to deport political torch along with all of these illegals.
One just has to wonder if this woman would be taking the same position if it was her relatives who were undergoing the hard times as the immigrant children refugees and if she would take the same position on the matter.

CNN host destroys Texas councilwoman on live TV for ?heartless? ban on child immigrants

Also, so she wants it to be illegal for illegal immigrants who are in the country illegally to be legally in her city. Wow, what a whack job, I see why you liked that...

I would love to deport political torch along with all of these illegals.

I can't figure out why he's still here since he keeps telling us how much we suck
Kudos to you for being such a shill:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=t8HHVjmKrxg]GOP Rep is Tired of Libs Claiming To Be 'Compassionate' Party - YouTube[/ame]

“What is more caring?” Gohmert asked. “To keep adding mass graves as children are encouraged to flood into the United States because our commander-in-chief will not secure the border?”

-Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
One just has to wonder if this woman would be taking the same position if it was her relatives who were undergoing the hard times as the immigrant children refugees and if she would take the same position on the matter.

CNN host destroys Texas councilwoman on live TV for ?heartless? ban on child immigrants

She must be a self proclaimed good christian
One just has to wonder if this woman would be taking the same position if it was her relatives who were undergoing the hard times as the immigrant children refugees and if she would take the same position on the matter.

CNN host destroys Texas councilwoman on live TV for ?heartless? ban on child immigrants

And the low IQ buffoon from tex ass doesn't even know it was bush the lesser who singed the law for these children from central America

And other low IQ buffoons don't know it was the Feinstein Amendment that was intended to prevent kidnapped children from being brought into the US to be sex slaves

Then along came Obama and his EO's.

How many children came to the US between 2008 when Bush signed the law until 2013 when Obama advertised it? I know, do you?

The problem is happening NOW on Obama's watch and all he wants is for the Congress to give him $3.7 Billion to solve the problem. The entire 2013 budget for the US Border Patrol was $3.4 Billion. I heard we could fly all of these children back where they came from for $8 million.
So if Bush had signed a Law making everyone a slave and Obama enforced it, you guys would be ok with that?

As long as "your team" wins right?
One just has to wonder if this woman would be taking the same position if it was her relatives who were undergoing the hard times as the immigrant children refugees and if she would take the same position on the matter.

CNN host destroys Texas councilwoman on live TV for ?heartless? ban on child immigrants

And the low IQ buffoon from tex ass doesn't even know it was bush the lesser who singed the law for these children from central America

And other low IQ buffoons don't know it was the Feinstein Amendment that was intended to prevent kidnapped children from being brought into the US to be sex slaves

Then along came Obama and his EO's.

How many children came to the US between 2008 when Bush signed the law until 2013 when Obama advertised it? I know, do you?

The problem is happening NOW on Obama's watch and all he wants is for the Congress to give him $3.7 Billion to solve the problem. The entire 2013 budget for the US Border Patrol was $3.4 Billion. I heard we could fly all of these children back where they came from for $8 million.

Never could understand how the faggot left can never get their shit straight and not look like idiots, especially when 3 digit IQ people stay on top of the News! It seems that the liberal MSM promoted the Bush MYTH!

H.R. 3244 (106th): Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000

Introduced: Nov 08, 1999 (106th Congress, 1999–2000) Status: Signed by the President, B.J. Clinton on Oct 28, 2000 Slip Law: This bill became Pub.L. 106-386.

Guano, this is directed straight at you, you piece of fecal matter!
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.....and STILL not one of you whack jobs as taken in a SINGLE one of these kids.
Oh My... The N.Y. SLIMES is even reporting THE TRUTH now about this immigration SCANDAL!


July 5, 2014


The vast majority of 50,000 unaccompanied youths and children who have illegally crossed the Texas border during the last few months have been successfully delivered by federal agencies to their relatives living in the United States, according to a New York Times article.

A second New York Times article report revealed that officials have caught an additional 240,000 Central American migrants since April, and are transporting many of them to their destinations throughout the United States.
The 290,000 illegals — so far — are exploiting legal loopholes that allow them to get temporary permits to stay in the United States.

Experts say that President Barack Obama’s administration has failed to close the loopholes and is unlikely to deport more than a small percentage of the illegals, despite the high unemployment rates among American Latino, African-American and white youths, and the strapped budgets of many cities and towns.
The president’s policy has caused protests by frightened citizens in towns such as Murrieta. But Obama’s allies — such as La Raza, an ethnic lobby for Latinos — are eager to escalate the conflict and to paint the protestors as racists. Those protests may escalate before the November elections.

The Central American parents of the 50,000 youths and children are using a 2008 law to ensure their children are transported to them for free by a relay of border patrol and Department of Health and Human Services officials. The youths are delivered to the border patrol by smugglers, dubbed coyotes, in exchange for several thousand dollars.

Half of the 50,000 Central American youths were delivered by taxpayer-funded employees directly to their parents now living in the United States, and another third were delivered to people who said they were close relatives, said the July 3 article.
That new data was included in the 19th paragraph of a 20-paragraph July 3 article.
Top immigration officials choose to not check if the relatives or parents who pick up the children are in the country legally.
Both New York Times articles described the border-crossing illegal aliens as “immigrants.” In fact, “immigrants” is the term for people who legally migrate into the United States.

The 240,000 strong-group largely consists of many mothers and young children, most of whom are now being flown and bussed to destinations near where they wish to settle. That new 240,000 number was included in the seventh paragraph of a 24-paragraph article.
Few of the illegal immigrants are high-school graduates, or have skills that would allow them to earn more than they cost to federal, state and local taxpayers.
Officials have not said where they’ve delivered the adults or youth illegals, but pro-American activists are keeping track of some locations, including San Diego, Calif.
Officials have defended the administration’s catch-and-release policy, which critics say is inviting more Central Americans to cross the border in the hope of being arrested by the border patrol.

“When you have a noncriminal [border-crossing ] mother, they are going to be released,” David Jennings, the head of the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency in southern California. “The most humane way to deal with this is to find out where they are going and get them there,” he said at a town meeting held in Murrieta, Calif., according to the New York Times.

300,000 ILLEGALS TO HOMES IN USA | Nwo Report

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