Lake Meade original water intake valve is visible for the first time since 1971

No...I was merely responding to the poster who was "LMAO" over the "stupidity" of California. As if that person won't be impacted.
I dont think california farmers are stupid

In fact Im convinced that 40% of the voters there are conservative but totally powerless to stop any crazy idea the left comes up with

And that goes double for the farmers
I dont think california farmers are stupid

In fact Im convinced that 40% of the voters there are conservative but totally powerless to stop any crazy idea the left comes up with

And that goes double for the farmers

Driving through the Central Valley you see a lot of "single issue" voting going on. "Our water rights!" Forgetting that we have twisted the ecosystem there and our actions (yes even the farmers) have come close to destroying a lot of nature there. We've overpumped aquifers, we've overextended everything there and in our hubris to bend nature to our will we have to decide which animals we will destroy and drive to extinction.

If the only goal is to continue producing lettuce on razor thin margins then they are doing a great job. If there is any greater goal to the existence of humans in that region we are oblivious to it.

There ARE too many people there. We've put TOO MUCH ag infrastructure there. Even when times were good we never had enough water there. Now humans are mucking about with the climate and risking even more dire consequences than what that area already normally faces.

WE are on the hook, all of us, to deal with this issue. We can't have a bunch of folks just wandering around as if it's ONLY California's problem. It's ALL of our problem.
Driving through the Central Valley you see a lot of "single issue" voting going on. "Our water rights!" Forgetting that we have twisted the ecosystem there and our actions (yes even the farmers) have come close to destroying a lot of nature there. We've overpumped aquifers, we've overextended everything there and in our hubris to bend nature to our will we have to decide which animals we will destroy and drive to extinction.

If the only goal is to continue producing lettuce on razor thin margins then they are doing a great job. If there is any greater goal to the existence of humans in that region we are oblivious to it.

There ARE too many people there. We've put TOO MUCH ag infrastructure there. Even when times were good we never had enough water there. Now humans are mucking about with the climate and risking even more dire consequences than what that area already normally faces.

WE are on the hook, all of us, to deal with this issue. We can't have a bunch of folks just wandering around as if it's ONLY California's problem. It's ALL of our problem.
Water shortages are a serious issue in west Texas and florida too

We may need to rely on water desalination instead of natural sources
Corn fields and watermelon crops........You pick them grows everything down here..........Pay by the bushel and you pick it. Okra.........Squash........Green Beans.......

Funny.....while Cotton is a money crop we still have the others........imagine that............Not to mention farmers paid to NOT FARM.

One thing about Alabama.........we have PLENTY OF WATER........And Pine forests that can be used as wood and plowed for food.............VAST AREAS FOR IT.

Oh ... there's no doubt Alabama could be as wealthy as California ... too lazy I guess ... or too stupid ... it's more than just enough eater, it's the water rains down during the growing season, no need to irrigate ...

It's like Alabama is stomping her foot and holding her breath until she gets her way ... since 1865 ... sheesh, grow up will you ...
I dont think california farmers are stupid

In fact Im convinced that 40% of the voters there are conservative but totally powerless to stop any crazy idea the left comes up with

And that goes double for the farmers

These are the principles that establish the State of Jefferson ... the three liberal Big Cities in California overrun the legislature imposing their own special brand of morality ... Oregon's smaller and she's completely dominated by just the one Big City ... leaves all the conservative areas of both states in anarchy hell ...
Oh ... there's no doubt Alabama could be as wealthy as California ... too lazy I guess ... or too stupid ... it's more than just enough eater, it's the water rains down during the growing season, no need to irrigate ...

It's like Alabama is stomping her foot and holding her breath until she gets her way ... since 1865 ... sheesh, grow up will you ...
Stay thirsty Moonbat
Oh ... there's no doubt Alabama could be as wealthy as California ... too lazy I guess ... or too stupid ... it's more than just enough eater, it's the water rains down during the growing season, no need to irrigate ...

It's like Alabama is stomping her foot and holding her breath until she gets her way ... since 1865 ... sheesh, grow up will you ...
A few minor points. California has FOURTEEN TIMES as much coast line along the Pacific Ocean as Alabama possesses looking out into the shallow, muddy Gulf. California also has a 140 mile long border with a foreign power while Alabama has none California has over eight times the population and three times the land area. Those factors might have some impact on their wealth potential.
A few minor points. California has FOURTEEN TIMES as much coast line along the Pacific Ocean as Alabama possesses looking out into the shallow, muddy Gulf. California also has a 140 mile long border with a foreign power while Alabama has none California has over eight times the population and three times the land area. Those factors might have some impact on their wealth potential.
We have Water.
A few minor points. California has FOURTEEN TIMES as much coast line along the Pacific Ocean as Alabama possesses looking out into the shallow, muddy Gulf. California also has a 140 mile long border with a foreign power while Alabama has none California has over eight times the population and three times the land area. Those factors might have some impact on their wealth potential.
California also has a compliant & corrupt government, completely owned owned by mammoth global corporate deep state controlled by billionaire interests.

