LAKE Im splitting my sides laughing!!

Climate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Climate is a measure of the average pattern of variation in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological variables in a given region over long periods of time. Climate is different from weather, in that weather only describes the short-term conditions of these variables in a given region

referencing Wikkipedia is gay.....entire shit is rigged. Only the hyperpartisan k00ks do it.

And lets face it......nobody ever heard of "climate change" until recently when the global warming crusaders were getting their clocks cleaned and had to come up with a new MO for a new established narrative. Only the radicals failed to connect the dots.
Skook, your list would be shorter if you'd just tell us who _isn't_ part of the vast socialist conspiracy.
Another k00k unable to tell the difference between weather and climate and clueless as to what GLOBAL means

Right because you only add the places where it's warmer, and then when you crap out there, out add the Pacific Ocean 700m deep, because we know how meticulous the records of the Deep Pacific were going back through human history
Where I live we usually get 6 weeks of cold, 6 weeks of hot and the rest is pretty nice within reason (40-90 degrees F). This year we didn't even turn on the AC till two weeks ago. And ran it for a week, and it's been off all the rest of the time.

You must be in Reno. I can't remember the last day we had down here that wasn't at least 100.
Another k00k unable to tell the difference between weather and climate and clueless as to what GLOBAL means

I suggest you check Europe then....pretty much the whole continent is 4 to 5 degrees C below normal. The same holds true for South America....
Where I live we usually get 6 weeks of cold, 6 weeks of hot and the rest is pretty nice within reason (40-90 degrees F). This year we didn't even turn on the AC till two weeks ago. And ran it for a week, and it's been off all the rest of the time.

You must be in Reno. I can't remember the last day we had down here that wasn't at least 100.

Close to it. I'm above Incline Village.
Have any of you ever looked at Rossby Waves


This is the polar vortex. As you can see, it is simply a rearrangement of the polar air mass that will cause some areas in middle latitudes to experience colder temperatures than normal while other areas, in northern latitudes, will experience much warmer temperatures than normal. That is what happened in the polar vortex earlier this year and it is what's happening now. It is not indicative of global cooling and, in fact, the phenomenon is caused by "anomalously warm sea surface temperatures in the tropics" []
Another k00k unable to tell the difference between weather and climate and clueless as to what GLOBAL means

Hmmm........but then why do the AGW climate k00ks fall all over themselves to post up a weather anomoly when it hits?? Hurricane shit......tornado never ends.

Anyway:D:D:D......doesnt matter one way or another. Nobody gives a crap about the whole climate change shit anyway.

Because hurricanes and tornadoes get their energy off of heat.
I know it's hard for you. I know EVERYTHING is hard for you. But try to keep weather and climate distinct. Everyone else has a fair handle on it. I think if you try just a little bit harder, you can too.
I know it's hard for you. I know EVERYTHING is hard for you. But try to keep weather and climate distinct. Everyone else has a fair handle on it. I think if you try just a little bit harder, you can too.'re in the wrong thread s0n. See AGW Scam Main Points posted up by Frank. The whole "weather/climate" stuff is another of the many snow-job talking points in the established narrative of the AGW religion. You see.....all the predictions were falling flat on their face and they needed to revise the narrative some years ago.....of course, the funniest thing is, the bozo's STILL are making predictions on weather anomalies but STILL hammering away with the "lets keep the weather/climate discussion separate.":D:D:eusa_dance:

I love this forum!!!
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I know it's hard for you. I know EVERYTHING is hard for you. But try to keep weather and climate distinct. Everyone else has a fair handle on it. I think if you try just a little bit harder, you can too.

Again, a pot calling a kettle. It's coming to the point that your posts are losing the ability for you to discuss anything rationally. But it doesn't surprise me.
I know it's hard for you. I know EVERYTHING is hard for you. But try to keep weather and climate distinct. Everyone else has a fair handle on it. I think if you try just a little bit harder, you can too.'re in the wrong thread s0n. See AGW Scam Main Points posted up by Frank. The whole "weather/climate" stuff is another of the many snow-job talking points in the established narrative of the AGW religion. You see.....all the predictions were falling flat on their face and they needed to revise the narrative some years ago.....of course, the funniest thing is, the bozo's STILL are making predictions on weather anomalies but STILL hammering away with the "lets keep the weather/climate discussion separate.":D:D:eusa_dance:

I love this forum!!!

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