Lake Meade original water intake valve is visible for the first time since 1971

It's not BS. The standard of living in America is the LAST bubble to burst. You'll see. These are historic times.
I figure I will live through it, for it to hit later. Statistically for my family history, I only have 20 years left. Generally speaking the standard of living is not a bubble. If it is, it is the longest running bubble in history.
I figure I will live through it, for it to hit later. Statistically for my family history, I only have 20 years left. Generally speaking the standard of living is not a bubble. If it is, it is the longest running bubble in history.
Sure. Everyone will, but it will be painful. And yes, it has probably been the longest running standard of living bubble in American history.
Sure. Everyone will, but it will be painful. And yes, it has probably been the longest running standard of living bubble in American history.
The characteristics of a bubble do not include long duration, certainly not multi-generational.
The characteristics of a bubble do not include long duration, certainly not multi-generational.
It's anything that is inflated. Especially artificially like what's happened over the past 20 years due to the low cost of money.
Probably more like a recession.

Ah ... so you agree that raising interest rates will cool down inflation? ... making job creation more expensive and easing labor shortages ... 'cause it's just a crying shame the little guy is getting more money for his labor ... ruining the economy ...

The local Jack-in-the-Box is only open for drive-through ... not enough employees to open the dining room ... filthy filthy proletariat wants more money, fucking heathens ... if God thought the common-born could handle land-ownership, He wouldn't have made them common-born ... now would He? ...
Ah ... so you agree that raising interest rates will cool down inflation? ... making job creation more expensive and easing labor shortages ... 'cause it's just a crying shame the little guy is getting more money for his labor ... ruining the economy ...

The local Jack-in-the-Box is only open for drive-through ... not enough employees to open the dining room ... filthy filthy proletariat wants more money, fucking heathens ... if God thought the common-born could handle land-ownership, He wouldn't have made them common-born ... now would He? ...
Not sure that raising interest rates a small amount will cool inflation if the federal government keeps pumping money like a drunken sailor. As for making job creation more expensive and easing labor shortages... they won't be needing those workers anymore. Little guy takes it in the shorts yet again.

Don't bring God into this. I'm pretty sure he warned us about failures of morality.
Not sure that raising interest rates a small amount will cool inflation if the federal government keeps pumping money like a drunken sailor. As for making job creation more expensive and easing labor shortages... they won't be needing those workers anymore. Little guy takes it in the shorts yet again.

Don't bring God into this. I'm pretty sure he warned us about failures of morality.

Of course the little guy takes in the shorts again ... that's his job ... the Rich are hurting too, have you seen the used airplane market lately ... that's a sure sign of awful degradation ...

The government printing up too much money isn't an economic bubble, it's government printing too much money ... this is "inflationary" ... I'm not ready to say this is the cause of the current round of inflation, but it sure as hell is a major stressor ... and we can find plenty of examples of printing too much money leading to hyper-inflation ...

You're claiming a bubble though ... and I don't see it ... you're saying the whole of the American Lifestyle is overpriced compared to the actual value ... so what is the actual value of the American Lifestyle ...

ETA: I'll bring up God in this conversation if I want to ... what are you, a Catholic or something? ... God gives us a monarch, her name is Elizabeth II ... He laughs at democracy, too too funny, of course the majority will legalize divorce ... it's what men do ...
You're claiming a bubble though ... and I don't see it ... you're saying the whole of the American Lifestyle is overpriced compared to the actual value ... so what is the actual value of the American Lifestyle ...
The esoteric standard of living bubble. I think it's bursting now. A good measure would be discretionary spending and what will be given up to make ends meet.
Of course the little guy takes in the shorts again ... that's his job ... the Rich are hurting too, have you seen the used airplane market lately ... that's a sure sign of awful degradation ...
For the ones who spent beyond their means it is. Not everyone was smart like me and saved money. Some actually spend everything they get.
The government printing up too much money isn't an economic bubble, it's government printing too much money ... this is "inflationary" ... I'm not ready to say this is the cause of the current round of inflation, but it sure as hell is a major stressor ... and we can find plenty of examples of printing too much money leading to hyper-inflation ...
Seems to me that the government's reckless use of public finances is both a cause and a sign of what I am talking about.

They mistakenly believe our unique position as the world's reserve currency makes us immune to hyperinflation. They were wrong. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
ETA: I'll bring up God in this conversation if I want to ... what are you, a Catholic or something? ... God gives us a monarch, her name is Elizabeth II ... He laughs at democracy, too too funny, of course the majority will legalize divorce ... it's what men do ...
Render to Caesar....
It's anything that is inflated. Especially artificially like what's happened over the past 20 years due to the low cost of money.
Yeah? Where did you read that definition?

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