Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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She did marry that guy. It looks like a citizenship marriage to me.
He wasnā€™t the shooter, ya dumbfuck. Paddock was.

Thatā€™s why fake news outlet, thegatewaypundit, deleted that story. And because they have no credibility whatsoever, they didnā€™t even offer a retraction, which is what real news does when they make a mistake. But, sadly for thegatewaypundit, nothing disappears entirely from the Internet, and the way back archive recorded their bullshit story.

Did I assert he was the shooter?
you donā€™t know what you post, do ya, rightard? You tried to tie him into this to blame the left by connecting him to Marilou Danley, who was also not part of this.
:eek: I think they're leftists! :eek:

Geary is a fan of the The Rachel Maddow Show and liked several pages on Facebook including Thank You Obama, Anti-Trump Army, Progressive Day, Organizing for Action, Not My President, Proud to Be A Democrat, Fight Trump, Boycott All Things Trump, and Impeach Trump.[6]

Las Vegas Shooting
Geary allegedly was with Marilou who was named a suspect in the Mandalay Bay Resort Shooting October 2017.


Geary Danley

"I think" is not an asserting something as fact. :itsok:
You donā€™t think. Thatā€™s your problem. You mindlessly regurgitate fake news.

I was searching for information. The GF in the scenario IS married to that guy, possibly for a citizenship.
There's like TOO MUCH evidence against a guy with zero motive.
Okay. The fertilizer in his car might have been to fertilize something. What other uses does tannerite have?
aha it turns the Caucasian skin an Orange color simulating a tan ...
He wasnā€™t the shooter, ya dumbfuck. Paddock was.

Thatā€™s why fake news outlet, thegatewaypundit, deleted that story. And because they have no credibility whatsoever, they didnā€™t even offer a retraction, which is what real news does when they make a mistake. But, sadly for thegatewaypundit, nothing disappears entirely from the Internet, and the way back archive recorded their bullshit story.

Did I assert he was the shooter?
you donā€™t know what you post, do ya, rightard? You tried to tie him into this to blame the left by connecting him to Marilou Danley, who was also not part of this.
:eek: I think they're leftists! :eek:

Geary is a fan of the The Rachel Maddow Show and liked several pages on Facebook including Thank You Obama, Anti-Trump Army, Progressive Day, Organizing for Action, Not My President, Proud to Be A Democrat, Fight Trump, Boycott All Things Trump, and Impeach Trump.[6]

Las Vegas Shooting
Geary allegedly was with Marilou who was named a suspect in the Mandalay Bay Resort Shooting October 2017.


Geary Danley

"I think" is not an asserting something as fact. :itsok:
You donā€™t think. Thatā€™s your problem. You mindlessly regurgitate fake news.

I was searching for information. The GF in the scenario IS married to that guy, possibly for a citizenship.
No, she is not married to that guy. I donā€™t care if you even put ā€œISā€ in caps to accentuate that point, itā€™s still bullshit. They were married but divorced a couple of years ago. And Geary Danley has absolutely nothing to do with this shooting. Fake news outlets tried to pump out the bullshit story that leftists were behind this shooting and counted on abject imbeciles like you to spread their fake news.

Which you promptly and obediently did for them.
She may be in tokyo, but I still think he had a female helper that has not been caught yet that was in that room with him. And his gf in japan knew about it and helped the planning.

Just my opinion, mind you.

I thought she was in the Philippines. Why would he need a female helper?
Now in Tokyo supposedly. She gets around.

I'll bet she knows. They have only eliminated her as possibly being at the scene. I doubt they are done with her.
Don't believe anything the feds tell you in cases like this.

Or at any other time, as far as that goes.

Yes, it's far better to float goofy conspiracy theories to explain the actions of this gun nut.
Unless it was all "staged" .... we only know what "they" let trickle out. Not much.
The Maiden-Marion (and I) are suspicious. Calling Dale Smith

I find it interesting that they knew so much about the man so fast. Maybe it is just the internet age.

Reading this guys bio it seems as if he was quite the waste of a person, and expendable person. (EDIT: it was his father I had read earlier about, this guy seemed normal, that is even more troublesome.)

Maybe he is a false flag.

Get a room 32 floors up. Above cameras. Above where it will be hard to find him. Spray the crowd, shoot the guy and leave him in the room.

Or maybe he was radicalize by ISIS and he is a lone wolf.

Whatever we can't be scared, we must be determined.

