Lake Meade original water intake valve is visible for the first time since 1971

What is the proxy data resolution of Tree rings from the paper?

How can Tree Rings measure snowfall when it is dormant?
From the link:

"Our team has developed an innovative approach called hybrid downscaling, which combines the strengths of dynamical and statistical downscaling. First, our researchers run a limited number of dynamical model simulations that represent the full span of global climate model outcomes."

Do you seriously believe any of that double-speak word salad?
From the link:

"Our team has developed an innovative approach called hybrid downscaling, which combines the strengths of dynamical and statistical downscaling. First, our researchers run a limited number of dynamical model simulations that represent the full span of global climate model outcomes."

Do you seriously believe any of that word salad?

I read that it is a gobbledygook pile of crap which is why I asked that GOOK the simple questions to which she runs away.
What is the proxy data resolution of Tree rings from the paper?

How can Tree Rings measure snowfall when it is dormant?
'Proxy data resolution' means 'We don't have accurate data so we will make up proxy data.'
The water line in the reservoir that serves 40 million people with drinking water, now sits at 1,055ft above sea level, well below the maximum capacity of 1,229 ft, and worryingly close to the 1,050ft limit for pumping water out to customers.

I laugh every time I read one of these stories after telling a Californian here just about a year or so ago that California was running out of water and him just laughing at the prospect!
'Proxy data resolution' means 'We don't have accurate data so we will make up proxy data.'

Proxy data has fewer data points to draw from to build a model with which is why knowing the resolution of a proxy is important Greenland Ice cores are really good proxy data (possibly among the best in the world) because it is mostly annual and around 10,000 years long which is why it is so important.

I laugh every time I read one of these stories after telling a Californian here just about a year or so ago that California was running out of water and him just laughing at the prospect!
Far Northern CA won't run out of water, the Central Valley and LA will unless they do something more than spend 100 Billion on a useless bullet train that goes nowhere where people would have moved away dud to lack of water.
Proxy data has fewer data points to draw from to build a model with which is why knowing the resolution of a proxy is important Greenland Ice cores are really good proxy data (possibly among the best in the world) because it is mostly annual and around 10,000 years long which is why it is so important.

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If you don't have an adequate population of data, statistics and graphs are not as reliable and models are less reliable. Also, one should inspect the validity of that data in the first place.
It doesn't take man made global climate change just to have a drought, you poor dumb bastard.

And didn't the wacko environmentalists there just vote down building a desalination plant again?! :auiqs.jpg:
The only reason I brought you off of IGNORE was to keep my Ignore numbers below 10 and it was filling up with Russian trolls. It was not to listen to you call me names, like a hysterical Karen, whose had a sex change to Kenny. 10 is an arbitrary number. I figure you'd be off more than a weak, but you really have nothing to say, freak. IGNORE.
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Nope, that is where half of Ca's water comes from! But as you go into the desert south of there, they rely increasingly more on aquifered water stolen from underground and the Colorado River.
Yes, projects done decades ago have resulted in a fairly verdant Central Valley that produces a lot of food. Drought combined with the removal of dams in favor of fish has only exacerbated the problem.
the removal of dams in favor of fish

Ouch. I hadn't heard too much about that except for I think the Hoover Dam where they did something so that Salmon going upstream don't get all mangled in the pumps?

The one aspect of Ca water that bothers me a little is the Hetch-Hetchy Reservoir. I didn't know anything about it back in 1982 when hiking toward the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne, my friend pointed down at the Hetchy noting it and I took a few pictures of its narrow waterway, only reading much later about the beautiful valley there many tried to preserve now forever lost.

Ca has much beauty worth protecting and I am all for it, just that if people want to put fish ahead of people, they just need to realize that their paradise in the desert down in LA is something that just cannot last.
Ouch. I hadn't heard too much about that except for I think the Hoover Dam where they did something so that Salmon going upstream don't get all mangled in the pumps?

The one aspect of Ca water that bothers me a little is the Hetch-Hetchy Reservoir. I didn't know anything about it back in 1982 when hiking toward the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne, my friend pointed down at the Hetchy noting it and I took a few pictures of its narrow waterway, only reading much later about the beautiful valley there many tried to preserve now forever lost.

Ca has much beauty worth protecting and I am all for it, just that if people want to put fish ahead of people, they just need to realize that their paradise in the desert down in LA is something that just cannot last.
If they want more water the Pacific Ocean is nearby. As I said multiple times, instead of spending 100 Billion dollars on a bullet train going nowhere, why not spend that money on desalinization?
Fuck it. If Cali is too stupid to buikd desal then let them go thirsty and pay $6 a gallon for water.

Fuck it. If Cali is too stupid to buikd desal then let them go thirsty and pay $6 a gallon for water.

Are you actually satisfied dealing with the symptoms rather than the actual cause? Is that how you teach your children to deal with the issues that will come up in their lives?
Are you actually satisfied dealing with the symptoms rather than the actual cause? Is that how you teach your children to deal with the issues that will come up in their lives?

It's a desert Moonbat.
So you don't think there is a drought underway in the region? You believe the rainfall for the last decade or two is normal? Got it.
Lets double the number of peeps living in a desert then oh shit we are running out of water.

Brain damage.
Lets double the number of peeps living in a desert then oh shit we are running out of water.

Brain damage.
Feel free to inform the American population that our desert areas have limited rainfall and that if they move to such places, they are likely to face water shortages from time to time. Feel free to encourage the governments of such states to enact laws that will make it difficult for people to move in to such regions: high fees, high property taxes, etc. Feel free to encourage the governments of such states to make use of whatever mode of water rationing they can to address such shortages. Do not feel free to attempt to legally block the free movement of people from state to state as that is a protected right under our Consitution. Do not feel free to argue that the water shortages have not been worsened by human induced climate change as that is the conclusion of a very large percentage of the experts in the field.

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