Lake Meade original water intake valve is visible for the first time since 1971

decreased snowfall in the Sierras

Evidence please ... snowfall goes up and down, but total precipitation remains steady ... and rainwater stores just as easily as snowmelt ... what has changed is far more land under irrigation ... more land + same amount of water = water shortages ...

You're trying to blame carbon dioxide for what is really just mismanagement ... or greed ... I remember when The I-5 was finished running down th ewest sid eof the San Joaquin Valley .. that was all open prairie, not even fenced off yet ... travel that section today and it's farm after farm after thirsty farm ... too many people, not enough water ... that has nothing to do with climate ...

There is no "management" on the amount of Sierra Snowpack which is the primary source of surface water for agriculture in the Central Valley.

Nowhere in this paper is rainfall patterns discussed ... it's mostly about the cautions we need to have when dealing with the data from tree-rings ... this research was intended to narrow down what can ... and cannot ... be inferred from these growth rings ...

You only read the abstract and didn't read the conclusions ... makes you look foolish again ...
You, uh.., think the illegals are changing the climate? Really? Well, that's one I hadn't heard before.

No dipshit, they're using the water! You do know since the last time any water storage infrastructure was built in California, the population has more than doubled, right? Damn...
Nowhere in this paper is rainfall patterns discussed ... it's mostly about the cautions we need to have when dealing with the data from tree-rings ... this research was intended to narrow down what can ... and cannot ... be inferred from these growth rings ...

You only read the abstract and didn't read the conclusions ... makes you look foolish again ...

You act as if no one is talking about climate change with regards to Sierra Snowpack. That just shows the astounding level of ignorance you have on the topic.

There's a reason I posted more than one link.
There is no "management" on the amount of Sierra Snowpack which is the primary source of surface water for agriculture in the Central Valley.

Hey stupid ... it's the dams that are managed ... or do you think they regularly overtop ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...
Hey stupid ... it's the dams that are managed ... or do you think they regularly overtop ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

I thought you actually knew something about California water. These dams you talk do know they control the rivers which are fed by the Sierra Snow pack. That's why everyone who actually DOES live in SoCal talks about the Sierra Snowpack obsessively with regards to drought years.
You act as if no one is talking about climate change with regards to Sierra Snowpack. That just shows the astounding level of ignorance you have on the topic.

There's a reason I posted more than one link.

There's only one link in your post ... is that why you posted more than one link ... confused? ...

You made the claim rainfall patterns are changing ... I say you're wrong, the large-scale convective circulation defines these patterns, and the convective circulation isn't changing ... except perhaps a slight weakening due to Arctic Amplification ... which in turn would make weather slightly calmer ... with slightly less extremes ... on the order of one less major hurricane per century ... you know, slight change ...

You give me a link on tree rings ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... and even the researchers who published this paper don't think it's a very good method of measuring snow pack ... tree rings are better at total precipitation and ground water and probably a few other things ... just that as a proxy for April 1st snow pack measurements, tree rings aren't very good ... looks like the date is the issue ... trees and their screw-ball calendars ...

You'll ignore this question forever ... replacing honest debate with ad hominem attacks ... there should be plenty of rain gauge data ... should be easy for you to make your case ... but you know your case flawed, the actual rainfall data isn't showing any change in pattern ... people say that to frighten folks ... warmer temperatures is a good thing, changing rainfall patterns is a bad thing ... it's easy to show rising temperatures, but rainfall patterns aren't changing ... so there's nothing to be afraid of ... and that's what you're afraid of ...

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
I thought you actually knew something about California water. These dams you talk do know they control the rivers which are fed by the Sierra Snow pack. That's why everyone who actually DOES live in SoCal talks about the Sierra Snowpack obsessively with regards to drought years.

California water ... that includes San Lois and Banks ...

You seem completely focused on snow ... it also rains in the Sierras ... and rainwater can be collected behind these dams just as easily as snowmelt ...