I find it interesting that they knew so much about the man so fast. Maybe it is just the internet age.

Or they simply had his ID. He was checked into a suite with a credit card no doubt. Not to mention that he was known as somewhat of a high roller.

Maybe he is a false flag.

Or maybe he was radicalize by ISIS and he is a lone wolf.

Or maybe you're a moron looking to excuse a gun nut.

No evidence showing any connection to organized groups per police. Who is being premature in making claims? Also really doesn't seem to fit the ANTIFA label...they aren't exactly reclusive and quiet.

Funny. The sonofabitch killed a bunch of people. That pretty well fits the ANTIFA model, doesn't it?

More like the white, RW terrorist MO. The biggest threat to this country.
Did I assert he was the shooter?
you donā€™t know what you post, do ya, rightard? You tried to tie him into this to blame the left by connecting him to Marilou Danley, who was also not part of this.
:eek: I think they're leftists! :eek:

Geary is a fan of the The Rachel Maddow Show and liked several pages on Facebook including Thank You Obama, Anti-Trump Army, Progressive Day, Organizing for Action, Not My President, Proud to Be A Democrat, Fight Trump, Boycott All Things Trump, and Impeach Trump.[6]

Las Vegas Shooting
Geary allegedly was with Marilou who was named a suspect in the Mandalay Bay Resort Shooting October 2017.


Geary Danley

"I think" is not an asserting something as fact. :itsok:
You donā€™t think. Thatā€™s your problem. You mindlessly regurgitate fake news.

I was searching for information. The GF in the scenario IS married to that guy, possibly for a citizenship.
No, she is not married to that guy. I donā€™t care if you even put ā€œISā€ in caps to accentuate that point, itā€™s still bullshit. They were married but divorced a couple of years ago. And Geary Danley has absolutely nothing to do with this shooting. Fake news outlets tried to pump out the bullshit story that leftists were behind this shooting and counted on abject imbeciles like you to spread their fake news.

Which you promptly and obediently did for them.

None of that info was available last night. Whether she was still married to him or not, is irrelevant, because clearly they were not involved together anymore. So what you're doing is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

I see today they have published the couple divorced in 2015.
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

Yes and has anyone mentioned that those shots were from a fully automatic weapon? I thought there were regulations prohibiting those except for law enforcement and the military.

There are actually kits available (difficult) to convert semi to full automatic.

And doing that is ILLEGAL. No amount of legislation will stop CRIMINALS from owning guns and fully auto guns. The ONLY people prohibited from having machine guns are law abiding citizens. It's ILLEGAL and what he did was obviously ILLEGAL. What do we do now? Make ILLEGAL ILLEGAL? Fuck gun grabbers.

Bump stock.
Slide Fire SSAR-15Ā® MOD Stock : Cabela's

A very effective mod.
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Unless it was all "staged" .... we only know what "they" let trickle out. Not much.
The Maiden-Marion (and I) are suspicious. Calling Dale Smith

edit: this is all too clean? shoot a bunch of TrumpAholics in the back from 400 yards with houses full of other weapons? No one knows anything? Maybe some truth will come out some day?

It reeks of an Operation Gladio type of event. There are too many conflicting accounts like there were multiple shooters and there is clear video of rifle flashes on the 10th floor from three different rooms. They turned on the lights while this was going on making the concert-goers more vulnerable THEN you have exits that were blocked and inaccessible to them to escape.

THEN we are told that this 64 year old man lugged nearly 20 rifles up to the 32nd floor of a posh Vegas Hotel and no one noticed? This is the epitome of the Hegelian Dialectic.....create a crisis, wait for the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that fits your agenda. Not even 24 hours after this event, I got an e-mail from asking me to sign a petition banning semi-automatic weapons while begging for a donation.......such bullshit.

You are one sick schizophrenic who needs to get mental health assistance as soon as possible.

And, do you liars ever make up your minds? Some tinfoilers are saying 4th floor; you say the 10th.

The bullshit is from you.

Seriously, dude, check yourself into a mental health facility. You are one sick person.

Seriously, dude, check yourself into a mental health facility. You are one sick person.
No doubt with his own home arsenal.
As it should be. Are you suggesting background checks for car registration?

The thing is you don't have a right to drive a car on public property where you do have the right to own firearms

there is a difference

The point is there is room for more regulation without a loss of the right.
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

How is that done?

How do you think?

Or are more regulations that won't be enforced the answer?

The answer is to remove people who commit crimes with guns from society for a long time.

