LA Times Learning To Fault Betrayus GOP De-Stabilizing Military Rebel Build-up Brand


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So Bush II, Terms I & II, hell-bent on increasing oil prices at the expense of US lives: Went with Pentagon, following willingly, to overthrow Saddam Hussein! Put in a paragraph in one of this week's LA Times editorials:

"This week's upsurge of violence is partly a spillover of the civil war in Syria — the group that gained control of Mosul and Tikrit is called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria — but it also reflects the failure of Iraq's Shiite Prime Minister Nouri Maliki to establish legitimacy with Sunni Iraqis. It's thus another reminder of the naivete of U.S. strategists who thought that the sectarian hatreds unleashed by the ouster of Saddam Hussein could be easily subdued in a Western-style democracy.

The New York Times reported that even before this week's victories by insurgents, Maliki pleaded with the Obama administration to launch airstrikes against areas used by the rebels to launch attacks. The administration refused, but it will now be pressured to reconsider. How should it respond?

Among liberals, white and non-white people alike: It is generally known that getting rid of moderately socialist Saddam Hussein, would lead the area back to sectarian division. The actual people who could have kept the area stable were not allowed to be a part of the new government. Those were the Baathists, all excluded.

There is the Boehner, (X marks the spot), McConnell, John McCain, Bachmann, Palin, Paul, Paul, et. al., brand. Now all over the news of the world is the outcome of the Betrayus caused brand.

Leaving ordinance and vehicles all over the countryside, and probably in working condition, makes anyone wonder who was fleeing the area in disarray. That would be said military directed, from the start. The apparent idea was to go back to sectarian divisions. The outcome was to install a Shia Tyrant, instead of stabilizing socialist.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes not too thrilled with Hispanics either, now that Jew is gone!)
a moderately Socialist Saddam Hussein

the LA slimes got their marching orders for the propaganda they should put out

and it's a doozy. this should be in conspiracy forum
The Baath Party was not a Moslem sect. The Cult of Personality was dictatorial, but not a random event. The sectarian alternatives, including the new insurgency, are better noted as a random event. The United Nations even managed to help the Cult of Personality sustain itself. Sanctions were a nation-building aid, in the sense that the UN sees a nation(?).

Iraq under the Ba?ath | The Majalla Magazine

The concept of arithmetic, via fixed usury, is shown in Matthew 25:14-30. If the low income part of the household/nation-state cannot keep up in the Republican, leave-it-alone, kind of economy: Then the low income part of the household/nation-state can go to the ruling party for benefits, resources, and access to a better life.

The Moslem sects, just like the Boehner, (X marks the spot), Paul, Paul et. al., GOP brand--tend to a leave-it-alone, religious kind of brand.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Great Spirit now returning to Lands of Many Nations, even in Penny Stock markets!)
you believe what you want, I'll take the word of the Iraqi people who spoke out on Saddam Hussein

while they were holding up their purple fingers after voting for a legitimate government for the first time
Among liberals, white and non-white people alike: It is generally known that getting rid of moderately socialist Saddam Hussein, would lead the area back to sectarian division. The actual people who could have kept the area stable were not allowed to be a part of the new government

Kept the area stable? You call killing the millions who died under Saddam "stable?" However many people he had to kill to be "stable" is worth it, eh? You're delusional.
No one knows the actual casualty count in the Iraq / Iran war, but mostly the estimates range in one million. Thousands were killed in Kuwait, and chemical weapons were deployed against Kurd insurgents.

So there is a religious theme to the Personality Cult of the Baathist Party.

Then, of course, there is the U. S. duplicity in the Iraq/Iran conflict, and as for the Senator John McCain, Governor Sarah Palin, Boehner, (X marks the spot), Romney, McConnell, Bachmann, Paul, Paul, Fox TV Disinformation brand--Generally it goes without saying.

The Republicans are Terrorist Brand, going back to their attempted genocide of all white people in the United States, 1861-1865.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Chinese now trying car manufacturing, too! Hmmmm! Many more now can be killed every year, and worldwide! Maybe even sell more alcohol!)
No one knows the actual casualty count in the Iraq / Iran war, but mostly the estimates range in one million. Thousands were killed in Kuwait, and chemical weapons were deployed against Kurd insurgents.

So there is a religious theme to the Personality Cult of the Baathist Party.

Then, of course, there is the U. S. duplicity in the Iraq/Iran conflict, and as for the Senator John McCain, Governor Sarah Palin, Boehner, (X marks the spot), Romney, McConnell, Bachmann, Paul, Paul, Fox TV Disinformation brand--Generally it goes without saying.

The Republicans are Terrorist Brand, going back to their attempted genocide of all white people in the United States, 1861-1865.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Chinese now trying car manufacturing, too! Hmmmm! Many more now can be killed every year, and worldwide! Maybe even sell more alcohol!)

how do you get away with posting this crap without providing links?

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