Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Unless it was all "staged" .... we only know what "they" let trickle out. Not much.
The Maiden-Marion (and I) are suspicious. Calling Dale Smith

edit: this is all too clean? shoot a bunch of TrumpAholics in the back from 400 yards with houses full of other weapons? No one knows anything? Maybe some truth will come out some day?

It reeks of an Operation Gladio type of event. There are too many conflicting accounts like there were multiple shooters and there is clear video of rifle flashes on the 10th floor from three different rooms. They turned on the lights while this was going on making the concert-goers more vulnerable THEN you have exits that were blocked and inaccessible to them to escape.

THEN we are told that this 64 year old man lugged nearly 20 rifles up to the 32nd floor of a posh Vegas Hotel and no one noticed? This is the epitome of the Hegelian Dialectic.....create a crisis, wait for the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that fits your agenda. Not even 24 hours after this event, I got an e-mail from asking me to sign a petition banning semi-automatic weapons while begging for a donation.......such bullshit.

You are one sick schizophrenic who needs to get mental health assistance as soon as possible.

And, do you liars ever make up your minds? Some tinfoilers are saying 4th floor; you say the 10th.

The bullshit is from you.

Seriously, dude, check yourself into a mental health facility. You are one sick person.

I am simply making a guess on what floors they were on based on visual evidence...what I do know is that the flashes from the guns wasn't coming from the 32nd floor. Debate me on content and seek honest discussion instead of making flaming comments. I am more than willing to have an honest dialogue...what about you?

Here is a few of the story parts that are bothering me.
1. He picked a snipers paradise. 4000 people crowded into an area not much over 2 acres. Great shooting Lane with a fantastic shooting alley. That would suggest trained.
2. No military background as using multiple calibers is a non trained mistake. But someone taught him because he knew the shooting lanes.

What pisses me off is that some people absolutely soil themselves with indignant outrage if you DARE question the official narrative even if there are enough holes in the official story to drive a tank through. The sheeple want those of us with critical thinking skills to STFU and never question.........fuck that shit.

The sheeppe need to understand this was no tree stand deer hunter although it might have been a hobby. Another thing we KNOW is some of those rifles had been altered. Who taught him to grind the shear pin to make those rifles full auto? I want to see his shop his garage and his tool box. Someone HAD to have the skills.if you can't show me a solid toolbox and a Dremil I'm out.certain specific skills were needed in setting up the shot and others for setting up the equipment.

What did he learn from who folks?
No new info? This is looking like a setup to me.

A coordinated team effort setup.
You ever do any basic gun smithing? Install new springs on a semi? Ever re-grind a rotating assembly?
That's some pretty precise work. Got any calipers in his tool box? How about grinding wheels?

Me? No. I know they better not use this to try to restrict guns any more than they already are.
Unless it was all "staged" .... we only know what "they" let trickle out. Not much.
The Maiden-Marion (and I) are suspicious. Calling Dale Smith

edit: this is all too clean? shoot a bunch of TrumpAholics in the back from 400 yards with houses full of other weapons? No one knows anything? Maybe some truth will come out some day?

It reeks of an Operation Gladio type of event. There are too many conflicting accounts like there were multiple shooters and there is clear video of rifle flashes on the 10th floor from three different rooms. They turned on the lights while this was going on making the concert-goers more vulnerable THEN you have exits that were blocked and inaccessible to them to escape.

THEN we are told that this 64 year old man lugged nearly 20 rifles up to the 32nd floor of a posh Vegas Hotel and no one noticed? This is the epitome of the Hegelian Dialectic.....create a crisis, wait for the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that fits your agenda. Not even 24 hours after this event, I got an e-mail from asking me to sign a petition banning semi-automatic weapons while begging for a donation.......such bullshit.

You are one sick schizophrenic who needs to get mental health assistance as soon as possible.

And, do you liars ever make up your minds? Some tinfoilers are saying 4th floor; you say the 10th.

The bullshit is from you.

Seriously, dude, check yourself into a mental health facility. You are one sick person.

I am simply making a guess on what floors they were on based on visual evidence...what I do know is that the flashes from the guns wasn't coming from the 32nd floor. Debate me on content and seek honest discussion instead of making flaming comments. I am more than willing to have an honest dialogue...what about you?

