Ladies and gentelmen, the leading contender for antichrist

dilloduck said:
I just find it a bit arrogant for you to insinuate that people had better think as you do quickly or they will go to hell.

Point of Order -

Christ said "If you don't believe what I'm saying, you'll go to hell" in not so many words. You may be confusing 'truth' with 'arrogance'. If somebody says anything other than 'If you don't believe what the BIBLE tells us, you'll likely go to hell', they are not, cannot be Christians.
dilloduck said:
Your quote from the bible says that no one can know the future yet you keep trying.
:rolleyes: :read:

Whatever. I already said I am not predicting anything. I am merely doing as instructed. I am watching. I also see current events. I am seeing the correlation.

I guess you enjoy trying to be the one who guesses the anti-christ first. Have fun. Personally I don't need a warning so I will assume you are warning others on this board to repent quickly and prepare for the end times.

Then quit reading the threads. You are the one with the concern that I am right. I am absolutely confident and fearless about the outcome.

I just find it a bit arrogant for you to insinuate that people had better think as you do quickly or they will go to hell.

Really? What part could you not read?

I am not the Bible, I quoted it. If you find me arrogant for quoting it, then you have issues, not me.

Here it is again so yo umay gnash your teeth:
Matthew 13:

36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

You were the one who labeled me as a "liberal in denial" so i guess you share in my "fetish".

Again, dillo. READ. I said you sound like one when you just argue instead of prove.

Now you get emotional like one.

You said:
Originally Posted by dilloduck
I can certainly prove your own sources contradict what you are doing.

I am waiting.

I hope you win the prize about being the first to identify the anti-christ (if there is one).

Enjoy your stars dillo.
dilloduck said:
Still waiting for you to prove to me that stars can "fall"

I'll just ignore the rest of your sophistry.

You really have trouble following a thread, don't you.

-=d=- said:
Are you trying to be thick-headed?

He does this in EVERY thread he looks at with my name on it.

On day one, he teamed up with RWA to do it. -And adopted the RWA insults too.

You get used to it after a while. He just likes to argue and then run instead of proving anything.
Bullypulpit said:
Been into the ergot again...? :teeth:

Only someone as subpar as yourself would reference LSD in such an obviously intellegent post as my topics have generally proven to be.

If you cannot present logical discussion, but merely insults like the rest of the political slime you associate your views with, why even post?
Yurt said:
Please define the "anti-christ." For isn't he the one who thinks to change times and the laws?

According to the Bible, "Anti-christ" can mean a few things depending on context.

The Bible references many "false christs" will come. This can mean they are either false saviors or people going AGAINST everything that God stood for -hence the term "anti-christ".

The Bible also references the end-times person who tries to make peace with the world, change its laws, and rule through one world govt, and religion. He would be THE anti-christ. He is the one who is the most evil and despicable of them all, but will decieve many by his words and charisma.

So to answer your question, yes- you are right: THE anti-christ is the person of the end times who seeks to change laws and times.
Stand Strong New Guy!

I get a kick out of piecing together evidence as to who will bring on the end too.

Maybe we can compare notes sometime!

Oh, and dillo. I don't think NG is trying to scare anyone, just throw out his opinion based on evidence from the bible and real world events as they fall into place. Pretty interesting and f-ed up when you really delve into the scritpure.
JohnGalt said:
Stand Strong New Guy!

I get a kick out of piecing together evidence as to who will bring on the end too.

Maybe we can compare notes sometime!

Oh, and dillo. I don't think NG is trying to scare anyone, just throw out his opinion based on evidence from the bible and real world events as they fall into place. Pretty interesting and f-ed up when you really delve into the scritpure.

Thanks John!

JohnGalt said:
Stand Strong New Guy!

I get a kick out of piecing together evidence as to who will bring on the end too.

Maybe we can compare notes sometime!

Oh, and dillo. I don't think NG is trying to scare anyone, just throw out his opinion based on evidence from the bible and real world events as they fall into place. Pretty interesting and f-ed up when you really delve into the scritpure.

If y'all get a kick outta the doin the guesswork, go for it and good luck. People have been doing it for over a thousand years so I guess it has legs. My opinions just happen to be different which doesn't make them wrong. I just want to throw it out there too so comparisons can be made and then people can make thier own judgements. Since there is no proof of any after-life, its all speculation~~~~ sorta like seeing if the pundits are going to be correct about the election or the world series. The bible is open to intepretation by the individidual and its' meaning has been debated since it was put together.NG and I just disagree.
dilloduck said:
If y'all get a kick outta the doin the guesswork, go for it and good luck. People have been doing it for over a thousand years so I guess it has legs. My opinions just happen to be different which doesn't make them wrong. I just want to throw it out there too so comparisons can be made and then people can make thier own judgements. Since there is no proof of any after-life, its all speculation~~~~ sorta like seeing if the pundits are going to be correct about the election or the world series. The bible is open to intepretation by the individidual and its' meaning has been debated since it was put together.NG and I just disagree.

This entire post can only be substantiated by disproving the scientific foreknowledge and prophecy in the Bible. Until you can do that, you may as well believe in the tooth fairy.
NewGuy said:
According to the Bible, "Anti-christ" can mean a few things depending on context.

The Bible references many "false christs" will come. This can mean they are either false saviors or people going AGAINST everything that God stood for -hence the term "anti-christ".

The Bible also references the end-times person who tries to make peace with the world, change its laws, and rule through one world govt, and religion. He would be THE anti-christ. He is the one who is the most evil and despicable of them all, but will decieve many by his words and charisma.

So to answer your question, yes- you are right: THE anti-christ is the person of the end times who seeks to change laws and times.

Seems to me that the current occupant of the Oval Office fits the bill quite nicely. He has tried to change world law...set the world on a path towards a Pax Americana...Actively worked to enact policy directly reflective of his own espoused religious views...He has decieved many by his words, his charisma is debatable though.
This thread strikes me as rather odd. I guess what piques my interest is the basic assumption is that the Bible is factual. While I understand that some folks have great faith and believe that what is in the Bible is correct, there are many others who do not.

Also, trying to scientifically "prove" the future seems to be virtually impossible as well.
dilloduck said:
Still waiting for you to prove to me that stars can "fall"
While the actual event(s) are yet to be seen, you can still use your imagination. I can't imagine a ball of nuclear fusion that is millions of times the size of this earth falling and landing on us. However, let's look at the possibilities. What if the stars in the sky were simply moved by God, as opposed to their regular, fixed nature. That could look as if they were falling. Or maybe the word "star" as used in the bible in this case is symbolic. Example, rockets and missiles falling out of the sky. ICBM's (although, I personally don't see any nuclear war fitting into the end) flying around the planet. Perhaps even satellites and space ships falling from orbit. I can even imagine meteor showers of the "Armageddon" (movie) type. Who knows. How the stars are going to fall doesn't really matter. What matters is that it is going to happen, and the bible tells us that to prepare us for the future.

You have said several times newguy that biblical prophecies mention the names of whom they prophesize. Would you please give me an example?

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