Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

IGORNANT young people All THREE OF THEM. put them self where they don't belong, and then wonder how things can go wrong?
That's TRUE also,
1.) If there was a curfew then the fact that he's a minor is irrelevant.

2.) His being from another state is also irrelevant.

3.) There were other guys there who also had rifles and they shot no one. Why? because they weren't attacked.
That's because of the thousands of protest marches MOST were peaceful
But of course some became ROITS as the looters, and others took advantage of the situation.
True. That still doesn't stop anyone from defending their property.
It took his cowardly little ass a while to work up the nerve? I don't know.

How am I supposed to know the mind of a psychotic killer?

lol says a freak into murdering millions of babies for the crime of Inconvenience. You sociopaths are hilarious in your cognitive dissonances. You don't even realize you contradict yourselves; that's because you have no moral compass and no real capacity for logic as a result.
Hey, instead of sitting in Antioch, were I live, let's go to Kenosha with an AR-15 and look for people to shoot. What can possibly go wrong?"

Why are you so obsessed with Kyle, Moon Bat? Are you mentally deranged? You are sick in the mind because every time a Kyle discussion comes up you go bat shit crazy with your Libtard hate, even though he was found innocent of any crime.

The shitheads that night that should have stayed at home were the assholes that were hell bent to destroy Kenosha and kill an innocent boy that was doing nothing more than helping to put out a street fire that they started.

You know what is really idiotic Moon Bat? It is those street thugs that were so fucked up in the mind they thought they could attack someone with an AR 15 and there not be any consequences. They found out, didn't they?

Kyle is a real American hero and you stupid morally deficient shitheads that supported those street thugs that tried to destroy a city and kill a boy really need to have your heads examined by a mental health professional. Shame on you!

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