Here is a few of the story parts that are bothering me.
1. He picked a snipers paradise. 4000 people crowded into an area not much over 2 acres. Great shooting Lane with a fantastic shooting alley. That would suggest trained.
2. No military background as using multiple calibers is a non trained mistake. But someone taught him because he knew the shooting lanes.

What pisses me off is that some people absolutely soil themselves with indignant outrage if you DARE question the official narrative even if there are enough holes in the official story to drive a tank through. The sheeple want those of us with critical thinking skills to STFU and never question.........fuck that shit.

Clearly the central government has been lying to us for decades, on all sorts of things. Is it so hard to believe they would lie about this incident? Yet so many Americans can't accept anyone who questions the official story.

We know the central government would love to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. So, they have a vested interest in making that happen...and we know they are capable of doing the most heinous actions to accomplish their goal, based on their historical actions.

Hell...just a few years ago they bought guns and gave them to the drug cartels, in a covert effort to impose more gun control. Funny...I don't recall an independent counsel investing that nefarious act or even anyone being charged, let alone fired.
I know you love your cousin, Marion. I didn't mean any disrespect to him. I don't think ANYONE has a right to those weapons as a civilian. I'm sure he's a peach.

I disagree. I think ANYONE who is competent and properly vetted SHOULD have the right to those weapons.
The US Constitution agrees with me.

See how valuable opinions are?
Mine is as valuable as any other, including the Supreme Court Justices whose opinions enshrined our current gun rights. There is another school of thought there, as well.
I know my opinion and a dollar will get me a cup of coffee at McDonalds, but I have as much a right to it as some old lawyer in a robe.

We see often why people shouldn't have mass killing weapons.
My Truck with a plow on the front is a "mass killing weapon" if I want it to be
Only one thing is not fitting the narrative of the left and it is confusing them. It is also disappointing many of these losers in the media.

So far we have not seen any minority victim. White on white not what they REALLY WANT.

This will do, but the white on white crime is a little confusing and disappointing to many of them.

Don't doubt it.

Probably lots of dead pro gun people. Sad. Few will learn from it.
Maybe we know that a gun is not responsible for this but rather the person pulling the trigger
Nope, but you don't need to have your fingerprints on file with the authorities either. You do for a CCW.

As it should be. Are you suggesting background checks for car registration?

The thing is you don't have a right to drive a car on public property where you do have the right to own firearms

there is a difference

The point is there is room for more regulation without a loss of the right.
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

How is that done?

How do you think?

Or are more regulations that won't be enforced the answer?

The answer is to remove people who commit crimes with guns from society for a long time.

Possession of an illegal gun: 20 years no parole
Commit any crime while in possession of any firearm : 25 years no parole
Shoot anyone during the commission of a crime: 30 years no parole
Kill anyone other than in self defense : Life no parole
Fortunately, Hillary is getting her behind slammed for her stupid premature comments on gun control.

The witch can't get ANYTHING right.

Luvin it!

Automatic weapons are bad

We found that out last night
And are already highly restricted

Evidently not

Supposedly the guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700rpm range

Perfectly legal....the question is...Why?
It reeks of an Operation Gladio type of event. There are too many conflicting accounts like there were multiple shooters and there is clear video of rifle flashes on the 10th floor from three different rooms. They turned on the lights while this was going on making the concert-goers more vulnerable THEN you have exits that were blocked and inaccessible to them to escape.

THEN we are told that this 64 year old man lugged nearly 20 rifles up to the 32nd floor of a posh Vegas Hotel and no one noticed? This is the epitome of the Hegelian Dialectic.....create a crisis, wait for the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that fits your agenda. Not even 24 hours after this event, I got an e-mail from asking me to sign a petition banning semi-automatic weapons while begging for a donation.......such bullshit.
You are one sick schizophrenic who needs to get mental health assistance as soon as possible.

And, do you liars ever make up your minds? Some tinfoilers are saying 4th floor; you say the 10th.

The bullshit is from you.

Seriously, dude, check yourself into a mental health facility. You are one sick person.

