Lake Meade original water intake valve is visible for the first time since 1971

Or the people in Texas or Florida... You know....the people who scream and cry for Uncle Sam when it snows or rains really hard?

In Florida I think the crying is about the consequences of wind more than rain. Florida drains like a sieve. I don't know about Texas. They've gotten some good hurricanes AND snowstorms in the last few years. And that state is a desert. I should think the conservatives bitching about people wanting to live in California would feel the same way about people wanting to live in Texas. But I digress.
Oh yeah…the climate is changing alright….50 million illegals and their silver tooth anchors use a shit-ton of water, they eat a shit-ton of carne asada, they drive those piece of shit Toyota's, they are some dirty polluting motherfuckers….but but but….CLIMATE CHANGE….but but but….THE ENVIRONMENT!
There is no such thing as an “anchor baby.”
Oh yeah…the climate is changing alright….50 million illegals and their silver tooth anchors use a shit-ton of water, they eat a shit-ton of carne asada, they drive those piece of shit Toyota's, they are some dirty polluting motherfuckers….but but but….CLIMATE CHANGE….but but but….THE ENVIRONMENT!
The US doesn't have 50 million illegals, more like 10.6 million. And if you think they consume more resources than do you, you've really lost the bubble.
And if you think they consume more resources than do you, you've really lost the bubble
LefTard Logic:
"Since REAL Americans consume resources and pollute we must recruit tens of millions of illegals to do the same."
Okay. I read it. Did you want me to simplify it for you? Do you not understand the difference between a drought and a water shortage? Think hard.
I didn't say that. But this is an exceptional drought and there are strong indications that it is being caused by global warming.
I didn't say that. But this is an exceptional drought and there are strong indications that it is being caused by global warming.
No there aren't. There are strong indications that all of this is being purposely manufactured.

This is just like the oligarchs did with COVID.

The same folks that prepared for the pandemic have already run the drills and the simulations. . . .


Don't be surprised when it is rolled out. :dunno:

WATER WARS: Manufactured Drought to cause Food Shortages, Climate Totalitarianism​

If you don't believe it?

Read the comments on THIS video. . . from the Soros funded government think tank "Center for American Progress." These are golden. :auiqs.jpg:
(This video is from 2015)

The year is 2020. Our global food system is under stress. All countries are experiencing mounting pressures. Under this scenario, a group of leaders from government, the private sector, international institutions and NGOs will engage in a simulation to determine how they will react as the food supply becomes increasingly destabilized.

"The game they played in 2015 has just gone live."

"What a coincidence...."


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