Kurdish fighters claim they have turned the tide against Islamic State militants


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It's a shame that the Iraqi Army wasn't as brave as the Kurds.

Kurdish fighters claim they have turned the tide against Islamic State militants

October 15 at 3:41 PM
SANLIURFA, Turkey — Kurdish fighters have turned the tide against Islamic State militants in the battle for control of the Syrian border town of Kobane after two days of relentless bombardment by U.S. warplanes, Kurdish officials and activists said Wednesday.

By nightfall, the town’s Kurdish defenders had pushed the jihadists back more than four miles from the western edge of the town and were advancing into the eastern and southern neighborhoods of the city, said Ihsan Naasan, the deputy foreign minister of Kobane’s self-proclaimed government, speaking from the Kurdish-controlled town.

He claimed that Kurdish fighters with the People’s Protection Units, or YPG, now control 80 percent of the town, after losing more than half of it in heavy fighting over the previous days.

“The YPG now have the initiative,” he said, crediting heavy U.S. bombardments in recent days alongside resistance by the outgunned and outnumbered Kurdish militia. “They are on the counteroffensive against the Islamic State.”

Kurds claim to have turned tide against Islamic State in Kobane - The Washington Post?

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