Labour MP calls Jeremy Corbyn a racist and an anti-Semite.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
A veteran UK Labour party lawmaker on Tuesday accused leader Jeremy Corbyn of being a racist and an anti-Semite after the party adopted new guidelines on anti-Semitism, which have been criticized as too weak and falling short of a widely accepted formulation.

MP Dame Margaret Hodge confronted Corbyn in Parliament after the Labour top governing body approved the guidelines, the Huffington Post reported Tuesday.

Labor MP Calls Jeremy Corbyn An ā€œAntisemite and Racistā€
Some have learned to choose victimhood, as shown by the organ reporting the story. It's a little ambiguous, but the concern seems to be more about anti Israel than anti Semite. Of course we all know of those who scatter the anti Semite epithet as a means of ending argument.

Labour has come under fire from UK Jewish groups over the past week for not including the International Holocaust Remembrance Allianceā€™s definition of anti-Semitism as part of its new code of conduct approved by the party.

Labourā€™s version omits at least four points featured in the IHRA definition, including accusing Jews of ā€œbeing more loyal to Israelā€ than to their own country; claiming that Israelā€™s existence is a ā€œracist endeavorā€; applying a ā€œdouble standardā€ to Israel; and comparing ā€œcontemporary Israeli policyā€ to that of the Nazis.

The definition features mostly examples of anti-Semitic behaviors that do not concern Israel, such as calling to harm Jews or denying the Holocaust, as well as challenging the Jewish peopleā€™s right to self-determination.
Veteran UK Labour lawmaker calls Corbyn a ā€˜racist and anti-Semiteā€™
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Hodge, a former chair of the Public Accounts Committee, has long criticised Corbynā€™s leadership and was among the two senior MPs who triggered a vote of no confidence in him in 2016.
Hodge, a former chair of the Public Accounts Committee, has long criticised Corbynā€™s leadership and was among the two senior MPs who triggered a vote of no confidence in him in 2016.

Your relentless anti semitism oozes out of you like pus from a pimple.

You're almost at a TTainant level.
The message is clear now: we trust you less than other minorities.

The left treats Jews by a double standard. And this week weā€™ve seen that made crystal clear. Compare and contrast what happens to people who criticise Islam and people who criticise the Jewish State. A couple of days ago, grouchy New Atheist Richard Dawkins expressed dislike of the Islamic call to prayer. It sounds ā€˜aggressiveā€™, he said. He said that, despite being godless, he prefers the sound of church bells. He was instantly denounced as bigoted. Even racist. Prominent Corbyn supporters branded him far right. He was a fascist simply for criticising an aspect of Islam.

At the same time, precisely as these denunciations of Dawkins were taking place, Labourites were arguing that public life must find a way to accommodate stinging, even ugly criticism of the Jewish State. As part of the debate about Labourā€™s new code against anti-Semitism, some insisted that ridicule of the Jewish State must be tolerated because it is illiberal to ā€˜curbā€™ legitimate discussion in relation to political and ideological matters.

Why is open and free discussion important on Jewish matters but not Islamic ones? Why is it always Islamophobic to criticise the call to prayer or ridicule the Koran or question the wisdom of women wearing the veil, but it is not anti-Semitic to obsess over the Jewish State and write it off as evil, racist and nasty? Or consider how leading Labourites, including Emily Thornberry, responded last week to Donald Trumpā€™s mild criticisms of London mayor Sadiq Khan for his handling of terrorism. Trumpā€™s comments were ā€˜racist and Islamophobicā€™, they said. The accusation of Islamophobia made instantly when a Muslim public figure or an Islamic belief is criticised, yet when the Jewish State is demonised, as it so often is by the new left, Labour says we have to stop and think before we say it is prejudiced speech ā€” why?

It should be clear to everyone by now that the left treats so-called Islamophobia more seriously than anti-Semitism

Labourā€™s problem with Jews is getting worse
A veteran UK Labour party lawmaker on Tuesday accused leader Jeremy Corbyn of being a racist and an anti-Semite after the party adopted new guidelines on anti-Semitism, which have been criticized as too weak and falling short of a widely accepted formulation.

MP Dame Margaret Hodge confronted Corbyn in Parliament after the Labour top governing body approved the guidelines, the Huffington Post reported Tuesday.

Labor MP Calls Jeremy Corbyn An ā€œAntisemite and Racistā€
corbyn again stays neutral in the present conflict

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