LAKE Im splitting my sides laughing!!

The very truth is we don't know if GW is true or not and anyone who claims they know is simply a LIAR and I would bet everything I own and have that they could never prove it one way or the other. I live near Lake superior and I know 2 things.... 1 I would never condone piping the water to other americans even if they desperately needed it and 2..the temp is not 20 degrees colder because at 75 years of age I was swimming in it last week.
The very truth is we don't know if GW is true or not and anyone who claims they know is simply a LIAR and I would bet everything I own and have that they could never prove it one way or the other. I live near Lake superior and I know 2 things.... 1 I would never condone piping the water to other americans even if they desperately needed it and 2..the temp is not 20 degrees colder because at 75 years of age I was swimming in it last week.

I know it's hard for you. I know EVERYTHING is hard for you. But try to keep weather and climate distinct. Everyone else has a fair handle on it. I think if you try just a little bit harder, you can too.

Another looking in the mirror moment for this AGW cult member.
I know it's hard for you. I know EVERYTHING is hard for you. But try to keep weather and climate distinct. Everyone else has a fair handle on it. I think if you try just a little bit harder, you can too.

Why bother, you silly people don't. Every weather "event" is the result of global warming. Even when your experts tell you that it isn't so.
This is simply not true. It is not 20 degrees colder. I live near it. This is a false. Why post garbage like this unless you live near it? Clueless.

Because he's an idiot. This kind of shit is all he posts... :lol:
The very truth is we don't know if GW is true or not and anyone who claims they know is simply a LIAR and I would bet everything I own and have that they could never prove it one way or the other. I live near Lake superior and I know 2 things.... 1 I would never condone piping the water to other americans even if they desperately needed it and 2..the temp is not 20 degrees colder because at 75 years of age I was swimming in it last week.

We do know that GW is real, what we don't know is whether it was man made or not. I lean towards man made.
So, its colder everywhere. But don't you guys know the difference between weather and climate? Who cares if ALL the world reports colder.....Its ONLY weather if its near you!
With the algae toxin crisis in Lake Erie last weekend (my city, Toledo), there will certainly be renewed interest in all of the fresh water in America and improving the water quality.

You all can sit around musing about whether environmental and climate issues are real or not but the focus has to shift on the side of improving the quality of life for future generations.

Just generally.
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husbands, climate change is coming, run fo yo life!


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So, its colder everywhere. But don't you guys know the difference between weather and climate? Who cares if ALL the world reports colder.....Its ONLY weather if its near you!

s0n.....nobody is caring.

These 5 charts show why the world is still failing on climate change - Vox

Click on link and see the first graph. Look for the wee bitty yellow color = nobody gives a rats ass about the "consensus science". In fact, its not a stretch to say that in 2014, its irrelevant. IN'll still be irrelevant.

Internet hobbies are gay.:coffee:
The very truth is we don't know if GW is true or not and anyone who claims they know is simply a LIAR and I would bet everything I own and have that they could never prove it one way or the other. I live near Lake superior and I know 2 things.... 1 I would never condone piping the water to other americans even if they desperately needed it and 2..the temp is not 20 degrees colder because at 75 years of age I was swimming in it last week.

We do know that GW is real, what we don't know is whether it was man made or not. I lean towards man made.

Another that has bought the snake oil of AGW.

Pollution is NOT AGW.


Rather than changes in earth's CO2 causing temperature to change, scientists have actually found that changes in earth's temperatures always precedes changes in CO2 by 400 to a 1000 years -- just the opposite of what global warming proponents would have us believe.

Real science trumps AGW religious scriptures every time.
With the algae toxin crisis in Lake Erie last weekend (my city, Toledo), there will certainly be renewed interest in all of the fresh water in America and improving the water quality.

You all can sit around musing about whether environmental and climate issues are real or not but the focus has to shift on the side of improving the quality of life for future generations.

Just generally.

Instead of squandering trillions, and trillions and trillions of dollars to re-invent the energy systems of the world, that in the long run even THEY admit could only reduce the global temp by one degree in 1oo years....maybe, why don't we put all that money into.... oooohhh... I don't know...maybe actually DOING something about real pollution?

When one looks at the carbon taxing schemes with a critical eye one figures out very quickly that there is no provision to actually reduce pollution, it is merely a method for rich bankers (who I thought you didn't like) to really screw you over.

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