Kwanzaa is a hoax

The ClayTaurus said:
I'm not trying to play anyone; I'm inquiring about other's opinions. You see, I like to understand the way other people come to their conclusions. Now, I respect your desire to take a stand with every single post you make, but that's not what I'm here for. I'm not here to impart my view with every single post I make. I'm here to learn about other alternative views on things. Occasionally I'll post my opinion on things, but I'm most interested in what everyone else has to say, and then asking followups to try and understand their path of thinking. If this pissed you off, then just let me know, and I'll never ask another question about your opinion again.

Well maybe I had you wrong, and when I'm wrong, I admit it.

What threw me off was the line of questions and where they seemed to be going. It's like that liberal hag katie couric. She will ask a question in a manner that is more like a statement than a question. For an example, she'll ask of a guest... "so do you think mister Bush, (she never says "President" Bush), will ever admit that he mislead the American people"? OK... first off, President Bush didn't "mislead" anyone! Second, he doesn't have anything to "admit". But just asking that question makes a LOUD AND CLEAR statement, and it tells everyone just where that liberal bitch stands. And by making statements disguised as questions, that's playing someone.

That is the impression I was getting from your line of questions. You were making more of a statement than asking a question... to me.
Pale Rider said:
Well maybe I had you wrong, and when I'm wrong, I admit it.

What threw me off was the line of questions and where they seemed to be going. It's like that liberal hag katie couric. She will ask a question in a manner that is more like a statement than a question. For an example, she'll ask of a guest... "so do you think mister Bush, (she never says "President" Bush), will ever admit that he mislead the American people"? OK... first off, President Bush didn't "mislead" anyone! Second, he doesn't have anything to "admit". But just asking that question makes a LOUD AND CLEAR statement, and it tells everyone just where that liberal bitch stands. And by making statements disguised as questions, that's playing someone.

That is the impression I was getting from your line of questions. You were making more of a statement than asking a question... to me.

My questions sometimes are baited, but only with the intent of trying to understand where the other person is coming from; that's probably where the confusion comes from, and it's understandable. In all actuality, I could really give a shit less whether I convinced someone that Kwanzaa was or was not a legitmate holiday - I don't celebrate it.
The ClayTaurus said:
My questions sometimes are baited, but only with the intent of trying to understand where the other person is coming from; that's probably where the confusion comes from, and it's understandable. In all actuality, I could really give a shit less whether I convinced someone that Kwanzaa was or was not a legitmate holiday - I don't celebrate it.

Me either. But then again I've always known it was a contrived joke made up by some ultra racist black man.
What if someone invented a holiday for the ACLU?

Instead of a Christmas Tree you'd have ... nothing

Instead of a Nativity set you'd have ... nothing

Instead of Santa and his reindeer you'd have .... nothing

And you'd get nothing as a gift....

it wouldn't have a name or be celebrated at all ... to avoid offending anyone and litigation....
KarlMarx said:
What if someone invented a holiday for the ACLU?

Instead of a Christmas Tree you'd have ... nothing

Instead of a Nativity set you'd have ... nothing

Instead of Santa and his reindeer you'd have .... nothing

And you'd get nothing as a gift....

it wouldn't have a name or be celebrated at all ... to avoid offending anyone and litigation....

Would you atleast get the day off?
Said1 said:
Would you atleast get the day off?
only if you work for New York State.....

I was thinking, for us computer programmers, we ought to have a holiday too....

I'll call it.... XP-mas (after the operating system)

Instead of a Christmas tree, you'd have a Mac or a Windows box with a screen saver that looked like a Christmas tree...

Instead of a nativity set, you'd have a palm pilot networked to a router networked to an iPod, and a server

Instead of Santa and his reindeer, you'd have the three Wise Guys ... Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Elison (he's the founder of Oracle)

And of course, you'd get a gift.... like an upgrade to your anti-virus software, an MP3 download or a new pocket protector

We'd have 8 days, just like Kwanzaa and Hanukah, except they'd be named...

1. Download
2. Install
3. Debug
4. Test
5. Deploy
6. Support
7. Sunset
8. Upgrade

What day would it start? Of course, April 9th... the Feastday of St. Isadore of Seville (he's the patron saint of computer programmers and IT workers... that's not a joke, the Vatican declared him our patron saint a few years ago)
The ClayTaurus said:
I'm not here to impart my view with every single post I make..

Yeah, he used to do this, but got tired of getting his ass beat. :finger3:
Pale Rider said:
Well maybe I had you wrong, and when I'm wrong, I admit it.

