Kurds Threaten Turkish Gov´t As It Cooperates With Isis


Nov 14, 2012
Turkey is being accused of coordinating joint war operations against the Kurdish population.

TEHRAN (ST)- Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) officials have held a series of meetings with the ringleaders of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in a Syrian border city to coordinate joint war operations against the Kurdish population.
"We have strong and irrefutable documents that the MIT has held numerous meetings with the ISIL ringleaders in a border city Northern Syria and during the meetings they have inked agreements against the Kurds," a member of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) who introduced himself as Howal Veria told FNA.

"One of the paragraphs of the agreements pertains to the ethnic cleansing of Syria's Kurdistan and displacement and massacre of the Kurdish people," he added.

Veria warned Turkey to stop its continued policies against the Kurds, and said if the government of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues its policies, over 45mln Kurds, Alawits and all other people who are opposed to Ankara's ISIL policies will rush to the streets to show their power to the Turkish premier.

In relevant remarks in September, a PKK leader said that the Turkish government is in cahoots with the ISIL Takfiri militants operating inside Syria and neighboring Iraq.

"Ankara is collaborating with the ISIL terrorists, calling on fellow Kurdish fighters to cross into Syria to defend the Kurdish city of Kobane near the border with Turkey," Dursun Kalkan said.

The Kurdish fighters continue battling the ISIL terrorists in an effort to stop their advances into Syrian villages and cities.

Syrian Kurds, fleeing clashes between ISIL and Kurdish fighters in Kobane and the surrounding areas, have been massing along the Turkish border since September 18.

Kobane, also known as Ayn al-Arab, is Syria’s third-largest Kurdish city in Aleppo Province with a population of nearly half a million people.

The Kurdish city has been under constant threat of violence by the ISIL Takfiri militants over the past few months.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says that there has been an unprecedented influx of refugees and that the number of Syrian Kurds seeking refuge in Turkey from the ISIL advance across Northeastern Syria has reached 100,000.
syriatimes.sy - Turkish Spy Agency Officials Meet ISIL Ringleaders in Syrian Border City

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