Labor Chronicles: Democracy in Bruges


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does commerce/traffic in modern civilization remind you of the film The Post?




Commerce elevates all kinds of consumerism trinkets such as robot-toys which make great Christmas gifts. This is the world we celebrate --- a world of 'treasures.'


On Wall Street, countless anxious brokers/traders vie for domination and fuel what we call the 'system of trade.' We think about the destruction of the World Trade Center and we contemplate the metaphysics of peaceful trade. This is a rather 'regular' view of modernism.


However, one day, a broker in Manhattan had a dream he was staring at his reflection in a mirror and only saw a skeleton! This broker, Stanley, awoke in a cold sweat and concluded that he had become too mentally 'eschewed' about basic lifestyle desirability. The skeleton Stanley saw was an 'engram' of his own labor-tedium consciousness.


Stanley decided to rent the Roman Polanski film Oliver Twist that night (on Netflix) and noted how the iconic tale of the journey of an English orphan reminded Stanley of the value of labor, civilization civics, and social welfare. Polanski's presentation of the orphanage as a sort of 'mystical dungeon' reinforced in Stanley the 'belief' that labor was somehow...supernatural. Stanley decided to take a vacation to Europe --- to Bruges (Belgium).


In Bruges, Stanley visited a museum which boasted an Ancient Egypt exhibit. The exhibit included an intricate painting of Egyptian laborers and slaves working to build one of the grand pyramids we celebrate today as historians/tourists/archaeologists. This Egyptian slave-labor pyramid-history painting in the Bruges museum Stanley was admiring compelled him to meditate on the sociological 'value' of democratic consciousness.


Stanley returned to America and decided to purchase a Marvel Comics issue featuring the brutish 'super-villain' Rhino. Rhino symbolizes raw menacing strength, and Stanley thought about basic human appreciation of fatigue and muscular resilience in the modern world and why an 'avatar' like Rhino would remind humanity of its own inherent 'obsession' with power, prestige, pennies, and the proletariat.


Stanley decided to blog on the Internet about his travel to Bruges (Belgium) and his meditation on 'labor chronicles' and the 'dominion' of democracy in the modern world. Stanley wrote, "I reflect on Paper Airplane Day as perhaps a civilization 'token' of labor meditation and the aesthetics of traffic and customs, which is why I appreciate Wall Street humility more than ever now."


That night, Stanley had another dream, but in this one, Stanley was 'visited' by the spirit of the Marvel Comics 'super-villain' Hobgoblin who had just escaped the heroic-clutches of the valiant webbed democracy-defender Spider-Man. Hobgoblin wanted to tell Stanley that he had done a fine job evaluating the 'contours' of labor and fatigue and perhaps had surmised the metaphysical origins of workaholic behaviors. When Stanley awoke, this time with a much more pleasant mentality, he concluded that paper airplanes are behavioral 'symbols' of labor humility, reminders that working with our hands compels us to praise tempered ambition.


Stanley pulled out his postcard memento of a historical library he saw in Bruges (Belgium). Noting the library's fancy and historic architecture, Stanley decided that his work-life on Wall Street would now be characterized as a 'spiritual venture' rather than a 'bureaucratic compromise.' Would Stanley become a modern-day prophet? Stanley decided to write a long piece in the New Yorker (magazine) titled Dreaming Dungeons which won him the Pulitzer Prize.


TRUMP: I like this guy Stanley, Carter!
CARTER: He deserved his Pulitzer...
TRUMP: He had great things to say about 'commercial aspirations.'
CARTER: Stanley was a real 'modernism-critic.'
TRUMP: It's ironic given his experience with 'personal catharsis.'
CARTER: Yes, he 'learned' from his own 'claustrophobia.'
TRUMP: Perhaps Stanley is the modern-day Thomas Nast!
CARTER: That's arguable, but he's certainly a 'shrewd messenger.'
TRUMP: He seemed very interested in the Hobgoblin.
CARTER: Yes, Stanley mentioned him voraciously in his New Yorker piece.
TRUMP: The Hobgoblin is sort of Stanley's 'great white whale' (Moby Dick).
CARTER: I wonder how journalists will catalog what Stanley contributed...
TRUMP: They might mention him on Frontline!
CARTER: Are you a fan of modern journalism?
TRUMP: I appreciate the New York Times.
CARTER: I prefer the Washington Post.
TRUMP: Anyways, they should make a movie about Hobgoblin.
CARTER: Maybe we should heed Stanley's omen about 'over-reaching daydreams.'
TRUMP: I'll tweet something about Paper Airplane Day --- for Stanley.
CARTER: Let's go watch Brewster's Millions on Netflix!



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