What threw me off was the line of questions and where they seemed to be going. It's like that liberal hag katie couric. She will ask a question in a manner that is more like a statement than a question. For an example, she'll ask of a guest... "so do you think mister Bush, (she never says "President" Bush), will ever admit that he mislead the American people"? OK... first off, President Bush didn't "mislead" anyone! Second, he doesn't have anything to "admit". But just asking that question makes a LOUD AND CLEAR statement, and it tells everyone just where that liberal bitch stands. And by making statements disguised as questions, that's playing someone.

That is the impression I was getting from your line of questions. You were making more of a statement than asking a question... to me.

You're not wrong pale. Clay is a big lib. He's here from his ivory tower studying The COnservative Subspecies so they can better target us for elimination in their new world order. Ain't that right, clay?
rtwngAvngr said:
You're not wrong pale. Clay is a big lib. He's here from his ivory tower studying The COnservative Subspecies so they can better target us for elimination in their new world order. Ain't that right, clay?

I know I'm not rwa. I'm just trying to diplomatically let him know that we all see through his liberal charade here.

I also agree with you rwa that liberals think they're the most enlightened, intelligent people on earth. But if that's true, then why do the liberals always complain that it's the conservatives that have all the money? Must be you have to be stupid and lazy to get rich, and smart and ambitious to go on welfare.
GotZoom said:
I went to the Post Office today and saw advertisement for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Holiday Stamps.

I asked if they had any Christmas stamps. They showed me the Holiday stamps.

I asked why they were called Holiday stamps and not Christmas stamps.

The clerk said, "Sir, please don't do this. I agree with you..but please don't."

I didn't. I should have. But I didn't.

Wish I could rep you for this!
rtwngAvngr said:
You're not wrong pale. Clay is a big lib. He's here from his ivory tower studying The COnservative Subspecies so they can better target us for elimination in their new world order. Ain't that right, clay?
I think we already covered that I'm a spy from DemocraticUnderground.

And you're right about studying you as well, I plan to write an ethnography on the specie that is the conservative. I shall sell it for millions of dollars, and my liberal commie brothers and sisters will eat it up.

Actually, I'm working for the Clintons. I plan on using my research here to win Chelsea the presidency... and you thought we were prepping for Hillary to run. hahahahaha. Just you wait and see. :tinfoil:
The ClayTaurus said:
And so you're suggesting what exactly? Do you want Kwanzaa banned?

I don't want Kwanzaa given the same respect as Christmas....if any at all.

Most blacks celebrate Christmas, not Kwanzaa. What religion is Kwanzaa celebrating anyhow? None that I know of. Acknowledging Kwanzaa in the same breath as one acknowledges Christmas is just stupidly sucking up to racial PCness and frankly, it degrades Christmas. It's time America STOPS such idiotic foolishness and pandering to the Left or the Left will continue to win the war with its divide and conquer strategy that breaks down American culture.
Avatar4321 said:
Forgive my rudeness, but:

You're powers of deduction are exceptional. I simply can't allow you to waste them here while there are so many crimes going unsolved at this very moment. Go! Go! For the good fo the city!

Sorry cant resist opportunities to use that line.

GotZoom said:
I went to the Post Office today and saw advertisement for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Holiday Stamps.

I asked if they had any Christmas stamps. They showed me the Holiday stamps.

I asked why they were called Holiday stamps and not Christmas stamps.

The clerk said, "Sir, please don't do this. I agree with you..but please don't."

I didn't. I should have. But I didn't.


I made the same inquiry at my post office. Exact same thing: Kwanzaa, check. Hannukah, check. No Christmas. The woman offered that the Madonna and Child stamps were the Christmas ones, and I let it drop. (Still, note the absence of the offending word: CHRISTmas.) Anyway, it's not a lowly postal worker responsible.

It's GWB and his Postmaster the usual Republican capitulation to the forces of PC.
KarlMarx said:
What if someone invented a holiday for the ACLU?

Instead of a Christmas Tree you'd have ... nothing

Instead of a Nativity set you'd have ... nothing

Instead of Santa and his reindeer you'd have .... nothing

And you'd get nothing as a gift....

it wouldn't have a name or be celebrated at all ... to avoid offending anyone and litigation....
Now, now, Karl, I think you have the ACLU all wrong. It's not CELEBRATIONS they oppose. And certainly not GIFTS. Look...
See, lots of ways to GIVE.
KarlMarx said:
OK, I'll send them a big squishy booger...

Cool. I'll throw in a big squishy turd then to go along. Wait... they'll probably EAT that to refuel.

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