Larry The Cable Guy: If I ever ran for office my platform would be "Whatever the Governor of California is doing, I'll do the opposite."

Yeah, he isn't and has never been anything like his character. He was making $30 Million per year at his height. The other comedians gave him shit all the time - see the Comedy Central Roast.

So this is just his cornpone dumbass character talking.
Yeah, he isn't and has never been anything like his character. He was making $30 Million per year at his height. The other comedians gave him shit all the time - see the Comedy Central Roast.

So this is just his cornpone dumbass character talking.
Funny thing is....that you have no clue how intelligent his comment actually is or that he made his point.

no one wants to be part of California in any way!

He would have done the opposite when it comes to wildfires and the pandemic. So California would be seeing surges in infections along with other republican run states because contrary to Newsome he would not close down anything and let people choose wither or not to wear a mask. Probably why he's still a stand up and not running a state.

no one wants to be part of California in any way!

He would have done the opposite when it comes to wildfires and the pandemic. So California would be seeing surges in infections along with other republican run states because contrary to Newsome he would not close down anything and let people choose wither or not to wear a mask. Probably why he's still a stand up and not running a state.

Actually pumpkin-----the surge in California cases is due to their immigrants primarily illegals and their citizens crossing back and forth to see family/run drugs back and forth------------

Mexico and the rest of south america have had major outbreaks and despite lacking the funds or will power to test---the virus has hit the south of the border hard. Likewise, one of the biggest explosions of those testing positive for the virus are from hispanics--especially those exposed to others crossing the border. Ergo getting rid of sanctuary cities and aiding Ice in deportations would have both been the opposite of what Newsom did and would save thousands of lives not just in California but the rest of the nations as the illegals and the disease spread northward and eastward from its california crossings. Larry the Cable Guy is indeed far more intelligent than dems.

no one wants to be part of California in any way!

He would have done the opposite when it comes to wildfires and the pandemic. So California would be seeing surges in infections along with other republican run states because contrary to Newsome he would not close down anything and let people choose wither or not to wear a mask. Probably why he's still a stand up and not running a state.

Actually pumpkin-----the surge in California cases is due to their immigrants primarily illegals and their citizens crossing back and forth to see family/run drugs back and forth------------

Mexico and the rest of south america have had major outbreaks and despite lacking the funds or will power to test---the virus has hit the south of the border hard. Likewise, one of the biggest explosions of those testing positive for the virus are from hispanics--especially those exposed to others crossing the border. Ergo getting rid of sanctuary cities and aiding Ice in deportations would have both been the opposite of what Newsom did and would save thousands of lives not just in California but the rest of the nations as the illegals and the disease spread northward and eastward from its california crossings. Larry the Cable Guy is indeed far more intelligent than dems.

So what's the explanation for surges in the holier than thou-more patriotic than thou red states?
Yeah, he isn't and has never been anything like his character. He was making $30 Million per year at his height. The other comedians gave him shit all the time - see the Comedy Central Roast.

So this is just his cornpone dumbass character talking.

EVERYBODY gets shit at a roast....DUH
newsome...the guy who said if you are at a restaurant eating, dont forget to keep your mask on in between bites.....

on voting day, you can vote without wearing a mask, if you want...the LA Times is reporting it.

they did something good? so they had that ability all along? but choose to do the opposite? WOW
NEW RULE: if you move out of California because it sucks, you should be required to vote GOP for the rest of your life!
Aside from NV and HI, which are tourist economies, CA is running dead last in terms of the unemployment rate, so, yeah, some anti-Newsom policies would probably be a good idea.

The other lefty loons in Rhode Island, Illinois and NY, have their unemployment rates running right behind CA, rounding out the bottom of the shit pile.

They locked their states down, wrecked their economies and are now, at least where I am in Illinois, very predictably seeing a resurgence, as predicted would happen post lockdowns by epidemiologists.
Funny ... Jerry Brown ran on the platform for his third term as governor promising to do everything the exact opposite of what he did during his first two terms ... and won handily ... so you might be on to something ...

He spent over half that third term meditating in a Tibetan monastery ... which won him a fourth term by a landslide ...

So if you do run for Governor of California ... promise to leave if elected, and never return ... worked before, should work again ...

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