I am simply making a guess on what floors they were on based on visual evidence...what I do know is that the flashes from the guns wasn't coming from the 32nd floor. Debate me on content and seek honest discussion instead of making flaming comments. I am more than willing to have an honest dialogue...what about you?
Here is a few of the story parts that are bothering me.
1. He picked a snipers paradise. 4000 people crowded into an area not much over 2 acres. Great shooting Lane with a fantastic shooting alley. That would suggest trained.
2. No military background as using multiple calibers is a non trained mistake. But someone taught him because he knew the shooting lanes.

What pisses me off is that some people absolutely soil themselves with indignant outrage if you DARE question the official narrative even if there are enough holes in the official story to drive a tank through. The sheeple want those of us with critical thinking skills to STFU and never question.........fuck that shit.
Clearly the central government has been lying to us for decades, on all sorts of things. Is it so hard to believe they would lie about this incident? Yet so many Americans can't accept anyone who questions the official story.

We know the central government would love to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. So, they have a vested interest in making that happen...and we know they are capable of doing the most heinous actions to accomplish their goal, based on their historical actions.

Hell...just a few years ago they bought guns and gave them to the drug cartels, in a covert effort to impose more gun control. Funny...I don't recall an independent counsel investing that nefarious act or even anyone being charged, let alone fired.
How 4chan and a pro-Trump outlet pushed a hoax about the Las Vegas shooting

Washington Post: “Russian operatives set up an array of misleading Web sites and social media pages to identify American voters susceptible to propaganda,
then used a powerful Facebook tool to repeatedly send them messages designed to influence their political behavior, say people familiar with the investigation into foreign meddling in the U.S. election.
So...who is to blame for the tragedy?

Of course a crazed gunman is to blame

But the blame also goes to our gutless Congress. A Congress that tragedy after tragedy has held meaningless "moments of silence" for the victims and then does nothing about it. A Congress that has had bills in front of it for decades to ban assault rifles, high capacity magazines and devices to increase the firing rate of semiautomatic rifles.

But no, our Congress dutifully complies to the NRAs demands. No restrictions on high capacity weapons, no background checks, no measures to keep guns out of the hands of crazies
Fortunately, Hillary is getting her behind slammed for her stupid premature comments on gun control.

The witch can't get ANYTHING right.

Luvin it!

Automatic weapons are bad

We found that out last night
And are already highly restricted

Evidently not

Supposedly the guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700rpm range

Perfectly legal....the question is...Why?


Let me know when you know the facts.

The FACT is fully auto weapons are highly restricted
The FACT is modifying a semiauto for full auto is already illegal
Unless it was all "staged" .... we only know what "they" let trickle out. Not much.
The Maiden-Marion (and I) are suspicious. Calling Dale Smith

edit: this is all too clean? shoot a bunch of TrumpAholics in the back from 400 yards with houses full of other weapons? No one knows anything? Maybe some truth will come out some day?

It reeks of an Operation Gladio type of event. There are too many conflicting accounts like there were multiple shooters and there is clear video of rifle flashes on the 10th floor from three different rooms. They turned on the lights while this was going on making the concert-goers more vulnerable THEN you have exits that were blocked and inaccessible to them to escape.

THEN we are told that this 64 year old man lugged nearly 20 rifles up to the 32nd floor of a posh Vegas Hotel and no one noticed? This is the epitome of the Hegelian Dialectic.....create a crisis, wait for the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that fits your agenda. Not even 24 hours after this event, I got an e-mail from asking me to sign a petition banning semi-automatic weapons while begging for a donation.......such bullshit.

Another hoax, eh, delusional dale? :cuckoo:

Not a hoax, fawn..........I simply doubt the official narrative including the story that the alleged shooter had Antifa literature in his hotel room. People did die and from what I have ascertained? They were left like sitting ducks when the lights were turned on. Do YOU buy the official story "lock, stock and barrel" with the attitude of "Move along folks...nothing to see here"?

There is no official story yet, dumbfuck. :cuckoo:
So...who is to blame for the tragedy?

