Lake Meade original water intake valve is visible for the first time since 1971

Feel free to inform the American population that our desert areas have limited rainfall and that if they move to such places, they are likely to face water shortages from time to time. Feel free to encourage the governments of such states to enact laws that will make it difficult for people to move in to such regions: high fees, high property taxes, etc. Feel free to encourage the governments of such states to make use of whatever mode of water rationing they can to address such shortages. Do not feel free to attempt to legally block the free movement of people from state to state as that is a protected right under our Consitution. Do not feel free to argue that the water shortages have not been worsened by human induced climate change as that is the conclusion of a very large percentage of the experts in the field.
If stupid people want to move to places like that. Go br you.

Doesnt change that you are dumb asses
If stupid people want to move to places like that. Go br you.

Doesnt change that you are dumb asses
I live in Florida. We have more water than we know what to do with. We have a governor that we could do without but that's another thread.
And? You are living in a desert region and running low on water.

Your choices are limited.

I live in such an area but blessed by the Columbia River which is the ONLY reason why there are 250,000 people in area.

There are sand dunes, Cactus, Bunchgrass and Scrub plants in the original desert before people came it is so lean that Rattlesnakes never get big.
Why do you assume I live there? You know you guys make SO MANY unfounded assumptions it makes me wonder how you normally function IRL.
You seem to have a opinion that leans ti that area.

Doesnt matter. We have water here. They are stupid there. Thirst may cure their madness
You seem to have a opinion that leans ti that area.

Because I know some of the technical details of it.

Doesnt matter. We have water here. They are stupid there. Thirst may cure their madness

"They are stupid there". That's a great philosophy. Can we use it when YOUR part of the country has an unexpected disaster and you need help from the rest of the country?

Just curious if you'll be one of the whiners who asks for help when you need it.
Because I know some of the technical details of it.

"They are stupid there". That's a great philosophy. Can we use it when YOUR part of the country has an unexpected disaster and you need help from the rest of the country?

Just curious if you'll be one of the whiners who asks for help when you need it.
You are running out of water and kick the can down the road. That makes it Stupid.
Then show me mathematically why the resolution details would make a significant issue.

(Don't worry, I know you won't, that's not your game).

LOL you expect me to answer your questions when you HABITUALLY ignore my questions.


You are ducking because you don't have the answer to easy questions and comically you don't even realize that I put you on the spot with those easy questions in the first place making a fool of you in front of the public reading and see YOU avoid easy to answer questions.

We clear our own roads and rebuild before the city ever gets here.

LOLOLOL. Big talk.

Only Moonbats think like you. A hive culture.

You mean only moonbats know that disasters can happen? Well, yeah. That's cool.

We will all enjoy your collective tears as you scream and cry for help when it is needed. ANd the cool thing is, the moonbats always help people no matter how big they talk when things are good.


Luckily the republicans say there is no such thing as climate change, so I am sure it will bounce back soon, right?
Oh yeah…the climate is changing alright….50 million illegals and their silver tooth anchors use a shit-ton of water, they eat a shit-ton of carne asada, they drive those piece of shit Toyota's, they are some dirty polluting motherfuckers….but but but….CLIMATE CHANGE….but but but….THE ENVIRONMENT!
LOLOLOL. Big talk.

You mean only moonbats know that disasters can happen? Well, yeah. That's cool.

We will all enjoy your collective tears as you scream and cry for help when it is needed. ANd the cool thing is, the moonbats always help people no matter how big they talk when things are good.


Anyone who depends on the govt is usually s leach leftist

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