Here in Western Oregon, we empty our reservoirs every fall ... they have to contain a "100-year" flood event so they need to be empty unless we're flooding ... and these reservoirs fill up fast ... days, not weeks ... kinda amazing how much water can fall from the sky in a rather short period of time ...

Surprise surprise surprise ... most of these California dams have the same mandate ... containing a "100-year" flood event ... and managers measure how much snow in on the ground, calculate how much water if all the snow melted at once, plus the rain from an atmospheric river event, during a particularly wet year ... and draw their reservoirs down to contain that volume ... the outflow finds Banks and winds up in San Lois or points south ...

Split the State in half and make them fuckers in LA pay out their bloody assholes for Jefferson water ... they'll outlaw lawns there in a hurry I'll warrant ...
There is no "management" on the amount of Sierra Snowpack which is the primary source of surface water for agriculture in the Central Valley.

Agriculture is California's real problem. People's consumption pales in comparison to agriculture in that state. To make matters even worse, some farmers are allowed unrestricted water draws off some of the lakes and reservoirs as grandfathered rights created to grease the local wheels when they were originally designing the system. That is part of the reason Tule is about to dry up after they had already dumped most of the water themselves to keep migrating ducks from catching botulism from the water.
Nope, look closer. Only one showed up with a preview panel. The one above it is another link.

(Don't feel bad about being wrong, yet again).

The one above it is the only link there is ... the paneled preview isn't even about climatology ... did you read either of them? ...
The water line in the reservoir that serves 40 million people with drinking water, now sits at 1,055ft above sea level, well below the maximum capacity of 1,229 ft, and worryingly close to the 1,050ft limit for pumping water out to customers.

Water levels in Lake Mead drop low enough to reveal 1971 intake valve

I guess they will have them a "western water war" sooner than need to take that surplus they claim to have and build nuke powered desalination plants.

LOL....Before long they will be able to get to that B-29 in the lake and just taxi it out. ;)

Lake Mead reveals resting place of B-29 that crashed while testing SunTracker in 1948
OVERPOPULATION (namely immigrants ILLEGALS mostly and their offspring) are going to push wars for basic resources---WATER being one of the big ones. But hey overpopulation will make billionaires richers----while making the middle and poorer classes much poorer and with a much poorer standard of living. Who can live without water.
Volume, my friend, volume ... think of just one golf course and compare that to a ship's usage ... plus the ship will be some place else tomorrow, the golf course in in the same place ...

We dumped spent nuclear fuel rods in the ocean ... no one's died yet ... is that your logic? ...
I said brine to salt mines. Not back to Ocean if in large quantities
Half glass full on this thread. Negative waves. It requires energy. On and on.

Desal for water are go thirsty Cali. You have a choice. Desal water are go thirsty
No dipshit, they're using the water! You do know since the last time any water storage infrastructure was built in California, the population has more than doubled, right? Damn...
They are like a sanctuary state, it seems to me. They see no problem with their water situation. They just rejected a 50,000,000 gallon desalinization plant. And, it's not just the illegal aliens, they welcome. They appear to be collecting homeless from all over America. It's a strange state, no doubt.
Do you have a citation? ... isn't this new process more expensive? ... distilling water can be done with solar energy by the cup-full ... but we need water by the millions of acre-feet ...
Do you have a citation? ... isn't this new process more expensive? ... distilling water can be done with solar energy by the cup-full ... but we need water by the millions of acre-feet ...
The volume of the Pacific ocean can handle the brine and the new process is not that expensive.
OVERPOPULATION (namely immigrants ILLEGALS mostly and their offspring) are going to push wars for basic resources---WATER being one of the big ones. But hey overpopulation will make billionaires richers----while making the middle and poorer classes much poorer and with a much poorer standard of living. Who can live without water.
I said brine to salt mines. Not back to Ocean if in large quantities

I understand your point ... but I don't think there's very many salt mines close to Huntington Beach ... the brine has to go back into the ocean, but that doesn't mean it has to go back where it will hurt stuff ... lay pipe over the continental shelf ... no fuzzy baby sea lions will be harmed ...

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