Lady Gaga the biggest entertaintment celeb


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
per Forbes mag

ahead of a bunch of other nobodies

freaking glad I was born In 1953
And here I thought that nobody could possibly out-skanky Madonna.

Musta been a BIG bet. :lol:
Gaga is weird. At one point in time, I referred to her as Lady GagMe. But I watched an interview she did with Larry King, before he retired, and she came across as a smart intelligent lady, and she discussed why she dresses as she does and why she acts like she does, and I have a little more respect for her than I did before.
In fact, I listen to a few of her songs. I think some of her wardrobe get-ups are outrageous, but she says she dresses to get attention, and she gets it!
She wants to express herself, and let women everywhere know, you don't have to hide behind a shadow or be afraid to be yourself, so she is speaking for many women.
She grew up Catholic btw, hard to believe ~LoL~
What gets me, is some of the items she wears, are nothing more than a pair of panties and bra, and she goes thru airport security like that~
If that was one of us common folk, we would probably get our asses hauled in for indecent exposure.
I don't know of her.

My tastes run in a different direction

[ame=""]Татяна Буланова - Велкая[/ame]
I never thought I'd say this but "geez, the stuff that kids listen to/watch today" I think music is becoming increasingly reliant on dance choreography as opposed to just being able to produce good music. She may be good at singing. I just have no desire to even look into it given the aforementioned.
Gaga is musical guest on SNL tonight.
Did you watch? She stole the show from the host Justin Timberlake. The first time I saw Lady Gaga I thought to myself "this looks familiar". I think she took most of her act from Dale Bozzio of Missing Persons.

Gaga's real name is Stephani. I read in an article once that the only time she is called by that name, is when she is in bed with someone *haha* Kind of funny.
Gaga is weird. At one point in time, I referred to her as Lady GagMe. But I watched an interview she did with Larry King, before he retired, and she came across as a smart intelligent lady, and she discussed why she dresses as she does and why she acts like she does, and I have a little more respect for her than I did before.
In fact, I listen to a few of her songs. I think some of her wardrobe get-ups are outrageous, but she says she dresses to get attention, and she gets it!
She wants to express herself, and let women everywhere know, you don't have to hide behind a shadow or be afraid to be yourself, so she is speaking for many women.
She grew up Catholic btw, hard to believe ~LoL~
What gets me, is some of the items she wears, are nothing more than a pair of panties and bra, and she goes thru airport security like that~
If that was one of us common folk, we would probably get our asses hauled in for indecent exposure.

^^ This. I didn't like her when I first heard her -- and also referred to her as Lady Gagme ... mostly because it irritated my youngest heh -- but after seeing her on an interview or two and listening to a few more of her songs, she's not so bad. She's basically this generation's Madonna. Or Cher. Or Elton John. Meh, all three rolled into one.
per Forbes mag

ahead of a bunch of other nobodies

freaking glad I was born In 1953

She kind of sucks. Seems to be nothing more that an extension of Madonna. Who really sucks. Even listening to a lot of her songs I think it's Madonna. Which sucks, because Lady Gaga actually has a good voice and is a talented musician.
This may only be funny to science geeks like me, but search youtube for the "Bad Project" Lady Gaga spoof. It's a hoot, if you know anything about the academic world.
Personally, I like her video "Bad Romance" and there's a small spot in that vid where she is barely wearing any make-up, she's rather pretty.
But her video titled "Alejandro" was way over the top.
She had men dressed in skimpies and her in skimpies, bumping and grinding on beds, while the men wore collars. I didn't care for that video, but I did like the song~
Personally, I like her video "Bad Romance" and there's a small spot in that vid where she is barely wearing any make-up, she's rather pretty.
But her video titled "Alejandro" was way over the top.
She had men dressed in skimpies and her in skimpies, bumping and grinding on beds, while the men wore collars. I didn't care for that video, but I did like the song~

Not all made up she is a fairly attractive lady. Excellent piano player. Bad Romance is a good song, but she does that one part about 2/3 of the way through it that sounds just like Madonna and that turns me off to it.
The lady is an absolute genius. She knows what she is doing and at the right time. Brilliant and beautiful woman. Although most don't like her music, you have to hand it to the lady that she is very successful and a leader to a lot of the younger generation. I applaud her success.
The lady is an absolute genius. She knows what she is doing and at the right time. Brilliant and beautiful woman. Although most don't like her music, you have to hand it to the lady that she is very successful and a leader to a lot of the younger generation. I applaud her success.

I agree, I like some of her songs but she definently knows how to market herself and get people to talk about her, kind of like the white female version of Kanye West.

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