Kurt Schlichter on what to do about islamic terrorism...and it isn't candy and flowers....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is the actual way to deal with islamic terrorists....and the West had better learn this lesson...before more young girls are murdered at a music concert...

Kurt Schlichter - Fewer Tears, Fewer Lies, And More Righteous Anger

There is only one appropriate reaction to the kind of people who strap on bomb vests packed with nails and wait for smiling, laughing tweens to come along before hitting the detonator and ripping their limbs off and tearing their guts out.

The only appropriate reaction is righteous fury that turns into a grim determination to exact a retribution upon the bomber’s bros so thorough and so comprehensive that in a thousand years the few descendants of the survivors will still terrify their children with the story of the vengeance exacted by the avengers of the West.

And then our enemies would fear us. Which they don’t today. Today, they laugh at us. And they should, because we are ridiculous.

They laugh at us for being fools who think that with just a little more submission, just a wee bit more self-abasement, our enemies will accept us as friends.

They laugh at us for being fools whose response to spilled blood is flowers and cards and tweets.

They laugh at us for not having a fraction of the faith in ourselves that the terrorists have in themselves.

They’re willing to blow themselves into chunks for what they believe in.

We’re not even willing to take our own side in this fight.

Yeah, the West is theoretically at war with them somewhere far away, or rather, we’re playing at war with a few soldiers and some bombs. It’s war on the cheap, and this campaign may eventually wear down the ISIS caliphate so that that one pustule of Islamic radicalism is lanced, but it won’t be victory. They’ll just pop up again, in Yemen or Somalia or Afghanistan, where we have futzed around for 15-plus years and those pedophilia-loving creeps still hold most of the ground. We sort of fight a sort of war to sort of hold them at bay for a little while.

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