Lancelot/Mordred: Patriotism [Aqua-Delta -- Land Science?]


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Sep 22, 2013
Here's a TrumpUSA parable about the complicated development of 'patriotism' as it relates to the 'science' of marketing (and the evaluation of 'land hospitality').

What do you think?


Mordred stared down Lancelot. Mordred had become a rivaling and powerful English warlord (and warlock!) in the time of King Arthur, challenging the 'majesty' of Camelot. Lancelot, meanwhile was a 'complex' knight and servant of Arthur but betrayed the king when he became embroiled in a possible adultery-rumor involving Queen Guinevere. Mordred wanted to know if he thought Lancelot was his ultimate 'rival.' Lancelot insisted that just because he wore silver-armor and Mordred wore gold-armor it didn't mean they were opposites/rivals, especially because Camelot was about more than just 'charm idol-worship.' However, Mordred suggested that because he himself was a 'Devil's Advocate' of complete monarchy-subversion while Lancelot was a 'charm-wielder' who 'spiced' up the term 'knighthood' the two would make idealized 'battlefield-foils.' What choice did Lancelot now have but to entreat Mordred's form of 'patriotism-contention'?

{Mordred & Lancelot}


Mordred and Lancelot approached the powerful wizard Merlin and requested they be sent into the future with some time-travel potion/charm so they could evaluate the concept of 'patriotism' in some other realm (or 'land'). Merlin agreed to entreat the two iconic English warriors and sent them to 21st Century America (TrumpUSA). When Mordred/Lancelot arrived in 2018 D.C., they noticed that 'America' was a land of great capitalism-flowery, commerce-intrigue, and traffic-labyrinths. They noticed that Americans loved great fantasy-themed characters ('comic book characters') who symbolized pedestrian daydreams about courage, intuition, and spice. Lancelot decided to don the identity of Captain America (Marvel Comics), and Mordred donned the identity of Black Manta (DC Comics). Now, with their TrumpUSA-mantles donned, Lancelot (aka, 'Captain America') and Mordred (aka, 'Black Manta') were ready to debate about patriotism and its development.

{Captain America & Black Manta}


LANCELOT [CAPTAIN AMERICA]: It seems TrumpUSA is very 'cinematic.'
MORDRED [BLACK MANTA]: Americans like films like Casino and Celebrity!
LANCELOT: It's intriguing how fantasy-avatars capture a capitalism-imagination.
MORDRED: Yes, Richie Rich, Kingpin, Spider-Man, and Red Skull all symbolize ambition.
LANCELOT: Well, Hollywood (USA) makes movies about adventure and romance.
MORDRED: This is not different from Camelot; we entreat tales of journeys/knighthood.
LANCELOT: There are even neo-knighthood comic book avatars --- e.g., the Dark Knight.
MORDRED: Well, how do we appreciate patriotism in such a 'traffic-inventive' dominion?
LANCELOT: I think as Captain America, I'd argue that 'TrumpUSA' is a thing of splendor!
MORDRED: I'd argue as Black Manta that TrumpUSA is a deliberation-phenomenon.
LANCELOT: Deliberation?
MORDRED: Yes; the capitalism/commerce flowery of TrumpUSA creates negotiations.
LANCELOT: I see what you mean; TrumpUSA makes Wall Street 'political.'
MORDRED: What about the modern 'city' (under TrumpUSA)?
LANCELOT: Well, New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and Miami harbor immigrants!
MORDRED: How is immigration related to social control?
LANCELOT: Let's imagine I market a multiculturalism-friendly cologne called 'Aqua-Delta.'
MORDRED: Alright; I'll concede this hypothetical scent/cologne 'Aqua-Delta' hypes commerce.
LANCELOT: It also accents the TrumpUSA 'aesthetics' of commercialization.
MORDRED: Yes, a cologne might highlight the 'magic' of capitalism.
LANCELOT: A land of imaginative goods creates a special view on navigating intellect!
MORDRED: Yes, different cultures may boast about their goods --- e.g., Olive Garden.
LANCELOT: In other words, TrumpUSA reveals patriotism to be a thing of imagination.
MORDRED: Yes; I'd also argue that TrumpUSA makes patriotism a thing of fashion.
LANCELOT: As Captain America, I'd conclude the patriotism-evolution is 'personal.'
MORDRED: Alright; I'll argue (as Black Manta) that patriotism-evolution 'edifies.'
LANCELOT: Does that mean our kingdom of Camelot was somehow 'crude'?
MORDRED: Well, we're certainly more 'ignorant' of patterns of inventiveness!
LANCELOT: Let's return to Camelot and tell Merlin that TrumpUSA is improvisational.
MORDRED: Agreed; we've conceded that patriotism is complicated by 'matrix matters.'




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