Possession of an illegal gun: 20 years no parole
Commit any crime while in possession of any firearm : 25 years no parole
Shoot anyone during the commission of a crime: 30 years no parole
Kill anyone other than in self defense : Life no parole

What regulations are not enforced?
The thing is you don't have a right to drive a car on public property where you do have the right to own firearms

there is a difference

The point is there is room for more regulation without a loss of the right.
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

How is that done?

How do you think?

Or are more regulations that won't be enforced the answer?

The answer is to remove people who commit crimes with guns from society for a long time.

Possession of an illegal gun: 20 years no parole
Commit any crime while in possession of any firearm : 25 years no parole
Shoot anyone during the commission of a crime: 30 years no parole
Kill anyone other than in self defense : Life no parole

What regulations are not enforced?

Every time a gun charge gets pleaded down or dropped from a list of charges that gun law is not being enforced
you donā€™t know what you post, do ya, rightard? You tried to tie him into this to blame the left by connecting him to Marilou Danley, who was also not part of this.

"I think" is not an asserting something as fact. :itsok:
You donā€™t think. Thatā€™s your problem. You mindlessly regurgitate fake news.

I was searching for information. The GF in the scenario IS married to that guy, possibly for a citizenship.
No, she is not married to that guy. I donā€™t care if you even put ā€œISā€ in caps to accentuate that point, itā€™s still bullshit. They were married but divorced a couple of years ago. And Geary Danley has absolutely nothing to do with this shooting. Fake news outlets tried to pump out the bullshit story that leftists were behind this shooting and counted on abject imbeciles like you to spread their fake news.

Which you promptly and obediently did for them.

None of that info was available last night. Whether she was still married to him or not, is irrelevant, because clearly they were not involved together anymore. So what you're doing is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

I see today they have published the couple divorced in 2015.
So what if not all the info was out yet? Thatā€™s even more reason not to rush to judgment. Youā€™re now blaming lack of facts for why you posted fake news.

Which is what Iā€™m showing by demonstrating how morons like you resort to fake news because you like what you hear from them, regardless of their discredibility. You were sooo desperate for the shooter to be leftwing, that you wasted no time in taking the marching orders from rightwing fake news sources who reliably posted bullshit about tying the shooter to the left.
Fortunately, Hillary is getting her behind slammed for her stupid premature comments on gun control.

The witch can't get ANYTHING right.

Luvin it!

Automatic weapons are bad

We found that out last night
And are already highly restricted

Yet very simple and cheap to do. The bump stock makes a very efficient killing tool.

and a bump stock does not meet the definition of modification of the firing mechanism to full auto
The point is there is room for more regulation without a loss of the right.
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

How is that done?

How do you think?

Or are more regulations that won't be enforced the answer?

The answer is to remove people who commit crimes with guns from society for a long time.

Possession of an illegal gun: 20 years no parole
Commit any crime while in possession of any firearm : 25 years no parole
Shoot anyone during the commission of a crime: 30 years no parole
Kill anyone other than in self defense : Life no parole

What regulations are not enforced?

Every time a gun charge gets pleaded down or dropped from a list of charges that gun law is not being enforced

Do you have stats for that?
Would imagine it was a nightmare for PTSD sufferers...

Army Veteran Among Heroes Who Saved Lives at Las Vegas Shooting
3 Oct 2017 ā€” Rob Ledbetter's battlefield instincts kicked in quickly as bullets rained overhead.
The 42-year-old U.S. Army veteran who served as a sniper in Iraq immediately began tending to the wounded, one of several heroes to emerge from the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Amid the massacre in Las Vegas, which left 59 people dead and more than 500 injured, there were acts of compassion and countless heroics that officials say saved scores of lives. There was a man one survivor knows only as Zach who herded people to a safe place. There was a registered nurse from Tennessee who died shielding his wife. Like many people in the crowd of some 22,000 country music fans Sunday night, Ledbetter heard the pop-pop-popping noise and figured it was fireworks. Then he saw people dropping to the ground. When more booms echoed in the night air, he recognized the sound of automatic weapons fire.

