Labor Day and the lessons learned

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I heard a statistic earlier that on average it takes a doctor till the age of 42 to surpass a plumber in wages.
Then when you consider the debt accumulated to get to that point in life and the struggles along the way, you have to wonder why more parents don't encourage their kids to attend technical school.
So many kids graduate college with hundreds of thousands in debt and no real marketable skills. They are forced to take classes that have nothing to do with future career opportunities. Worse yet many of them major in subjects where the job opportunities are near non existent.

Technical schools teach you the skills to sustain your future as well as a family.
Traditional college teaches you a lot of social bullshit that is irrelevant to marketable skills.

While hoping your child will one day attend some "prestigious university" can give you great pride, the one thing it often doesnt give your child is a good start in life.

In the same time it takes to get a 4 or 6 year degree you could send your child to 3 different technical schools, thereby giving them the skills to persue a variety of careers.
I had 4 kids. They knew after graduation there was going to be no working a blue collar factory work. No hanging around working on the paper mill. No military. No half arsed degree in something. All 4 graduated with solid degrees...2 medicine and one engineer.One teacher. They are all making a nice living except the teacher but she married well. One can't survive on one teachers wages. Anyway if the degree is good the warning potential is big. Slaving away until your body gives out is no way to live.
I was not going to let them settle for being a factory slave. I could never live with myself.
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I had 4 kids. They knew after graduation there was going to be no working a blue collar factory work. No hanging around working on the paper mill. No military. No half arsed degree in something. All 4 graduated with solid degrees...2 medicine and one engineer.One teacher. They are all making a nice living except the teacher but she married well. One can't survive on one teachers wages. Anyway if the degree is good the warning potential is big. Slaving away until your body gives out is no way to live.
You do realize that technical school teaches all kinds of job skills right? Not just manual labor
Yes i know that. But In many cases A 4 year degree is needed to start at a much higher wage. Tech schools are good. I have nothing but praise for them. But some professions need more than that.
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Yes i know that. But In many cases A 4 year degree is needed to start at a much higher wage. Tech schools are good. I have nothing but praise for them. But some professions need more than that.
Some do yes. But not everyone can be a doctor or a lawyer
If parents take the time to work with their kids and quit filling their bellies with toxic fast food doctors and lawyers and engineers are very plausible. We need alot more of all 3. A ton more.
I heard a statistic earlier that on average it takes a doctor till the age of 42 to surpass a plumber in wages.
Then when you consider the debt accumulated to get to that point in life and the struggles along the way, you have to wonder why more parents don't encourage their kids to attend technical school.
So many kids graduate college with hundreds of thousands in debt and no real marketable skills. They are forced to take classes that have nothing to do with future career opportunities. Worse yet many of them major in subjects where the job opportunities are near non existent.

Technical schools teach you the skills to sustain your future as well as a family.
Traditional college teaches you a lot of social bullshit that is irrelevant to marketable skills.

While hoping your child will one day attend some "prestigious university" can give you great pride, the one thing it often doesnt give your child is a good start in life.

In the same time it takes to get a 4 or 6 year degree you could send your child to 3 different technical schools, thereby giving them the skills to persue a variety of careers.

Education in America is a huge racket. Studies have shown that kids do better home schooled, yet once passing the high school level, we are suddenly told that you can't learn anything on your own unless you go to college. Other countries are amazed what Americans pay for an education. In many countries, college is FREE. You pay an obscene amount mainly to finance 6-figure incomes for the elite there and to help fund projects mainly aimed at bringing prestige to the university. 80% of the courses there could just as easily be learned on one's own by simply buying the same or similar books. They even offer on-line courses now; why can you get an education "on-line" (at home) but it doesn't count if you do it on your own?

Because education is a scam. Every huge problem in the world was caused by a person with a college degree. Once they get into the workforce, having spent hundreds of thousands on degrees, they set up HR programs that block people unless THEY TOO paid out the ass for a degree! After all, would you want to hire a guy for a job who did on his own what you paid $200,000 for? That is because college isn't about EDUCATION, it's about WHAT YOU KNOW, it is about paying into the system.

That "degree" doesn't prove you are smart, have common sense, skill or talent to do a particular job well, it proves you paid your dues into the system to keep the system going, and are now well-bred to be a good little worker and thus, they will open the door for you. At best, it puts a stamp on you to say to HR dummies who know next to nothing about the job they are screening you for that you have a degree, go or no go, because they haven't the knowledge or skill to judge a person's knowledge themselves.
All holidays pale in comparison to Christmas...the birth of our savior. The rest of the holidays are grillin days for most. I guess memorial day is a time of remembrance. After that...meh.

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