These interests don't give a shit about the masses. . . the best part? They do it under the cover of the supposed "liberal," party, to gas-light and confuse the population. They rig the elections and the polling, and control and slant all the mass media and tech platforms to such a degree, that anyone in the population with an IQ below 90 hasn't got a damn clue of what is really going on.

The homelessness, crime, and addiction problems in California would not be tolerated in any other state. Addiction, drug abuse, and crime are symptoms of the much larger problems of an atomized, impersonal, and spiritually bankrupt society.
California also has a compliant & corrupt government, completely owned owned by mammoth global corporate deep state controlled by billionaire interests.

I am quite certain that I could make a case that corruption in Alabama is every bit as commonplace and influential as its counterpart in California. See Alabama’s Political Corruption: Three Governors and One House Speaker Convicted of Crimes Give State a Reputation - BirminghamWatch

These interests don't give a shit about the masses. . .

On what do you base that? And where is your evidence that Alabama rules on the basis of the common weal? I strongly suspect the 28% of Alabama's population that consider themselves black also consider themselve poorly served.

the best part? They do it under the cover of the supposed "liberal," party, to gas-light and confuse the population.

What gas lighting can you identify the Newsom administration having done?

They rig the elections and the polling, and control and slant all the mass media and tech platforms to such a degree, that anyone in the population with an IQ below 90 hasn't got a damn clue of what is really going on.

You really think the California elections were rigged? As I would ask for ANY other US state about which you made such a charge: WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING EVIDENCE

The homelessness, crime, and addiction problems in California would not be tolerated in any other state. Addiction, drug abuse, and crime are symptoms of the much larger problems of an atomized, impersonal, and spiritually bankrupt society.

California does have problems with homelessness, crime and drug addiction. So does Alabama but, of course, to differing extents. I note the way you express that difference. That other states wouldn't "tolerate" those problems. Not that they would be cured, or treated or resolved or cared for, but not tolerated. And you think California is the one that's spiritually bankrupt?
I am quite certain that I could make a case that corruption in Alabama is every bit as commonplace and influential as its counterpart in California. See Alabama’s Political Corruption: Three Governors and One House Speaker Convicted of Crimes Give State a Reputation - BirminghamWatch

On what do you base that? And where is your evidence that Alabama rules on the basis of the common weal? I strongly suspect the 28% of Alabama's population that consider themselves black also consider themselve poorly served.

What gas lighting can you identify the Newsom administration having done?

You really think the California elections were rigged? As I would ask for ANY other US state about which you made such a charge: WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING EVIDENCE

California does have problems with homelessness, crime and drug addiction. So does Alabama but, of course, to differing extents. I note the way you express that difference. That other states wouldn't "tolerate" those problems. Not that they would be cured, or treated or resolved or cared for, but not tolerated. And you think California is the one that's spiritually bankrupt?
We do not tolerate late term abortion. Riot at our officials to intimidate them you will go to jail. Burn Loot and Murder will be dealt with by the National guard and end quickly.

All states have corruption but to comoare us to Cali is a joke.

You dont like us because we dont put up with your bs. No harvesting of votes. We dont play your stuoid games here
Luckily the republicans say there is no such thing as climate change, so I am sure it will bounce back soon, right?
Whatever it is supposed to be during an interglacial cycle anyway.
Whatever it is supposed to be during an interglacial cycle anyway.
Hope you are right. Right or wrong, I am not willing for the US to take the lead in sacrificing our economy, suddenly to take drastic measures that have no promise of success, unless wrecking our economy to the benefit of all others, is somebody's idea of success. It is not mine. I have nothing against alternative energy (including nuclear energy) and indeed think it necessary, with an eye to the future. I am very impress with the strides being made in solar generation and storage. Since the climate does appear to be changing, I am in favor of spending whatever necessary to mitigate the effects, be it dykes protecting coastal cities, or raising roads and bridges (very popular in TN instead of clearing waterways) in places like Florida as may be required.

I see no solution to the lowered precipitation and runoff, that used to keep the high desert lakes full to supply the water for explosive growth of cities and agriculture in the Southwest, once created to handle a water resource in abundance in an earlier time.
Too late. That ship has already sailed. The last bubble to burst will be the standard of living bubble.
BS. This isn't new. It is just new to you. I've been through it before, as has everybody else my age. People aren't though making money and seeking their financial security yet.
People out west may very well have to adapt to changing dryer conditions. They may have to desalinate water, curtail agriculture or forestall expanding or even maintaining large wester cities in favor of going where the water is. What has to be done, when time comes, no other choices still exist, will be done.
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BS. This isn't new. It is just new to you. I've been through it before, as has everybody else my age. People aren't though making money and seeking their financial security yet.
People out west may very well have to adapt to changing dryer conditions. They may have to desalinate water, curtail agriculture or forestall expanding or even maintaining large wester cities in favor of going where the water is. What has to be done, when time comes, no other choices still exist, will be done.
It's not BS. The standard of living in America is the LAST bubble to burst. You'll see. These are historic times.

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