The gunman, identified as Stephen Craig Paddock, a 64-year-old retired accountant from Mesquite, Nevada, created his own sniper's perch inside the 32nd floor room at the Mandalay Bay casino hotel, across from the concert grounds. He appeared to fire unhindered for more than 10 minutes, according to radio traffic, and then killed himself before officers stormed in and found 23 firearms. "The echo, it sounded like it was coming from everywhere and you didn't know which way to run," said Ledbetter, who was at the concert with seven people including his brother, who was shot and injured, and his wife. They found cover in a VIP area of the concert. Once out of harm's way, he turned to injured strangers. Thanks to a man who took the flannel shirt off his back, Ledbetter says he put a makeshift tourniquet on a wounded teenage girl, whose face was covered with blood. "Some random guy, I said, 'I need your shirt,' "said Ledbetter, who is now a mortgage broker and a resident of Las Vegas. "He just gave me the flannel off his back."


University of Nevada Las Vegas students Raymond Lloyd, right, and Karla Rodriguez take part in a vigil Monday, Oct. 2, 2017, in Las Vegas.​

Ledbetter said he compressed someone else's shoulder wound, and he fashioned a bandage for a man whose leg was shot through by a bullet. "There was a guy that looked like he had a through and through on his leg, that we just put a T-shirt around and just did a bandanna tie," said Ledbetter, who was outside University Medical Center on Monday, where his brother was being treated for a gunshot that went through his arm and into his chest. He is expected to survive. Ledbetter and others grabbed the injured man, carried him out to Las Vegas Boulevard, put him in the back of a utility truck with five to 10 other people that was headed to the hospital.

Ledbetter said he would have helped more people but couldn't clear the barrage of gunfire. "I'm saving people, or trying to do my best. But it got to the point, I saw people all over, laying where we used to be standing ... just laying there and nobody getting to them and I couldn't get out there. The shots just kept coming in and bouncing. I would have been in harm's way," he said. He worries that those unfamiliar with battlefields will suffer what they have survived. "Everybody there is going to have emotional problems. I know that. There was blood everywhere I went: Excalibur, Luxor, on the Strip, on the street," Ledbetter said. "All these people are going to have PTSD. I feel bad for all of them."

Another concertgoer, Anna Kupchyan, credits a man she knows only as Zach for saving her life and about nine others when he herded them into an outdoor trailer serving as a restroom. Kupchyan, a 27-year-old law student from Los Angeles, said bullets were raining down on the crowd as she and a horde of others began running in search of a way out of the outdoor venue. The man, Zach, opened a door and ordered people inside and then joined them and shut the door, Kupchyan said. They stayed inside as the shooting continued, everyone paralyzed in fear, she said. "Then security came and they shouted for us to get out, to run," she recalled. Outside the trailer, dead bodies were sprawled on the ground, including a man who had been shot in the head, she said.

"I think" is not an asserting something as fact. :itsok:
You donā€™t think. Thatā€™s your problem. You mindlessly regurgitate fake news.

I was searching for information. The GF in the scenario IS married to that guy, possibly for a citizenship.
No, she is not married to that guy. I donā€™t care if you even put ā€œISā€ in caps to accentuate that point, itā€™s still bullshit. They were married but divorced a couple of years ago. And Geary Danley has absolutely nothing to do with this shooting. Fake news outlets tried to pump out the bullshit story that leftists were behind this shooting and counted on abject imbeciles like you to spread their fake news.

Which you promptly and obediently did for them.

None of that info was available last night. Whether she was still married to him or not, is irrelevant, because clearly they were not involved together anymore. So what you're doing is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

I see today they have published the couple divorced in 2015.
So what if not all the info was out yet? Thatā€™s even more reason not to rush to judgment. Youā€™re now blaming lack of facts for why you posted fake news.

Which is what Iā€™m showing by demonstrating how morons like you resort to fake news because you like what you hear from them, regardless of their discredibility. You were sooo desperate for the shooter to be leftwing, that you wasted no time in taking the marching orders from rightwing fake news sources who reliably posted bullshit about tying the shooter to the left.

I didn't. GFY.
there are more 'regulations' on firearms than any other piece of merchandise.

What is needed, is for those regulations to be enforced

How is that done?

How do you think?

Or are more regulations that won't be enforced the answer?

The answer is to remove people who commit crimes with guns from society for a long time.

Possession of an illegal gun: 20 years no parole
Commit any crime while in possession of any firearm : 25 years no parole
Shoot anyone during the commission of a crime: 30 years no parole
Kill anyone other than in self defense : Life no parole

What regulations are not enforced?

Every time a gun charge gets pleaded down or dropped from a list of charges that gun law is not being enforced

Do you have stats for that?

There are no stats I am aware of that cover plea deals and I am not going to look into every trial in the country to compile them
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