Last Nights Debate

Democrats failed, are failing in California, this has nothing to do with Republicans.

Republicans, we have solutions, it is called big business, steel making, textiles, manufacturing, giving people in the USA jobs. Republicans have solutions, it is called building houses.

I hope when Trump is in office, Trump changes the laws rules and regulations so that Trump can build a $trillion$ worth of apartments to sell to the public.

We need Trump, not the democrats who foolishly spent over $200 billion in California on green energy that does not work while allowing a million people, 10 million people do be homeless.

If Democrats are "failing" in California, why does California have the highest population, the highest GDP and highest income per capita in the nation? Although it has the largest population in the USA, California is ranked 20th of the 50 states in crime rates.

Newsome defended porn in public schools. Despicable.
How he could defend any of the destructive things he has allowed in the state is beyond comprehension.

Use to be the Golden State when they had Conservative leadership. Now a failed Commie State with Democrat leadership.
Newsome was so desperate he had to critique the pronunciation of Kamala Harris.
If Democrats are "failing" in California, why does California have the highest population, the highest GDP and highest income per capita in the nation? Although it has the largest population in the USA, California is ranked 20th of the 50 states in crime rates.

20% of Californians can not afford food, how come?

How come California has the highest rate of homelessness?

Lesser advertised, California has the highest rate of over-crowding, more people per house than the entire nation

Commute, California has the longest commutes, from home to work in the nation.

Energy, California has the most expensive gas and electricity in the nation

California has the highest poverty rate in the nation
If Democrats are "failing" in California, why does California have the highest population, the highest GDP and highest income per capita in the nation? Although it has the largest population in the USA, California is ranked 20th of the 50 states in crime rates.
California is failing, to produce electricity, importing more electricity from other states, to include Mexico, more than any other state in the nation.
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If Democrats are "failing" in California, why does California have the highest population, the highest GDP and highest income per capita in the nation? Although it has the largest population in the USA, California is ranked 20th of the 50 states in crime rates.

Weather #1. Coastline #2. Hollywood #3. Silicon Valley #4. Geographical size #5.
need I go on? But, trust me. I saw the decline. They were top notch in the 70s'.....then straight down the toilet.
California is failing, to produce electricity, importing more electricity from other states, to include Mexico, than any other state in the nation.

Water also is not saved and stored. Must hope for wet winters and canal it to SoCal.
Newsome was so desperate he had to critique the pronunciation of Kamala Harris.
But yet he ran away from answering why California has lost almost a million middle class people, has the worst schools in the nation, the most poverty, most homeliness, most debt, twice the crime rate of Florida and the highest taxes.
Weather #1. Coastline #2. Hollywood #3. Silicon Valley #4. Geographical size #5.
need I go on? But, trust me. I saw the decline. They were top notch in the 70s'.....then straight down the toilet.
They were the Golden State when they had Conservative leadership. Now they are a shithole of crime, poverty, government oppression, high taxation and wokeness thanks to the massive number of welfare Illegals that voted in Democrats to keep the welfare rolling..
Water also is not saved and stored. Must hope for wet winters and canal it to SoCal.
yet, there is enough water for the rich to have grapes for their vineyards, to make nice expensive wine the average american can not afford
20% of Californians can not afford food, how come?

How come California has the highest rate of homelessness?

Lesser advertised, California has the highest rate of over-crowding, more people per house than the entire nation

Commute, California has the longest commutes, from home to work in the nation.

Energy, California has the most expensive gas and electricity in the nation

California has the highest poverty rate in the nation
Don't forget the worst public education system in the nation.
"Hey, lets get the Governor of the worst run state in the Union to debate the Governor of the best run state, what could possibly go wrong?"
California is failing, to produce electricity, importing more electricity from other states, to include Mexico, than any other state in the nation.

California has an antiquated electrical grid that your "for profit" companies have failed to upgrade their infrastructure for generations. Wash rinse and repeat for Texas.

You electrical power problems have little to do with government policies, and much to do with corporate greed.
California has an antiquated electrical grid that your "for profit" companies have failed to upgrade their infrastructure for generations. Wash rinse and repeat for Texas.

You electrical power problems have little to do with government policies, and much to do with corporate greed.
antiquated? You mean it was designed to power industry and homes with 24/7 power from nuclear, coal, and fossil fuel plants.

That does not make the grid antiquated, it makes the grid robust.

And yes, the grid is not handling the inefficient wind and solar energy taxed onto it. Wind and Solar are so variable, intermittent, there is no grid in existence that was designed to operate with dirty intermittent power.

Yes, Pacific Gas and Electric are being sued, because the grid that transmits electricity remotely from Wind and Solar power, caused sparks over the 100's of miles it transverses.

It is best to have local sources of power like Nuclear, Coal, or Natural Gas, so that fires do not start from transmitting electricity from far away lands.
20th in Education. #6 in Heathcare And for the richest state in the union #50 in opportunity.

Californians think they have a reading problem, Dragonlady must also be from California, I would guess.

Nearly half of California students can’t read at grade level. Here’s what we must do about it​


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