Of course a crazed gunman is to blame

But the blame also goes to our gutless Congress. A Congress that tragedy after tragedy has held meaningless "moments of silence" for the victims and then does nothing about it. A Congress that has had bills in front of it for decades to ban assault rifles, high capacity magazines and devices to increase the firing rate of semiautomatic rifles.

But no, our Congress dutifully complies to the NRAs demands. No restrictions on high capacity weapons, no background checks, no measures to keep guns out of the hands of crazies

We do not enforce the laws we have maybe we should try that first
So...who is to blame for the tragedy?

Of course a crazed gunman is to blame

But the blame also goes to our gutless Congress. A Congress that tragedy after tragedy has held meaningless "moments of silence" for the victims and then does nothing about it. A Congress that has had bills in front of it for decades to ban assault rifles, high capacity magazines and devices to increase the firing rate of semiautomatic rifles.

But no, our Congress dutifully complies to the NRAs demands. No restrictions on high capacity weapons, no background checks, no measures to keep guns out of the hands of crazies

We do not enforce the laws we have maybe we should try that first
Hell we don't enforce the laws that prevents people coming into this country illegally. Why should some liberal nutjob follow the law when it comes to killing young kids with guns? Why should we even have laws, if the liberals wont follow them.
You are one sick schizophrenic who needs to get mental health assistance as soon as possible.

And, do you liars ever make up your minds? Some tinfoilers are saying 4th floor; you say the 10th.

The bullshit is from you.

Seriously, dude, check yourself into a mental health facility. You are one sick person.

I am simply making a guess on what floors they were on based on visual evidence...what I do know is that the flashes from the guns wasn't coming from the 32nd floor. Debate me on content and seek honest discussion instead of making flaming comments. I am more than willing to have an honest dialogue...what about you?
Here is a few of the story parts that are bothering me.
1. He picked a snipers paradise. 4000 people crowded into an area not much over 2 acres. Great shooting Lane with a fantastic shooting alley. That would suggest trained.
2. No military background as using multiple calibers is a non trained mistake. But someone taught him because he knew the shooting lanes.

What pisses me off is that some people absolutely soil themselves with indignant outrage if you DARE question the official narrative even if there are enough holes in the official story to drive a tank through. The sheeple want those of us with critical thinking skills to STFU and never question.........fuck that shit.
Clearly the central government has been lying to us for decades, on all sorts of things. Is it so hard to believe they would lie about this incident? Yet so many Americans can't accept anyone who questions the official story.

We know the central government would love to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. So, they have a vested interest in making that happen...and we know they are capable of doing the most heinous actions to accomplish their goal, based on their historical actions.

Hell...just a few years ago they bought guns and gave them to the drug cartels, in a covert effort to impose more gun control. Funny...I don't recall an independent counsel investing that nefarious act or even anyone being charged, let alone fired.
How 4chan and a pro-Trump outlet pushed a hoax about the Las Vegas shooting

Washington Post: “Russian operatives set up an array of misleading Web sites and social media pages to identify American voters susceptible to propaganda,
then used a powerful Facebook tool to repeatedly send them messages designed to influence their political behavior, say people familiar with the investigation into foreign meddling in the U.S. election.
The MSM, where you get your news, does this every day, but you are blind to it.
Fortunately, Hillary is getting her behind slammed for her stupid premature comments on gun control.

The witch can't get ANYTHING right.

Luvin it!

Automatic weapons are bad

We found that out last night
And are already highly restricted

Evidently not

Supposedly the guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700rpm range

Perfectly legal....the question is...Why?


Let me know when you know the facts.

The FACT is fully auto weapons are highly restricted
The FACT is modifying a semiauto for full auto is already illegal

Evidently not


I can buy it on the internet right now
Fortunately, Hillary is getting her behind slammed for her stupid premature comments on gun control.

The witch can't get ANYTHING right.

Luvin it!

Automatic weapons are bad

We found that out last night
And are already highly restricted

Evidently not

Supposedly the guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700rpm range

Perfectly legal....the question is...Why?


Let me know when you know the facts.

The FACT is fully auto weapons are highly restricted
The FACT is modifying a semiauto for full auto is already illegal

Evidently not

View attachment 152513

I can buy it on the internet right now

That is an external device not a modification to the firing mechanism
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